How do all you runners do it?!

Okay, so I'm doing couch to the 5k and I'm on week 5, workout 3 (20 mins non-stop). I just did half of workout 3 and couldn't finish. I want to know how all you runners do it!! I hate running, I'm trying to get myself to like it and C25k has help. I think I just get bored easily and I can't imagine running for 8 miles. I mean it could be because I was on the treadmill. Did you feel this way once you started running? Here are some of my questions, some may be dumb.

Do you drink water while your running?
What do you do to keep time from going faster? ( I get so bored, and there is only so much music I can listen to)
When did you start running further and farther in your running process?
How do you go from running 2 miles non-stop to 8 miles non-stop?
What do you eat before and after? & how much time before and after your run?
Do you weight train before or after?

Okay, I think that's it. LOL! Thank you!


  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I try to find my "all day" pace... meaning, a pace that I can run non stop at..

    Mine is SUPER slow right now, but running it I have been able to run non stop for 50 minutes.

    Its somewhere between a power walk and a Jog.

    Find that and don't worry about speed or distance. Just time.

    Edit** I also eat Carbs matched with protein before working out with proteins after working out, followed by dinner a little while later.

    ** I Lift weights 3 times a week, if I run and still want to lift weights I only lift my upper body, not my lower half.
    ** Something that helps me from getting side aches while running is to Exhale and land on your LEFT foot simultaneously. I read somewhere that an old wives tale suggests that when you exhale and land on your right foot it causes your liver to tense up which gives you the side aches. Ever since I started exhaling and landing on my LEFT foot I haven't gotten one side stitche EVER,.
  • Angiebug1969
    Angiebug1969 Posts: 152
    Bless your heart!

    Are you running on a treadmil or outside? I think if I had to train only on a treadmil, I would have given up years ago! The change in scenery, weather (cool, warm, breezy, drizzly, snowy!) all make for a much more enjoyable & exciting experience!

    If you're heading out for 20 minutes, you may not need to eat right before you go... but definitely grab some chocolate milk or other comparable snack afterwards to refuel.

    And don't forget, that if you have (let's say...) 2 miles to complete... if you get to the point where you feel like you can run another step, slow down your pace so you can catch your breath. Don't be afraid to take a little walk break!! Moving forward is moving forward!! Then over time, and practice, it WILL become easier... the mileage will improve and your endurance will improve. I PROMISE!! :bigsmile:
  • cpbarrett
    cpbarrett Posts: 33 Member
    Those are some good questions, I'd like to see the answers too!
  • mfreeby
    mfreeby Posts: 199 Member
    Well, water yes - I have read that it helps you to run longer to drink water. If you increase your distance once a week by a little bit then you just work up to longer distances. Personally, my body HATES running, I have no easy pace. It's all hard.

    Maybe try running outside, it's not as boring at all as the treadmill. I could not go back to the treadmill after running outside. Hope that helps!
  • mom2jacob
    mom2jacob Posts: 54
    sorry im no help but i wanted to say that im on week 5 day 3 tom and am super nervous. i had no clue as how i finished the 8mins of running yesterday so we will see tom. good luck!!
  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
    I do not like running at all! I love competing, but I hate running.
    I drink water before a run usually. For an official 5k I will stop and drink the water when it is offered though, but usually no more than a couple sips. I drink a 20oz about an hour before I go "run" and will stop drinking and eating half an hour before running. I hate the sloshy feeling.

    Books on tapes! They are a life saver for me! If I am listning to music I set certain rules for myself. When certain songs come on I push myself harder during the chorus or I trying running to the beat of certain songs. Just whatever I can do to keep myself from getting BORED!!!

    When I was able to run 1 mile without stopping I pushed myself to run 2 miles without stopping. Once I was able to do three miles I would add an extra mile every other week. I can only do 7.5 now, though. Haven't tried more because, lets face it, running for two hours sounds boring.

    I like to eat a banana before my runs. I heard somewhere that the potassium is good for you. I dunno, just something i like. After a run I really don't feel like eating, but I force my lunch down (i run during lunch at work, I call it my reccess!).
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    I LOVE to run....but I do it best outside. I do get bored on the treadmill. It's much easier to run, especially for distance, when you're outside. you just pick a trail and go for it. I also love music so running is my opportunity to get outside, listen to what I want, and just be by myself. I try to get some sort of snack in about an hr or so before I go. Any closer and I can taste it while I run.....not a good thing, and I'm one of those ppl that can't eat right after a workout.

