how long until you're used to less calories?



  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    It varies for individuals, but most people have to eat 'differently' to adjust without feeling hungry. I had to stop any snacks that contained only 'one' food element. I can't have JUST popcorn, or JUST an apple. For me, each meal and snack has to contain a healthy fat, carb, and most importantly, a protein. I had to increase the amount of veggies and watch the GI index of what I was eating and had to make most (if not all) of my calories food (instead of beverages). I also try to eat more often and not let myself get too hungry. I also had to add some vitamin and mineral supplements.

    Last but not least, I have to get some form exercise EVERY day. This not only allows me to eat more, but exercise really curbs my appetite. Hate to have to tell you this, but I have been eating like this for about a year, and I am STILL not completely used to eating less.

    As to your question about lowering your calories as you lose weight, MFP does so automatically (after every ten pounds, I think)or you can do it manually yourself. This is your reward for losing weight!!!
  • cjwolfjen
    cjwolfjen Posts: 323 Member
    What are you eating?

    I eat a lot of chicken, skinless and boiled. Baby carrots with light ranch dressing. special k cereal w/ fat free milk. special k bars. turkey sandwiches w/ mustard instead of mayo on whole wheat bread. Tuna fish sandwiches w/ light miracle whip on wheat bread. apples. bananas. Usually if I have enough calories left for dinner I'll eat a small portion of whatever I fix for the rest of the family instead of eating my own "healthy foods" as they call them.

    My main thing, I can't get from lunch at 12 until dinner at 6 without being VERY hungry in between, like not just a snack will hold me over, I need to eat something substantial like a small meal, and then I have no calories left to enjoy a good dinner.
  • cjwolfjen
    cjwolfjen Posts: 323 Member
    In my case? Never.

    I don't care how much low calorie, high fiber, high protein, bigger quantity with healthier nutrition yada yada yada - I ALWAYS want to eat more, and the unhealthy stuff.

    I just can't or don't let myself do it (most of the time) I always feel like I am hungry and can easily eat more - it's been almost 5 years since I started this healthier eating change and I'm still not used to it.

    Thanks for keeping it real with me! And you're doing something right, if you've lost that much weight! Way to go. Any advice? I'm looking to lose 50 lbs how long did it take you?
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    It only took me a week but I completely changed my diet to lower calorie foods but was filling. Now I feel like I am constantly eating and rarely do I get "hungry". I am usually eating BEFORE i get hungry (2-3 hours).
    I agree with above - I don't do diet foods per say, but I'll cut calories and carbs when I can and if I gotta have them I try to make them the best bang for the caloric buck.

    I did a quick peruse through the last few days of your diary.
    I don't know how the logging breastfeeding thing works as I wasn't dieting when I was nursing my 3. Sometimes I see measurements in ounces, sometimes just calories and sometimes not at all. How often are you nursing? If your nursing more than your accounting for it's got to be the equivalent of exercising and not eating back calories. Do you drink water while your actually nursing? Dehydration can cause fatigue as well as not eating enough. Remember too that sodas and drinks with caffeine will cause more dehydration than they cure. All drinks are not equal in terms of hydrating potential. Oh also alot of times thirst is mistaken for hunger. If you're not sure, drink an 8-10 oz glass of water and wait at least 15 minutes before you decide to eat something. At the very least you'll be increasing your water intake and if you're still hungry you haven't blown calories that won't satisfy you.

    I would also reconsider some of your food choices if you can, maybe change one or two things at a time or at least cut back on some things (like the soda - 255 calories for a 24oz drink?) If you want to drink calories, then consider a protein drink or milk instead. You get a better nutritional bang for the calories and you will have a feeling of fullness from fat, fiber and protein. If you're just starting out it might be best to take a week or two and just log food without much changes to see where you stand overall. Then you can figure out what kind of nutritional changes you want to make. Are you concerned with sodium or fat intake? consider lower amounts per serving or changing from saturated and trans fats to healthy fats like olive oil and nuts instead of butter and cheese. Take a look at what kind of meats you are eating too - increasing your protein with the right choices will not greatly affect your calories and you can also add lots of veggies with minimal impact when that hunger strikes.

    My diary is open to friends but you're welcome to take look and get some ideas where you can make small changes. One thing I noticed is your turkey sandwich comes in at 555 calories? Now, I don't know what ingredients you use but my sandwiches never run more than 250 and that's if I'm using a full calorie (like 80-90 cals per slice) bread. These kinds of small changes can really add up and give you more options.

