when do people start to notice???



  • Tracy184
    Tracy184 Posts: 74
    Some people think it's rude, as though noticing you've lost weight means they thought you were fat before or something. I turned down a snack at the office because of the calories, and my co-worker said he could tell I'd lost weight but he didn't say anything because he thought it might be offensive. And I'd only lost 7 lbs or so. So people definitely notice! I think it's easier for people who haven't seen you in a while. They can say "hey, you look great!", but people who see you every day are worried about what's socially acceptable to say, so they just keep quiet.
  • tiffanybowers
    tiffanybowers Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks guys! I'm certainly doing this for me but its always nice when you know that others can tell a difference too. I agree with people may be cautious to mention it as it would be like asking someone when their baby is due and being wrong.

    Someone once posted this analogy and I keep telling it to myself so I don't get discouraged...

    "Losing weight is like unravelling a toilet paper roll. If you start off full and fluffy, then taking off a few sheets isn't going to diminish the roll much. Once you get closer to the middle of the roll, taking off 5-6 sheets will show up a bit more. Then when you get close to the cardboard tube, every sheet seems to make a noticeable difference.

    You're losing weight all over your body and likely in places where you didn't even realize fat was being stored (internal organs, wrists, neck, ankles, fingers) so you're going to lose a little bit here and there until the only fat stores left are the ones you really want to get at. When you get to that point you will change so fast it'll blow your mind.

    It'll take a while, especially if you're one of those double or triple rolls... but it'll happen if you're patient and stick it out."
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    I've lost 25 pounds and no one has said anything to me. Except my 7 year old, who has noticed my belly isn't jiggly anymore.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I found that people who saw me ALL the time didn't really notice my weight loss until I'd lost A LOT of weight. However, people who didn't see me as often noticed around 20lbs lost.

    There are also people who don't see me very often and haven't said a single word about it. I think sometimes people are nervous to say anything about weight loss as a rule. And I think some people are jealous and won't say anything because that is admitting you look fabulous! :)

    Congrats on the weight loss! :)
  • shonasteele
    shonasteele Posts: 473
    I know, right?!?! I'm down 15 pounds and no one has commented - well no one that doesn't live with me and hear me obsessing about food and calories all day long! My father in law actually asked if my husband had lost weight a couple weeks ago. Yeah, 4 pounds. But ya didn't notice my 13 (at that time)??? I've vowed to hug the first person who mentions it without being prodded (I just really hope it's not my boss!). I've decided I'm going fishing tonight - for compliments! I'm gonna wear something snug and sexy to work and see if anyone says anything.

    Sorry, bit of a rant there... Congrats on your loss! I'll bet that YOU feel the difference and are more confident, but I TOTALLY get that you want some outside validation. Totally. :O)
  • tiffanybowers
    tiffanybowers Posts: 13 Member
    WOW! You look amazing!! I love bearing witness to the transformations on this site. :-) Congratulations!
    I found that people who saw me ALL the time didn't really notice my weight loss until I'd lost A LOT of weight. However, people who didn't see me as often noticed around 20lbs lost.

    There are also people who don't see me very often and haven't said a single word about it. I think sometimes people are nervous to say anything about weight loss as a rule. And I think some people are jealous and won't say anything because that is admitting you look fabulous! :)

    Congrats on the weight loss! :)
  • tiffanybowers
    tiffanybowers Posts: 13 Member
    SO TRUE!!!! Its absolutely no fun if it comes from someone that knows how much you have been obsessing over it. I guess in due time I will reap my benefits! Keep up the good work. :)
    I know, right?!?! I'm down 15 pounds and no one has commented - well no one that doesn't live with me and hear me obsessing about food and calories all day long! My father in law actually asked if my husband had lost weight a couple weeks ago. Yeah, 4 pounds. But ya didn't notice my 13 (at that time)??? I've vowed to hug the first person who mentions it without being prodded (I just really hope it's not my boss!). I've decided I'm going fishing tonight - for compliments! I'm gonna wear something snug and sexy to work and see if anyone says anything.

    Sorry, bit of a rant there... Congrats on your loss! I'll bet that YOU feel the difference and are more confident, but I TOTALLY get that you want some outside validation. Totally. :O)
  • shonasteele
    shonasteele Posts: 473
    It'll take a while, especially if you're one of those double or triple rolls... but it'll happen if you're patient and stick it out."

    LOVE this analogy! I'm a double roll so I guess I'll TRY to be patient...
  • I've had people I've seen regularly *not* notice, and people I've seen twice a year notice.

    I think, for my friends, I might have to print up a "before" picture and bring it with me to show them.
  • I think people normally don't say anything unless they are trying to help encourage you, the ones that don't say anything either want you to stay where you are or they can be jealous. Other can be envious of your energy level to even try to lose weight. Keep positive and know that even if no one notices you, you can certainly feel a difference!!! KEEP Going!!!
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    For me, it was around 30 pounds...but that was when I bought a pair of jeans that actually fit. :laugh: Before that, I was just making do with the pants I had, and they were getting pretty baggy.

    I agree with the posters who say that a lot of people notice, but don't say anything to you.....either because they don't want to offend you or they are jealous of your success, and wish they could be that successful themselves.

    You are doing great! Keep it up! Remember you are doing this for YOU.
  • Moriarty_697
    Moriarty_697 Posts: 226 Member
    I'm down over 30 pounds from where I started. At work, it's been more gradual. I guess that's partly because I see them every day so it may be sneaking up on them. Last weekend, I took a trip to my old hometown and the reaction was much different. A number of my friends there expressed shock at the difference from the last time I was there. I guess it was the single chin that tipped them off.
  • ashley26704
    ashley26704 Posts: 72 Member
    I've lost 15 pounds so far, only about 2 people have told me they think i've lost weight them two people being my best friend & a family member,
    Whenever people lose weight, other people notice they just don't want to say anything. :flowerforyou:
  • spackham
    spackham Posts: 252 Member
    A few comments at 20 pounds even though I looked 100 times better. But I don't blame them and would say, "OMGosh, I lost 20 pounds and I am still FAT!!!" People started to speak up at 30 pounds. I felt your same discouragement at 20 pounds and a friend said it takes 30 and she was right! By the time you hit 40, most everyone will have made a comment by then. Now that it is over 40 pounds, the comments dwindle because most have recently said something already. I am expecting the "you're too skinny" and the "are you being healthy about this" comments when I hit 60 pounds lost. 60.1 pounds breaks me into the "healthy" category so, no, I won't be too skinny but I think people are gonna start saying that to me. For now, I have lost almost 45 pounds and I am still overweight. One day I will say, "I have lost 70 pounds and this is a good weight for me. Thanks for noticing I reached my goal weight."
  • spackham
    spackham Posts: 252 Member
    A few comments at 20 pounds even though I looked 100 times better. But I don't blame them and would say, "OMGosh, I lost 20 pounds and I am still FAT!!!" People started to speak up at 30 pounds. I felt your same discouragement at 20 pounds and a friend said it takes 30 and she was right! By the time you hit 40, most everyone will have made a comment by then. Now that it is over 40 pounds, the comments dwindle because most have recently said something already. I am expecting the "you're too skinny" and the "are you being healthy about this" comments when I hit 60 pounds lost. 60.1 pounds breaks me into the "healthy" category so, no, I won't be too skinny but I think people are gonna start saying that to me. For now, I have lost almost 45 pounds and I am still overweight. One day I will say, "I have lost 70 pounds and this is a good weight for me. Thanks for noticing I reached my goal weight."
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    I still don't think I look any different when I see myself :(
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