

  • Does anyone know the websites for low calorie meals? I remember reading them on the food discussion thread but can't find them and not sure on how to search. I'll change it to maintenance - I didnt realize this was an option. It just seemed to be so easy at the beginning but this last month, nothings really changed, but…
  • @kcantrell I doubt that many people are saving up calories and saying I've earned myself free ice cream and cake slathered in oreos and deep fried with a dash syrup. Your comment was mean toward those trying to lose weight and do the best they can by trying to stay within their calorie range. Since I've been on the site,…
  • wow there are some really rude people here (and I'm specifically talking about two individuals) I, like the OP, would want to learn more about it and read about it and MFP has been helpful because there are a lot of people with varying ideas and with various evidence supporting their positions. But...if you resort to that…
  • I don't know if you watch sodium but I just got these little pizzas from trader joes only 320 calories with eggplant, zuchinni, very yummy. Or fish (like alaskan cod) and peas
  • you both look so happy and so good! the first pic is kinda funny with the puppy and the facial expressions haha but the second pic is so inspiring :heart: lookin' awesome
  • hmm i was kinda hoping it had globs of mayo haha some secret no calorie mayo :/ this sounds delicious though! will try it I love tuna sandwiches
  • I love Arnold type bread! I actually have their seedless rye bread only 80 calories per slice it's a bit thinner so it won't overdo the carbs and it has that high class New York fancy sandwich taste with some yummy toppings haha.
    in Bread Comment by caesarslaw April 2011
  • You may feel this way now...I was the same but I started slow w/ an oatmeal bowl, an egg, or a muffin (yeah..I said it a muffin!) haha. But when I stopped doing it, I realize I was even more hungry throughout the day and the days I didn't eat breakfast I went over my calories. It's up to you but for me, even though I kept…
  • So....I'm in the minority with this one, but I like my fake eggs in the morning/brunch. I haven't really watched sodium (already watching fats and carbs) but I like the taste of egg beaters and the texture (less rubbery than a real egg). I mix it w/ veggies and some milk and it's delicious. I also find it less messy and…
  • oh some of these are funny, some are heartbreaking, and some are making me happy :smile: I confess that I am insecure about my intelligence
  • over my calories today again I am typing this I am studying impleader and interpleader with a skinny vanilla latte in starbucks ...and eyeing some pastries :sad: but I think of days when I used to eat quadruple my calories so feel somewhat better
  • there's so many options out there ...flat ones, bowl ones, glass, plastic, etc. but at least we have some guidelines to go by when buying them
  • hmm second day that I find myself doing the same thing all my 1200 calories out the window from junk food and lots of coffee (finals time). I think I will have a cheese wedge and two tomatoes ...see if that carries me over this evening. I guess I would recommend not to eat just not to undo what you've worked so hard on…
  • There are some strong views here about starvation mode and eating all your calories. I think that if you are under 500 or eat about 700 calories a day, that is wrong and you should not do that just because it is not healthy. Plus, I bet those people would be hungry always, cranky, dizzy etc. I have 1200 calories and in the…
  • thanks for the advice everyone! I will do some more shopping around and maybe go to Target this weekend.
  • I also use the spritzer kind - I think Wishbone makes them - I use the vinaigrette and have used the rasberry one. They were both really good :D
  • I second the Trader Joe's individually wrapped (aka you do not overeat) dark chocolate 100 calorie bars soo yummy
  • Trader Joe's 100 Calorie Dark Chocolate bars -- individually wrapped so you don't cheat hehe but still a little bit sweet. Only downside there's 5 of them and pretty pricey but they satisfy the chocolate hunger
  • I'm not sure I understood what you are allergic to but...a good recipe for me is a slice of rye bread 80 cals with a wedge of light swiss spreadable cheese 35 cals and low fat ham or turkey about 60 calories per two slices and some form of veggie like cucumber or if not mustard. It's really filling surprisingly and you can…
  • So, I don't know if this will help but I've had the same issues in the beginning too where I would lose/gain etc. First, you need to make sure your scale is accurate - I've been looking at some reviews online and people also complain some scales vary greatly. Weigh yourself once a week, scale in the same location, wearing…
  • anything but studying ...and then having a biglaw job that can cover law school debt .... :cry:
  • oh my one and only true love ...french fries :cry: steak fries, shoestring, tater tots, garlic and cheese fries - I could eat them for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks haha
  • haha omg me and you both! i have around 100 calories left and I had a laughing cow tomato mozzarella light wedge yumm but now I want to maybe have a salad and snackies haha we ALWAYS hear never to eat before bed i've tried avoiding that. Did we find a legitimate source that actually gives advice on eating late night?
  • i loooove salt - i love it on corn on salads on sandwiches and on veggies I'm a very big lovah of salt haha. For me, I've tried to watch my carbs and my fat intake more than sodium - I feel like all those carbs and all those oils are more difficult to shed and make the difference in the long run. I also remember reading on…
  • I noticed that there are different foods with a few differences between them in the database. So what I do is I look everything up individually, if possible I then look at the actual packaging to get an idea about how much it is per serving, and search for something similar - erring on the side of caution by overestimating…
  • whoa whoa I can't even pronounce half of these haha do we have to have vitamins/supplements? I am only doing the calorie counting and do not exercise at all.Do the help with weighloss or are they strictly for work outs?
  • thanks for the replies! any recommendations for a good whole wheat bread? I shop at Safeway and Trader Joes and CVS (I know great options). Just b/c it's confusing w/ the whole wheat, whole grain, multi grain, etc., so would love some recs for tasty and healthy wheat ones. Surprisingly, when I eat at subway I get their…
  • ahhh sugars...didn't look at that. I'll try to find a tastier whole wheat bread. Yeah, I read about looking at ingredients to check that it's authentic haha.
  • @CalPolyBronco I wasn't sure what the detrimental effects of the sodium were I'll start watching that more I know my dad is obsessed with it. @azuleean To be fair, my first post didn't say everything really - it's not like I gorge myself with pizza and burgers everyday. I don't drink anything but water and coffee - I hate…
  • Oh the veggie lasagna sounds good and I could reheat stuff at my school (we have microwaves). Thanks! We'll be picking classes soon so I am hoping to have a better schedule right now I have 8ams to 12:30 and then again at 3:50 with half hour seminars in between so the whole day is scattered