    Oh, also, with nursing I would expect you to eat more frequently than your log says you do. I see 3 meals but no snacks. That could cause you fatigue too if you're going too long in between meals. I generally eat every 2-3 hours as well and with my 1520 calories I shoot for 3 meals of 400 calories and 3 snacks (am, pm and evening) of 100 calories. If I work out I can either increase my meal sizes or have more snacks but since starting in January I've noticed a decrease in cravings for sweets and processed carbs. Although I do eat them, I'm not enjoying them physically or mentally like I used to think I did. Some things don't even taste the same.

    So really examine if your logging all the calories you're burning and then consider making a few small choice changes that will give you more freedom between meals to eat more. Don't give up - every day is a learning process for all of us and we all have our own demons in the closet trying to keep us down. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!

    ETA: you might want to reconsider your goals too. If you're set for 2lbs a week loss then maybe that's too big of a jump for you. People don't realize how much they've been eating until they have to start logging everything. Then the bells start to go off and you figure, that pkg of cookies was like 6 servings...OMG so a lot of us are probably used to eating well over 2-3000 calories a day and now we're asking our body to function on 1200? You'll never get used to that. Consider less of a loss at first to slowly decrease your calories. As you lose your body will need less just to function so it will adjust accordingly.
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    In my case? Never.

    I don't care how much low calorie, high fiber, high protein, bigger quantity with healthier nutrition yada yada yada - I ALWAYS want to eat more, and the unhealthy stuff.

    I just can't or don't let myself do it (most of the time) I always feel like I am hungry and can easily eat more - it's been almost 5 years since I started this healthier eating change and I'm still not used to it.

    Thanks for keeping it real with me! And you're doing something right, if you've lost that much weight! Way to go. Any advice? I'm looking to lose 50 lbs how long did it take you?

    I started in early June 2006 and hit my goal around Thanksgiving 2006, so 5.5 months.
    -went from 208-148 (then down to 138, back up to 161, down to 144.5 and now back up to 152.5, working my way back down again!)

    My advice is just stick to it.... even if you have a bad day, week, month or even few months - don't give up forever.
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    Mindset is important too. If you just want to shed a few pounds on a diet and then go back to what you were doing, you'll never adjust or keep it off for long. If you set your mind to making better choices, eating whole foods, less chemicals, more fiber, etc. then you are making changes that will stick with you and will become 2nd nature after awhile. You're also setting a good example for your family. Don't impose the calorie restrictions on them but why can't everyone eat the same meal? Healthy eating isn't just for those on a diet.
  • angief26
    angief26 Posts: 1
    It took me about two weeks, but i still have days when i want to eat more. I started taking a vitamin/iron supplement and that really helped with the tiredness.
    Remember if u feel hungry u probably need to eat...get some low fat healthy/filling snacks in to take the edge off. X

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  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    It took me a while to get used to eating better and not feeling so hungry. Now if I don't eat regularly I feel hungry. At this point I eat up to 6 times a day. I have your usual breakfast, lunch, and dinner but I snack in between on protein shakes and fresh fruit. That tends to keep me full and fueled all day.

    I think others have said it, but the quality of the calories count.
  • disneyval
    disneyval Posts: 18
    HI! I think it takes a while to used to eating less. I've read that your body actually gets very used to being fed at certain times and you'll notice that if you snack at the same time each day, you'll get hungry at that time. (My hungry time is 4pm - just after work!) Habits are so hard to break but stick with it! I'm on 1200 calories a day but earn more with exercise. I eat every one, too!

    Again, try eating only whole wheat grains. They fill you up and stay with you for a long time. Eat some fat with every meal - 1/2 tablespoon of butter, a dozen nuts, real mayo - stuff like that. I've also noticed that soup really fills me up. Which is weird b/c it seems like mostly water.

    You must be tall (or just young!) if you get 1800 calories a day. (: I think there's a place on this site where you can adjust your calories to lose more. Keep with it - it's so worth it. Valerie
  • cjwolfjen
    cjwolfjen Posts: 323 Member

    You must be tall (or just young!) if you get 1800 calories a day. (: I think there's a place on this site where you can adjust your calories to lose more. Keep with it - it's so worth it. Valerie

    I am 5'9 and 26 years old. Thank GOD I am tall so I've always carried my extra weight pretty well... still no excuse for it. I'm ready to be rid of it. I'm realistic though. It will be a few years of this lifestyle before I'm thin like my high school days. Right now I'm aiming for 25 lbs lost for my vegas trip in August!!!!
  • nickscutie
    nickscutie Posts: 303 Member
    It looks like you are getting plenty of protein, but you should be monitoring your fiber too. make sure you are eating enough of both at each meal, that will help keep you feeling as full as possible.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Your diet will do it. From your diary it looks like it may be carb related..sugar/insulin rollar coaster.
  • cjwolfjen
    cjwolfjen Posts: 323 Member
    Your diet will do it. From your diary it looks like it may be carb related..sugar/insulin rollar coaster.

