Women's sizes and weight



  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    What everyone else has said is very true, everyone is different in terms of fat distribution and sizes vary by brand. I'm 5'1" with an even fat distribution (it goes everywhere) and hourglass shape. Here are my general pants sizes (meaning the size I would be in the majority of my clothing and what I tried on that fit). I tend to shop at Kohl's and TJ Maxx.

    175-185+ lbs: size 12
    150-180: size 10
    135-155: size 8
    135: size 6 (I've also fit into 4 in certain brands, up to 8 in others)

    I've noticed the smaller I get, the greater the sizes vary between brands. I've been a 10 the majority of my adulthood, and when I grabbed a 10 it would usually fit, no matter the brand. It might vary in tightness a little bit, but all the 10's would fit. Now I find random brands I fit into a 4 and others I'm still an 8.
  • Su_ziq
    Su_ziq Posts: 21 Member
    Go to mybodygallery .com. It has a database of pictures from other women at different heights and weights and you just input yours and you can see how different body composition is for everyone.

    So basically, there is no way to answer your question as truly everyone is different but this site is still neat to look at none the less.

    Thanks - I like this
  • Su_ziq
    Su_ziq Posts: 21 Member
    Size 10 here /// 154lbs , 5ft 6 --- my body is still changing alot since having a baby 9 months ago -- pre-preggo I was 2 lbs less and a size 8 --- so I am thinking it must be wider hips are giving me the extra dress size up now. I am still trying to figure out what brands work for my new body shape
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    5'2, 121 pounds, size 2 jeans!

    And I'm 5'6", 124 lbs, size 2.

    Body shape, muscle mass, etc. all have a more do with sizing than weight does.
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I expected a lot of natural variability in body weights and types, and weight distribution, but this thread is really making it clear how utterly (maliciously?) random fashion-sizing is. (Can't help but think of the starving-to-illness secretary in "The Devil Wears Prada".)
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    Women's clothing retailers, and their manufacturers are all over the place.

    At 5'11 and 175 pounds I have pants that range from a size 6 to 10, dresses in 8s and 10s, and tops from smalls to larges that all fit me exactly the same.

    Shop for proper fit, forget about the tag.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    Which half?

    I'm a Small to medium up top with a large to extra large on the bottom.

    I wear size 6 tops and size 12 jeans. THE ULTIMATE PEAR!!! (I have come to love and accept this about myself. I used to think you had to be a perfect hourglass to be beautiful.) I got these clothes when I weighed 168 pounds.

    (I haven't gone shopping since I lost 10 pounds. The clothes are looser, so I might be a size 10 on the bottom now. I don't know!)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    It all varies. Height and type of body also play factors in sizing. I'm at 207 and I just got into a size 18.

    This. I know roughly what weight relates to what size for me (although like everyone says it varies by brand), but that would be meaningless to you, since I'm only 5'3 and everyone is built differently. When I was around 120 before I was also a smaller size on the bottom than on the top. If weight training leads to a better butt, maybe that won't be the case this time! Also, I already know that I'm in sizes now (at about 150) that I was in before when I was close to 140. It's not size creep, since they are the same clothes.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    It's going to depend on your body composition and where you shop.
  • jbrownnolan
    jbrownnolan Posts: 72 Member
    I consider it unpredictable. I'm five three, 129 lbs, and wear a size 10 in most things and an 8 in some. I always seem to wear bigger sizes than other people at my weight, despite being only 26% body fat at this point. People tell me they're five three and 120 lbs and wear a size two? lol.... no clue. none at all.

    This, I'm 5'3" and 124 lbs, I'm generally a size 7, I've never been able to squeeze into a size 5-6 or below, I have no idea either how people 4 lbs lighter are fitting into a size 0 - 2??? But then again I guess we are all built differently.

    I lie, I fit into a size 5 dress ONCE, and that was only because it was stretchy and I was wearing spanks, I bought it simply because it was the smallest size I've ever fit in to LOL
  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member
    "It's marked as an 18, but it's really more like a 20 than a 16." Sizes mean nothing!

    this is absolutely true. i really wish sizing was more consistent... i have 16's that fit, 18's that fall off me, 20's that are snug, and 22's that are just perfect. and some of those are within the same designer!

    some designers will post their sizing charts on their website that are based on measurements, but even that can be off depending on how you're built.

    i honestly just wish someone would realize that not all size 20 girls are TALL!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    All so different! Measurements are really the key factor. My sizes are all over. 5'4" and 146 pounds. I wear a size 4 in an A line dress, size 6-8 in a fitted dress (with top taken into a size 4), and about a size 29 jean.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I consider it unpredictable. I'm five three, 129 lbs, and wear a size 10 in most things and an 8 in some. I always seem to wear bigger sizes than other people at my weight, despite being only 26% body fat at this point. People tell me they're five three and 120 lbs and wear a size two? lol.... no clue. none at all.

