bridgetzc Member


  • I am Pediatric RN and I am 27. Add me if you want. I am looking for friends for motivation.
  • Sweet potatoes have twice as much as a banana.
  • I am 27 and looking to lose 72 lbs. I just had my second baby. After my first I lost 51 lbs but gained it back when I got pregnant again. You can add me as a friend if would like. I have found having friends on here helps with motivation.
  • We buy frozen fruit at Costco. It cuts down on food waste because it takes longer to go bad. I use it in smoothies. I also buy greens in bulk for smoothies and I freeze them for smoothies. I like this recipe:
  • Bump. Wondering the same thing.
  • Are you pumping? When I primarily pumped with my first I had a severe supply drop. I had to nurse her more to increase production. My milk also dipped when I got pregnant. Have you tried extra pumping sessions to increase production? Have you tried milk tea?
  • CW: 176 Mini GW: 16
  • Age: 26 Height: 5'5 CW: 176 GW: 125
  • I have read that you need to stay within 1500-1800 calories per day in order to maintain your milk supply (this is according to Kellymom). Breast feeding can burn 200-500 calories per day. Breast feeding women can safely lose one pound a week without jeopardizing milk supply. I add 300 calories per day for breast feeding…
  • I see that you included Diabetic Foot Care in the heading of your post. If you are a diabetic you really need to take care of your feet (as you probably know). It wouldn't hurt to see a podiatrist so that they can help you with shoe selection and your problem with blisters. They can also help prevent any problems with your…
  • Add iron to one of the nutrients that is tracked daily. This will help you track your iron consumption. You have to be cautious about using iron supplements because they can cause constipation. Using cast iron skillets and cookware can add to your iron intake. Your body more readily absorbs iron from animal sources than…
  • Vitamin C is water soluble. It is much easier for your body to clear out an abundance of water soluble vitamins over fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K). If you are obtaining the vitamin C from all food sources you will not have issues with vitamin toxicity. If you are taking supplements your body does not process the…
  • I see that you are a breast feeding mother. I am breast feeding and I find that some days I am more hungry than others. Kellymom recommends to eat when you are hungry when breast feeding. I also noticed that you are not getting a lot of fruit or veggies. What to Expect the First Year recommends 8 servings of fruits and…