MsDellyssa Member


  • I say its the best burn one can have.
  • I totally agree. I've been married to the love of my life for 27 yrs this month. My weight gain is my fault, not taking care of myself like I should with my medications ect. My husband is a BIG supporter in all I tried to do. He actually got me to do this. He'd been on here longer than I have, and wanted me to do this with…
  • I tore my meniscus in my knee last year. Could hardly walk on it at all. Had surgery last Feb. Did some PT, but couldn't afford to finish it. Tried to "walk it off" but I worried that I would ruin all the hard work my doctor put into my knee. I knew I had to find something to make my knee stronger without all the stress…
  • You are Amazing. My husband has been on the ecig completely since 2010. He's down to 6mg. I told him about your post. You are an inspiration. Thank you.
  • I quit smoking 9 yrs ago this month. Was I crabby? OH YES!! Did I gain weight? I don't think I did gain as much weight as I did the last time I quit (which only lasted 2 yrs that time) I think I actually lost weight right after I quit smoking. I was walking about 3 miles a day with my mother in law at the park. But the…
  • I feel like such a slacker. Reading all the posts about "how long can you run" or if you can't run "how far can you walk" and I think I saw something about a 5K (I don't remember exactly) I don't run, never liked it, makes my boobs hurt, and yes I have a very good sports bra but it still doesn't stop the bounce pain (it's…
  • I added the Launchpad: Low-Impact Workouts for Obesity and Limited Mobility to today's workout.
  • Week # 1 – September 1st -- Goal 180 minutes: Mon: 15 mins rowing Tue: Wed: Thur: Fri: Sat: Sun: Total / min left: 165 / 180
  • It's been 2 weeks and 2 days since I bought alcohol. I drank some the night I bought it, and haven't drank any since. I keep forgetting it's there. There are times I go months before I think, Hey, wine, and then I never get around to it.
  • I'm 47 and hypothyroid. I'm also not hungry. I've been working on eating. Some days are better than others, some not so much. As I write this I've had 928 calories all day (since midnight last night when I find myself able to get more into me). I know I need to eat more and spread the food out more throughout the day.…
  • I like: 1. My love of Furbabies. I want to mother them all. 2. My sarcastic humour. 3. My ability to find just about anything I need to online when someone needs help.
  • You're here, so that means no more hopelessness, right? We're here for you.
  • I just figured out the message boards myself. Feel free to add me.
  • I too have a fitbit. Got the Enell sports bra (best thing I ever did btw) I get new shoes once ever couple of yrs this last one about 3 months ago. Every 20 lbs I decided I was going to get the pandora/troll beads and put them on a key chain that I can clip to my laptop while I'm doing my exercise videos from liveexercise…
  • Good for you.. Glad you're here! I understand about not making yourself a priority. I hope this works well for you. Add me if you like.
  • I love this idea. I can't wear the bracelet (for some reason having something bumpy on my wrist drives me nuts no clue why) BUT I did find on Amazon they had the Pandora/Troll Bead Keychain. I think this is Brilliant. I can clip it to me with a pretty broach, or I could just clip it on my laptop when I'm doing my fitness…
  • Snow Peas or Sugar Snap peas, steamed. Or my all time favorite, raw with veggie dip.
  • I am a 42I so first, I feel your pain. Second, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Enell Bras. Best bra I ever bought. (and I am a hard core won't give up my underwire bras for nobody type) I am picky about bras and you know very well that bras for us cost an arm and 4 legs (first born child anyone?) I went looking around to see if I could…
  • I'm a different form of picky eater. I don't like spicy anything. Some would say I love a bland diet. That's not entirely true. I do like some things like veggie dip, which is awesome and goes well with raw veggies that I love snacking on (snow peas is my go to, I think I like them best because they're crunchy) I didn't…
  • Her advice is spot on! I'm not skinny mini either. I have low self esteem at times, but I know my husband loves me. I never once thought that sex was something I shouldn't do because I'm fat. I see it as a intimate moment with someone I love very much who loves me very much AND Bonus!!! WE get to burn some calories. Hope…
  • I want to lose 199 lbs, goal weight is 170, but I'm taking it 20 lbs at a time. Not rushing. I'm more focused on getting stronger and active, the weight loss is the icing on my cake so to speak.
  • 47 for another week CW: 369 SW: 383 GW: 363 this round. Many rounds to go. I'm pacing myself lol
  • I find myself doing this too. Glad to see I'm not alone.
  • Prepackaged processed foods being the key words here. when I'm buying food at the grocery store I look for things with very very few Laboratory Chemical Words. Occasionally I go gluten free, because my body feels bloated when I eat foods with gluten in it. My mother is gluten sensitive, more so than I am, and can not…
  • Something I found odd.. when I weighed 140 I was a 10/12... but... after I had my youngest son, I dropped all but the last 20 lbs and had to gain 15 back because I got so sick from losing weight too fast. (42 lbs in 6 weeks, not my fault I blame the faulty thyroid that was working on going out). Anyway, after I got my…
  • When I was your size, I was your size.. Does that sound right? Ha ha.. But seriously, when I weighed in the lower 200's I wore a 16, 180's a 14, and 170's a 12. I'm 5'6". I have no clue if I'm big boned, medium boned, or what. but I do know that is what it was when I was down there. (looking forward to seeing it again…
  • Yeah I love that.. Eat less and Exercise more.. Yup doing that.. Yes I am losing weight. BUT.... I have to actually eat more in my case. I have my daily calorie goal at... drum roll please.... 1500.. yes that's right.. 1500.... why because if I try to do more that that,(my supposed deficit limit is like 1800+ something…
  • This frustrates me too. I am hypothyroid and the only thing my family wants to know is "Have you lost any weight?" My medication isn't there as weight loss medication. Anytime I show them the workout video I'm using to exercise with, they will change the subject to whatever they are more interested in. On the other side of…
  • The voices in our heads are sometimes the most vile of them all.
  • I drove a truck for many years.. Healthy snacking is difficult to find out on the road. Love's Truck stops try their best to offer some healthy choices with their fresh fruit and veggie cups. Pilot and Flying J try to pitch in and do the same, but Love's has the best when it comes to the cups. A lot of the truck stops have…