    What do you mean? I am doing ok as far as staying under my calories, for the most part. But I need to start working on exercising a lot more and I still can't get my head around what foods make good meals as far as balancing protein/fiber/carbs... etc. I just try to eat as healthy as I can and stay under goals for the day.

    I can't just read "eat more fiber. balance your protein" and know what to do. I am a visual learner, if I can't picture the actual types of food in my mind, then I'm not fully understanding the best choices to make.

    What do you guys eat, as far as actual meals that keep you full?
  • It depends on HOW you're getting those calories, I find the healthier I eat the more I get to eat and stay within my calories. I have not felt like I'm starving very often if at all since I've been eating healthier choices.
  • Chinook71
    Chinook71 Posts: 19
    I was always hungry at the beginning (1200 cals) but then i changed to eating 5-6 times a day instead of 3 and im never really hungry!! Works for me....maybe you should give it a try!!

    I agree...I am also only eating about 1200 cals. and working out a minimum 5 days a week and I still haven't really gotten hungry. When I eat my bigger meals (lunch, dinner) I try to be mindful about how fast I eat and I am drinking 10-12 glasses of water a day - you would be surprised what a difference that makes. I also strongly believe in eating as many whole foods as possible and staying away from sugar and trigger foods.

    You can do it!! Don't expect to get everything perfect right away. You will find the healthy foods that satisfy you. Good Luck!
  • I am doing diet chef and i have to say never have i enjoyed food so much. It is delicious and filling. I have not felt hungry since starting the diet. I am now only eating around 1300 calories and it is sustaining me throughout the day with the added exercise i am doing.
  • Cut out the fast food, deli meats, condiments, candy. Try eating fast food once a week, even though your mantaining calories, it slows you down and isn't good for you or your weight loss. I try to pre plan my meals ahead of time, write them in the diary and stick to them for the next day. Fill up on lots of fruits & veggies, and GOOD fats. It also looks like your not getting enough of them. Instead of getting breakfast from mcdonalds try making your own omelet, with skim milk, lots of veggies & some low fat cheese. It tastes better and is better for you! Instead of a sandwich for lunch, try soup or salad. Simple diet changes can make a big difference in how you feel.
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Yeah, it really depends on the quality of the calories. They call em empty calories for a reason :)

    Couldn't agree more!!!
  • cjwolfjen
    cjwolfjen Posts: 323 Member
    Cut out the fast food, deli meats, condiments, candy. Try eating fast food once a week, even though your mantaining calories, it slows you down and isn't good for you or your weight loss. I try to pre plan my meals ahead of time, write them in the diary and stick to them for the next day. Fill up on lots of fruits & veggies, and GOOD fats. It also looks like your not getting enough of them. Instead of getting breakfast from mcdonalds try making your own omelet, with skim milk, lots of veggies & some low fat cheese. It tastes better and is better for you! Instead of a sandwich for lunch, try soup or salad. Simple diet changes can make a big difference in how you feel.

    I usually make my own breakfast however we were fresh out of options because I needed to go grocery shopping (another "plan ahead" thing that helps you eat right I've learned) and hubby was going to Mcdonalds for himself so I said get me eggs and sausage and OJ... that can't be too many calories right? WRONG. I logged it all in, and thought OMG. I struggled all day long to stay in my calorie goal just because I ate Mcdonalds for breakfast. Ugh I learned that one the hard way!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    It only took me a week but I completely changed my diet to lower calorie foods but was filling. Now I feel like I am constantly eating and rarely do I get "hungry". I am usually eating BEFORE i get hungry (2-3 hours).

    I agree. After a week I was good. I eat solid proteins. Things I know will fill me up. I drink a lot of water as well. And just like you I always feel like I'm stuffing my face. The only time I feel a little tug is if I stay up late pass normal sleeping hours but I don't give in to it. Its just my body's of saying go to bed already.