    This, I'm 5'3" and 124 lbs, I'm generally a size 7, I've never been able to squeeze into a size 5-6 or below, I have no idea either how people 4 lbs lighter are fitting into a size 0 - 2??? But then again I guess we are all built differently.

    I lie, I fit into a size 5 dress ONCE, and that was only because it was stretchy and I was wearing spanks, I bought it simply because it was the smallest size I've ever fit in to LOL

    I'm not familiar with these sizes. US?
  • MsDellyssa
    MsDellyssa Posts: 66 Member
    I'm 5'5" with longer legs, and shorter torso, larger in hips than bust.

    When I weigh 200, I'm a size 18.

    At 180, I wear a size 16.

    When I weigh 160, I wear a size 14.

    Ancient history:

    At 140 I wore a 12

    At 120 - 130 I wore a 10

    Something I found odd.. when I weighed 140 I was a 10/12... but... after I had my youngest son, I dropped all but the last 20 lbs and had to gain 15 back because I got so sick from losing weight too fast. (42 lbs in 6 weeks, not my fault I blame the faulty thyroid that was working on going out). Anyway, after I got my weight to where I didn't feel like I was going to be sick 24/7, I weighed in at 170 lbs and was wearing the same size clothes... 10/12. I put that off to my post birth boobs. Other that that I don't know why I could wear the same size at a 30 lbs difference.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    I am 5'4" 162. I can fit into most 7/8 pants, sometimes a 5/6. I can wear shirts in size S - M. In old navy's universe I am a 4 pants and XS top/dress (lol their sizes are not based in reality)

    When I was 176 I was a 9/10. When I was 195-200 I was a 13/14.

    It really depends on the store and how much stretch the clothes have. I also have a very small butt and hips in relation to the rest of me, and that's always been the case.
    PSMTD Posts: 106 Member
    I'm 5'6" and about 152. I can wear between size 8/10 in jeans and a M/L in shirts. When I was 140 I was about a size 7/9 and when I was 190 I was a 1x.
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    It totally depends on your body composition (aka body fat %), cut (slim fit, relaxed fit, etc) and the manufacturer.

    I am 5'5". When I first started, I weighed 185 and was wearing VERY tight 14s, and one pair of 16s. I dropped down to 154 in 2009 and was in size 10 in just about everything (some were loose and some were a little snug, depending on the cut). Maintained within 4-5 pounds for over two years....but then I developed hypothyroidism in 2011, and ballooned up to 202 in less than a year (but kept lifting and working out) and was back in my 14s (the same exact ones from when I was 185 at the start) - they were a bit tight, but still fit. I was back into my 10s when I got back down to 175 last summer (the same exact 10s I wore in 2009). I'm now hovering between 161-163 and all my 10s are falling off me...but I'm wearing them with a belt for now, because I don't want to spring for new pants until there are some good sales :)

    How was I wearing 14s at both 185 and 202? How was I wearing 10s at both 154 and 175? Body fat. when I was 185 in 2005, I was 40% BF (measured in a BodPod). When I was 175 in 2013, I was 24% BF (again measured in a BodPod). I wish I had BodPod measurements from when I was 154 in 09 and 202 in 2012, but oh well :)

    ETA - I carry most of my weight in my hips, butt and thighs...always have, always will. I will never be able to wear "skinny jeans". LOL
  • jbrownnolan
    jbrownnolan Posts: 72 Member
    I consider it unpredictable. I'm five three, 129 lbs, and wear a size 10 in most things and an 8 in some. I always seem to wear bigger sizes than other people at my weight, despite being only 26% body fat at this point. People tell me they're five three and 120 lbs and wear a size two? lol.... no clue. none at all.

    This, I'm 5'3" and 124 lbs, I'm generally a size 7, I've never been able to squeeze into a size 5-6 or below, I have no idea either how people 4 lbs lighter are fitting into a size 0 - 2??? But then again I guess we are all built differently.

    I lie, I fit into a size 5 dress ONCE, and that was only because it was stretchy and I was wearing spanks, I bought it simply because it was the smallest size I've ever fit in to LOL

    I'm not familiar with these sizes. US?

    US or Canada, I live in a boarder town, so just depends on where I'm shopping that weekend.
  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    Hello buddy!

    I have thins thing with sizes: I think people look much better in a size with a loose fit than in a size that barely fits and makes those weird curves and tucks.
    Back to your question, I'm 5 ,5 and my current weight is 215.5 and I can fit my old pants size 14( dress pants, as I don't own jeans), 35 lb ago I was in a size 18 for dress pants.
    For shirts I was XL and now I am in a loose L.
    I noticed my bras fitting much better but haven't got any new ones yet.
    My bathing suit in May was 16 and my new one is a little tight 12.
    I don't have a goal size but once I drop under 200, hopefully by the beginning of November, I'm going clothes shopping!
  • lillilanda
    lillilanda Posts: 27 Member
    The general rule of thumb is for plus sizes, 15-20 pounds is one size. For very small/petite sizes, 5-10 pounds is one size different.