I've also looked in to being a CPT. Done right it can be a pretty successful career. What do you plan on doing with it?
Springfield, Mo
Just don't doubt yourself. :) Good luck!
I decided to do the same thing this time last year. Hope it you reach your goals! Good luck!
Go get a good protein/meal replacement shake. There are some brands that offer great tasting ones, and are low in carbs, sugars, and fats.
You can find a good protein/meal replacement shake that's low in carbs and sugar. 1st Phorm, and Isagenix make a pretty good product. I would either use something like that, along with the chicken, and other lean meat like Jim said. Reason being that your body needs protein to make sure you're not going to lose lean…
I've been in the same boat as your for the past couple weeks. Tons of stress, and everything else. It's been super hard to stay on track, with so much good food available! If I were you I'd find something that's healthy and will taste good so you're not starving. May help you end up not caving in. Good luck, and I hope…
Having to sit down and lift my leg up to tie my shoes.
I work weekends, so I'm home with my kids throughout the week. I definitely know how hard it is to find time to prepare a meal (baked chicken usually) while they're up and running around. I would suggest going and buying a meal replacement shake. They're quick, and really come in handy. They definitely help with motivation…
Chicken and beef jerky.
You'll definitely burn more fat with HIIT training. Sprints are great. When I do cardio I start off with a slow jog (5.0-6.0) for 1 minute then bump it up to 8.0-9.0 for 30-45 seconds. After that I take it back down to 3.0 and walk for 1 1/2 minutes. After that i bump it back up to 8.0-9.0 and run for 45-60 seconds. I…
Imcorporste interval training when you run. Also lower carb and higher protein diet will do the trick.
I eat a piece of toast in the mornings with my breakfast. I'd suggest eat your bread earlier on in the day rather than later on.
Drink plenty of water. That'll help too.
Chips. It's way to easy to keep eating, and not realize how much you ate until the bag is halfway gone!
Go buy a good quality meal replacement shake. 1st Phorm markets pretty good ones.
Try drinking water while you're preparing the food for your family. It doesn't make you feel full for very long, but it works for me until I get over the cravings. I'm just like you though. I do great throughout the day, and then come time to relax for the evening the cravings kick in BAD. GOOD LUCK :)
Fitness and eating right have completely become my new hobby also. Not everyone loves hearing about it though lol. On a side note I actually just started re reading the Harry Potter series! Good luck and stay positive!
Find recipes that are healthy, but also taste good. If you eat what people tell you and don't really like it then it's more likely that you'll become discouraged. Good luck!
Positivity is the best way to reach your goals. Good luck!
Missouri. Most exciting place in the U.S. Kind of, but not really.
I'm 23, know exactly what you mean. Staying motivated is the toughest part. Just stick with it, and I'm sure you'll do great!