Red5446 Member


  • Welcome! Honestly, eating healthy has to become a lifestyle, meaning that you have to find your own way. Tons of fatty entrees can be slimmed down and still taste good; it's a matter of knowing what you like and being creative with substitutes. If you aren't a huge fan of meat, I'd recommend cutting that out for a while.…
  • Did you input your age and other physical information? These HR monitors are pretty accurate, and they take into account gender, height, weight, and age. It will be off if it's not calibrated for your body. It's kind of a fun reward to have to reset your monitor for your new weight when you have a loss. Only if it's the…
  • I'm the same height, and I have been eating around 1350-1450 cal per day, but I exercise very heavily, and a friend on this site suggested that I should try eating more, because my metabolism is slowing down to a crawl due to the high activity and low consumption. Obviously how much you work out is a factor. If your loss…
  • Might have to try this. :)
  • More room for alcohol indeed! I'll be cooking all day, which will mostly distract me from food. I'm hoping that I'll get caught in one of my "why eat when you can drink?" moods. Better an alcohol than a food hangover.
  • I love Polar. Their website will give you a run down of the features for each model. I think it's worth the money for the FT4; it will count up your calories for you. Also, it seems like people who buy other types of monitors end up dealing with interference from other nearby users, while I've never had that problem.
  • No problem! Have fun! Oops; this showed up in the wrong place. I'm new to the message boards. :blushing:
  • I'm a pescatarian, but mostly eat like a lacto-ova veg. I recommend the New Moosewood Cookbook to any new vegetarians or wannabes. It's a fabulous resource. My typical day is : Breakfast- cereal with almond milk Lunch- legumes of some sort- bean tacos, lentil salads, veggie chili, etc. Dinner- baked potato/sweet potato…
  • Totally in the same boat. I need to eat fairly often, and going hungry results in disaster. Here are my favorite snacks: skim milk cappuccinos- pricey but low cal with sugarfree syrup babybel light cheese- 50 calories, and they come in big bags, also will be fine not refrigerated for several hours boiled eggs- I steal the…
  • I'm a pescatarian, but mostly eat vegetarian, because I'm currently living in the Midwest, where sustainable, fresh fish that doesn't break the bank is always in short supply. This is my all time favorite chili recipe: 2 1/2 cups kidney beans raw 6 cups water 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup tomato juice 1 cup bulgur 2 teaspoons…
  • Hi! I mostly use the app, too, and consequently don't have many friends on the site. I could use a buddy! I have about 10 pounds left to lose.
  • My best advice is to eat what you like. You'll have a really hard time sticking to a food plan if you don't enjoy what you eat. There are tons of ways to lighten up standard fare to make it healthier and still palatable. There are tons of websites dedicated to this sort of thing. And if you have a mobile app, it's so much…
  • SilkySly that is awesome! You deserve whatever you want to be made for you! In response to the question, I am probably not logging everything, because I'll be cooking all day and then busy hanging out with my family, but I am going to try small portions of the fatty stuff and lots of veggies in between. I'm beginning my…
  • That sounds awful! Canned beans are pretty soft and you can eat them with tortillas. Also cooked legumes and rice. Vigo makes rice and beans in a bag that cook in 20 minutes and rock your face! At least, the red bean variety does. And you can totally leave out the fat that they suggest adding. Also, pasta with jarred…
  • Hello, I am new too. I love the iphone app; so far, I use it more than the website.
    in Hi!! Comment by Red5446 April 2011
  • Hi, this is my first week here too. The general knowledge says to eat more carbs than protein before exercise and more protein than carbs after exercise. Personally, I work out at different times of day, so I just eat whatever is appropriate for the time of day. It's very good that you're considering nutrition, though!
    in Hi Im new Comment by Red5446 April 2011