how long until you're used to less calories?



  • bridgetzc
    bridgetzc Posts: 15 Member
    I see that you are a breast feeding mother. I am breast feeding and I find that some days I am more hungry than others. Kellymom recommends to eat when you are hungry when breast feeding. I also noticed that you are not getting a lot of fruit or veggies. What to Expect the First Year recommends 8 servings of fruits and veggies when breast feeding. The fruits and veggies will help fill you up but do not have a lot of calories. I would also recommend adding calcium to the nutrients that are being monitored. Your baby will end up getting all the nutrients that they need but you will end up with the deficit.
  • wmario19
    wmario19 Posts: 1 Member
    Wolfena wrote: »
    In my case? Never.

    I don't care how much low calorie, high fiber, high protein, bigger quantity with healthier nutrition yada yada yada - I ALWAYS want to eat more, and the unhealthy stuff.

    I just can't or don't let myself do it (most of the time) I always feel like I am hungry and can easily eat more - it's been almost 5 years since I started this healthier eating change and I'm still not used to it.

    I'm right there with you! It's all about the mental game in my opinion. I could eat the healthiest foods all day and still feel hungry.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Necro thread
  • pinggolfer96
    pinggolfer96 Posts: 2,248 Member
    The deeper I get into a diet and lower bf, the harder it gets. Everyone’s different
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It's hard to tell as you're not filling up your diary consistently, not weighing your food, so you might be eating more or less than you think.

    Couple thoughts - do you exercise, do you eat back exercise calories? That plays a HUGE part. I lost weight eating 1700 and I was 5 inches smaller than you, and 8 years older.

    Personally, if I have too much of cereal or bread in my day, I'm starving too. Cereal, special K bars and bread (even whole wheat) in one day is a recipe for disaster for me. Totally empty calories for me as they don't fill me up. I avoid bananas for that reason too.

    I'd switch things up. Eat more fat.

    Also, 25 lbs loss in 3 months is not realistic at all and you're setting yourself up for failure if you're starving yourself to get there. Adjust your goal, eat more, move more.

    I wasn't hungry when I started because I went from a diet of low quantity, high calorie foods, to lots of lean protein and veggies.
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    edited May 2018
    What are you eating? Fat is satiating and if you are eating a low calorie and a low fat diet, that could be the reason. You don't have to go super high fat either, but adding even 1tsp of fat to your meals can make a huge difference. Do that 3 times a day and it's only 120 calories or so, but you'll probably find yourself less hungry. I also recommend trying to always eat fat with carbs. So, if you have an apple, maybe add 1T or so of nut butter, or if you are sauteeting up some veggies, use a bit of real oil. Small changes, with little caloric impact, can make a huge difference.
  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    took me about a week, but eating more volume and less calorie dense food
  • stephaniecharboneau
    stephaniecharboneau Posts: 1 Member
    I’m a snacker and get hungry often! I choose to keep my meals lighter so that I can snack on popcorn, hummus, fruit, yogurt etc... during the day and still stay within my calorie range (1400 net) good luck x
  • EatLikeAHuman
    EatLikeAHuman Posts: 30 Member
    It's taken me about a month to get into the swing of things. CI<CO forced me to think harder about what exactly I choose to eat. I fear no foods and don't think of any as "bad" or "sinful". I just keep a sharp eye on my calorie count, and a looser eye on my macros, making sure not to go too crazy on any one thing.

    I was lucky in that I actually do love all food, especially the healthy stuff, it was just that I had started thinking of food in terms of an annoyance I had to get over with to do the more important things I had to do. The thing about convenient food is it's usually not very balanced, and it's very easy to eat too much.

    I had to change my attitude towards eating. I had to make it a priority to fuel my body, not an afterthought. I now plan healthier meals - roasted veggies, slow cooker chili, etc. And the funny thing is, they don't really take that much more effort than the "convenient" food like Knorr Sidekicks and frozen pizzas I used to eat. They just seem easier.

    I am lucky enough to work from home. That makes meal planning much, much easier. (Why do offices love bringing in cakes and donuts?!)