Salad Dressing

Please tell me what you like to eat on your salads. Does anyone make their own salad dressing? I love Caesar, honey mustard, ranch, thousand island, and vinaigrette. I hate that salad dressing has so much fat in it.

Today I opted to replace the meat portion of my meal for a Caesar salad. I had six romaine leaves, some parmesean, and 1 TABLESPOON of Caesar dressing. That one spoon of dressing was almost 100 calories and 10 grams of fat. The worst part is now I am still hungry. Please tell me what you guys do.


  • BeverageTreats
    BeverageTreats Posts: 149 Member
    I always make my own.

    I saw a great way to make "Caesar" dressing on Ming Tsai's show once. Tofu, garlic and lemon juice in the blender. A little bit of olive oil for the flavor, but you don't need anywhere near as much as traditional. He took it vegan and used Kalamata olives to replace the brininess of the anchovies, or you could just use anchovies. Really tasty.

    Vinaigrettes are very easy, you control the amount of oil, and the possibilities for changing them up are endless. Soon you will think that bottled dressing is gross.
  • twitbffl
    twitbffl Posts: 24
    Not sure if there's a Wegman's near you, but they sell a calorie free dressing in lots of flavors, including honey mustard, ranch, bleu cheese, raspberry vinaigrette, and not sure what else. I have soy allergies and it's one of the few dressings I can have. Hope this helps! :)
  • mikeroplay
    mikeroplay Posts: 15
    I try to stay away from the creamier dressing, I like the kraft raspberry vinegrette, it has only 2g of fat per tablespoon. Though not much good on a Caesar salad I suppose.
  • RinaMax
    RinaMax Posts: 33
    I like making my own salad dressing. I usually put 0.5 t of canola oil, 0.5 t white vinegar, 0.5-1 t lemon juice, salt, pepper. Obviously, this is dressing for one salad portion. It's a really refreshing dressing and not so bad on the calories. I usually pair it with a salad including romaine lettuce, onion, tomatoes, cucumber, and red bell peppers. Slice the veggies (other than then the lettuce) thinly so that the dressing's flavor really gets in there well.

    Hope you like it. :)
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    I'm a very picky salad eater. I usually only need one tablespoon of dressing, so I use whatever dressing sounds good, and I don't stress too much about the fat/calories since it's one tablespoon. This is half a serving of most dressings.

    Caesar dressing is calorific. I don't have it, but it's also just too heavy for me. My favorites are French and Honey Mustard, but I don't stick to them. A little bbq sauce is good also instead of dressing. Salsa works as well.
  • MrsChasteen
    MrsChasteen Posts: 48 Member
    Exciting! I do love homemade dressing, but I always feel like mine tastes gross. I stayed with my Aunt one summer and she made all her dressing from scratch. She would mix it up in the salad bowl then toss the lettuce on top....although she was never concerned with dieting.
  • tara4487
    tara4487 Posts: 118 Member
    olive oil and balsamic vinegarette wth a litte salt and pepper not bad for you at all and really yuummy
  • justvegging
    I had a salad at a mexican restraunt that had lettuce, tomato, onoin, cucumber,avocado all chopped small then just lemon juice on it. the lemon makes the avocado stay green and the onions harsh flavor is cut and tastes good. This is very fresh and wonderful for summer.
  • Daisygurl7
    Daisygurl7 Posts: 129 Member
    I LOVE Salsa on my salads!
  • stephfilako
    stephfilako Posts: 113 Member
    I second RinaMax!! That is what I do and its so yummy without guilty! I like fresh tasting dressing!
  • Ciarn
    Ciarn Posts: 92
    I dont kno if this is gonna be any help but instead of puttin dressing on ur salad dip ur fork in the dressing.

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  • RobertaG
    RobertaG Posts: 205 Member
    I use the spritzers to dress! I love salads, I add fat free fat, hard-boiled egg whites, chopped chicken, even fruit like apples and strawberries.
    Check out this page for salad ideas:
  • MomBod81
    MomBod81 Posts: 47 Member
    Trader Joe's has some awesome dressings that aren't too bad in terms of calories and fat. Some of my favorites are the poppyseed, balsamic vinagrette, champagne pear vinagrette, raspberry walnut gorgonzola, parmesan ranch....they are SO good and most of them are pretty low calorie. I also like using salsa or hummus for dressing.