    I guess it could be an acquired thing, but I've always loved to run, outdoors that is. It really is a different story on the treadmill. Give the outdoors a shot. Plus a lil Vitamin D never hurt anybody. :)
  • tiffanybowers
    tiffanybowers Posts: 13 Member
    I'm doing the C25K as well. I haven't never really been a "runner". In fact it wasn't until I was almost 30 that I even considered running. I trained with a friend about 3 years ago for about 3 months and ran a 5K and then just quit running. Yup, just like that! I lost a ton of weight during this time but have since gained it all back plus. While I was running back then, I found that once I got in my zone and had a steady rythmn with my breathing I could really run forever. We would never run more than 3 miles at a time and then one day he said we were going to change things up and when I finished we had run 6 miles!! Never would I have ever thought I would accomplish that! I have since read a lot about running because I want to be that person, lol! You never see fat runners! There must be something to it. I have read that you run longer and faster when you are hydrated. I do not really drink anything while I'm running. If I'm on the treadmill I will maybe take a sip every now and again. At this point I am back up to 12-14 minutes of non-stop running. I find it harder to continue when I stop. I feel like once that rythmn is interupted it is hard to get it going again. I hope to be back at a point where I can run that 5K without stopping. Right now I simply feel like I'm too heavy to last that long. (That may be just my excuse) Nonetheless, good luck!!
  • 2263
    2263 Posts: 2 Member
    You keep up the running you will be able to go faster with time::happy:
  • GemmieNoWobbles
    GemmieNoWobbles Posts: 398 Member
    A few years ago I did a half marathon (13. something miles) I trained really hard. I've never been a runner so I basically ran (jogged) for as long as I can, then walked, then ran and gradually over time you can just keep running.... so I can 13. something miles in 2 hours 10ish. I did it for a charity, the Scleroderma society, Uncle died of this but the charity really supported him. We started training while he was still alive and he knew we were doing it for him, sadly he didnt get to see us run (my sister and I).

    I listened to audio books, or podcasts or just music... I did outside runs and indoor runs on the treadmill.

    Hope this helps, its just perserverence really.... good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Who said that you have to go from 2miles non stop to 8 miles non stop??

    I just finished Week 5, and started Week6.

    5 min, non stop, 8 mins non stop - Doing those helped me break past my boundaries. I was always looking at my watch past 2-3 mins.
    I listen to music, and push out to the end of the song. Push it until the end of the next driveway, or 5 telephone poles away.
    When I did the 20 min non stop (Didn't think I could do it either)..

    I just slowed my pace down and just kept going. My 8 mins non stop I would be lucky to jog 1 mile. (6.6min/km)
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    It is definitely LESS boring if you are running outside vs. a treadmill! =) People/animal watching is great fun. Honestly, I am not always a huge fan of running... but I am absolutely in love with doing races!!! So I put up with running to collect medals, hahaha. I think if you have a goal to train for, you will be more apt to devote your time and energy to reaching that goal. Once you do your first race, you will probably be hooked! Here are my answers...

    1. Yes, I drink water while running, ESPECIALLY if longer distances. You need to replenish, or you will dehydrate. Also, for distances longer than 6 or 7 miles, I also bring energy gels or chews to eat.

    2. Run outside, or listen to music or podcasts. (Try Phedippidations - it's a running one! IDK if there are any new episodes, but I used to listen in college and still have all my favorite ones saved. Check iTunes!)

    3. I ran a 5K the fall of my senior year in college... got hooked on racing, did another 5K, and then in the spring of my senior year I did my first half marathon (2007). (Did my 5th yesterday!)

    4. Just working up your distances so you are going a little longer each time. There are LOTS of great training programs online if you do a google search for them!

    5. About 20 minutes before - toast or an english muffin with peanut butter. After - something else with protein, usually. Whatever sounds good, haha.

    6. I wouldn't weight train on the same day unless you are only doing a very short run. I would alternate running days and weight days. If you *were* doing it on the same day as a short run, do it after, so you are warmed up.

    Hope this is at least slightly helpful. =)
  • Joanne7472
    Joanne7472 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Dannibee

    Try interval training. Run fast for 1 minute, fast walk for 1 minute, do that for your 20 minutes, then the next work out, try running for 1 min 30 sec, you may have to drop your pace a little, then only fast walk for 30 secs, eventually you'll just carry on running through the 1 minute walk.

    Interval training is one of the best and fastest ways to build up your fitness and stamina.

    As for boredom, I agree the treadmill is boring, hence why the interval training is good, you could also add an incline to your walking minute.

    If you get a chance to run outside, use trees or lamposts as markers, so run as fast as you can to one, walk to the next etc.

    and you could try running with a friend, who will encourage you and if they are a little better at running than you, you will naturally push yourself further.

    Hope this helps

  • aunienue
    aunienue Posts: 416
    Slow intervals...find what you need to do to keep going and enjoy it.

    Drinking water depends on weather and distance. Drinking electrolyte replacement fluid depends on distance. I use energy gels after running 45 min on a long run.

    I started running farther and faster after I started training with a running group. I had run 25+ years on my own, 5km 3-4 times a week. I did a 10km clinic in the fall and am in a half-marathon clinic with the Running Room Store in Canada. My natural pace has increase my almost 1.5min/km

    Who says you have to run non-stop? The store that I train with using 10:1 run/walk intervals up to and including 10km clinics. The half marathon clinic that I am currently running with still uses 10:1 intervals but only for long slow weekend runs.

    I eat lightly before a run.

    sadly, I still don't weight train.

