Thanks guys....I would never over due it I'm nervous just taking the right dosage lol I just took 2 right now for the first x so far so good not feeling any bad side effects
Thanks I will def check that out
What is body by vi
What did u add that with Val tishia ? Where can you get it
Thx akira
Thanks yea I think I'll try that is there a certain brand that's good? And no I don't like those slim fast / special k shakes there gross
lol if they only had a like button so true haha
Bump these recipes sound delicious
Your such an inspiration
yes def dont go for a c section! i was 2 weeks late they induced me and i still couldnt dialate past 5cm after being there for 3 daYS so i went with the c section after your c section your in so much pain! it hurts to cough sneeze or get up i couldnt get out of bed the second your meds wear off the pain hits you hard! i…
Lol I wish I could !
Thx everyone for the advice it's getting so much harder
Your def not alOne I feel the same way I have no boobs left but skin ! Not that there was much there before but there was just enough I feel like I lost all this weight and really can't show it off and enjoy it like io thought dont get me started on the bat wings" lol I'm hoping 1 day for sugery I guess were never happy
so true ;)
Thx everyone I kinda made a chicken stir fry added chicken teraki soy sause and pineapple it was so yummy
bump sounds delic!
thanks ! all sounds yummy going to try one of them 2night
Thanks everyone i used to make white rice with butter and salt and so tempted to do the samewith brown rice but its so bad for you i want it too taste good and good for me at the same time
sounds so yummy thanks i love spicy or mexican food
yes ladies we should all join this club...whose in?? how do u go about doing it carieeng
do you guys know how to start 1? im not sure how they do it
GO to a new gym a big gym where no1 is in your busn. and if u need a little help at first get a trainer or the employees usually help you get familar with the machines
;) agree
def im in the same boat everytime im stressed i just want to eat its so bad!!
olive oil and balsamic vinegarette wth a litte salt and pepper not bad for you at all and really yuummy
lol thanks the mail wouldnt show up on my phone app but now that im on my pc see it thanks!!!
love that idea 24yrs 35lbs more to loose
Thanks you all are so great all the compliments is what keeps me going!!!