    Hope this helps,

  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Okay, so I'm doing couch to the 5k and I'm on week 5, workout 3 (20 mins non-stop). I just did half of workout 3 and couldn't finish. I want to know how all you runners do it!! I hate running, I'm trying to get myself to like it and C25k has help. I think I just get bored easily and I can't imagine running for 8 miles. I mean it could be because I was on the treadmill. Did you feel this way once you started running? Here are some of my questions, some may be dumb.

    Do you drink water while your running?
    What do you do to keep time from going faster? ( I get so bored, and there is only so much music I can listen to)
    When did you start running further and farther in your running process?
    How do you go from running 2 miles non-stop to 8 miles non-stop?
    What do you eat before and after? & how much time before and after your run?
    Do you weight train before or after?

    Okay, I think that's it. LOL! Thank you!

    If I'm running on my treadmill I usually do drink some water here or there simply because I have some place to put it, but if I'm running in an actual race I just get water at the water stops. Water is too bulky to run around with, I think.

    I find that running outdoors is much more enjoyable than running on a treadmill. Music obviously helps things, but if you must run inside, try watching a movie or something instead of just listening to music.

    Just FYI...a 5K is only 3.1 miles...not 8, so you're almost there!

    Eat protein before and after...bananas are good, as are protein shakes. If you eat before, I would suggest waiting an hour before you start running...just to give your body some time to digest, otherwise, you might have issues.

    I would also suggest weight training before. If you weight train afterward, chances are you're going to be tired already and you won't have as good of form and could easily hurt yourself.
  • shellbell1993
    shellbell1993 Posts: 315 Member
    Running is 80% mental once you go longer distance, I find! And running outdoors is for sure better (in my opinion LOL) Beautiful things to see and fresh air too! You want to make sure you are hydrated before your run. (If I am only running 3-4 miles) I do not bring water with me. Just drink once I am back.
    Running for me personally is an escape and time to think or just peace of mind!
    I trained for a marathon last year and during my training I listened to music, but during the actual run I went music free (it was weird but I just listened to the crowd of spectators cheering us all on and my thoughts of "Oh man what have I got myself into") LOL

    Keep up the running and maybe someday you will come to like it more and the benefits you will see from it!! For there was a time where when I started I barely could run for 5 mins at a time, with time and consistant running it will get better!!!!

    Good Luck :)
  • drasr
    drasr Posts: 181
    If you are not able to achieve one goal, don't be discouraged. The trick is to atleast meet the previous goal. And keep trying till you reach the current goal and then move onto the next. Every person is different and the progran is not perfect. That's what i would do.

    Yes i drink water esp when i am running on treadmill because one tends to sweat more while running on treadmill than outside as the air outside has a cooling effect.

    I don't get bored that easily so don't have that problem.

    5K is 3.1 miles. Are you sure you are calculating it right?? How can it be 8 miles.

    I usually eat cereal with milk and nuts an hour before my workout. Eat a sandwitch and drink milk half an hour after workout. But i am a guy.

    Weight train on alternate days.
  • Malloryrae1211
    Malloryrae1211 Posts: 60 Member
    I think you would find it wouldn't be as boring if you were outside running. I try to run outside as much as possible when the weather allows since I have to push my toddlers in their double jogger. I run an 8 mile loop so the scenery is always changing. I also have upbeat, fast paced music that I listen to the entire time I run. I can't always run the entire time and sometimes have to stop and readjust my kids. Even with walking part of it I still average a 9 minute mile.
    When I first started running 20 months ago I hadn't heard of Couch to 5k. I just started with a mile and every other week would add an additional mile onto it until I got where I am today. I also push myself by trying to beat my previous time every time I go out. I find that not thinking of it as running "8 miles" really helps me. When I'm outside I try to push myself so I tell myself, "okay just to the next 5 mailboxes." When I pass the 5th one I tell myself I can do 5 more and just keep setting little goals. This also helps pass the time. If I have to use my treadmill I'll tell myself, "at such and such a mile, I'll walk for 1 minute." Then when I reach my goal I just push on.
    I do drink water while running, if not, I feel too dehydrated.
    I usually eat an hour before going out to avoid feeling too full or cramping. I usually try to have a banana or granola bar before I go.
    Sometimes I do weight training after but for the most part split my workout up into running in the morning and Insanity in the afternoon.
  • Angila
    Angila Posts: 91 Member
    Well for me I started off slow and I went to the track at the highschool first just so I know how many miles I was running and so people wouldn't see me The first thing I worked on while running was my breathing. You have to control that because it can make you tired and run you down quick. I don't run with water because of my bladder being a little weak from having a baby 18yrs ago but that would be up to you to take water. The trick with that is try not to run with your mouth open because thats where you get thirsty. You should run around your town instead of a treadmill so you won't be bored. And for me I listen to Howard Stern on my IPhone on sirius radio he makes the run fun and it goes by quick. Now far as time I just do my best and I take my time. My friend Brittany and I have a saying when we run marathons (WE ARE COMPLETING NOT COMPETING)! :happy:
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I still consider myself a beginner runner, but I have a lot of friends who are avid runners and those are some things that I've learned from them.