I need help with logging food and making meals. Request if u

If you can help me with making meals and logging food, then please request me. I REALLY need to start paying attention to what I eat and logging food. Im not losing weight because of it.


  • Puffins1958
    Puffins1958 Posts: 614 Member
    What do you need to know?
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    Food would get cold before it arrived at your house, sorry. :)
  • youngmum
    youngmum Posts: 114
    Lol, if only someone else could log for you & make your meals too.. that would be awesome. In lieu of that there are a tonne of healthy cooking blogs out there you could look at for inspiration, or check out what your friends eat & try and copy that. In the meantime here's a quick recipe for a very fast meal (saves you having to worry about making the meal):
    -Shredded chicken meat from deli
    -Balsamic Vinegar
    -Pack of mixed salad greens
    Mix together & eat ONE bowl (mostly greens, go easy on the balsamic).
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Or you could set your calorie and macronutrient goals, and choose foods you enjoy eating, and log them, and try to hit those kcal and macro targets as well as you can.

    Bonus tip: You can pick whatever foods you want as long as you get close. Choose lots of fruits/veggies/meats/fish/nuts/whole foods for good micronutrient content, and add some junk food for sanity. Do this and stay at your numbers and you'll do well in this game.
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    i can see you have a phone (profile pic), if it's a smart phone, get mfp on it (now).
    And start logging your foods as you put in on your plate, or are about to eat it, it will seriously help.
    you need to do it all the time, no excuses.
  • judycoros
    I have lost a lot of weight by cutting my portion sizes. Then it stopped and I could not lose. Then Herbal life showed me how to get my carbs lower than protein. It worked!!! I drink two of my meals. I add canned pumpkin cinnamon and sugar free puddings just powder to the shakes. It is very good and high in protein. The more muscle you have the more calories you burn. So pump some iron and switch it up with other exercise. Good luck!
  • dannylives
  • Red5446
    Red5446 Posts: 17 Member
    My best advice is to eat what you like. You'll have a really hard time sticking to a food plan if you don't enjoy what you eat. There are tons of ways to lighten up standard fare to make it healthier and still palatable. There are tons of websites dedicated to this sort of thing. And if you have a mobile app, it's so much easier to keep your diary up to date. I rarely use the actual mfp website from my laptop, and I log my food and exercise religiously.
    Anyway, planning out your meals, when possible, is a great way to keep yourself from unexpected overeating, and leaves you generally less stressed out. It's a good idea to keep staples around that are healthy, so when you need a snack or quick meal, it's there for you. Also, acknowledge your personal tendencies and be prepared for them: if you're always famished at a certain time of the day, make sure you have something healthy and satisfying waiting for you. Knowing is half the battle!
  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    Question: When I enter a recipe it asks me if I want to put it in the database, and I've added a few things, but can't seem to access the database from anywhere? Is it a work in progress, or coming soon or something?

    Edited to add: Look at other peoples diaries for food inspiration... There are some SUPER easy and filling recipies. Honestly you can bake chicken with a little olive oil and add whatever your favorite veggies are, (I love portabello mushrooms) I also use braggs liquid aminos, its super yummy, and very low on cals. Much better for sauce then the premade stuff...that has lots of added cals and stuff you don't need. You can find it in the health section of the grocery store most of the time. Just don't drench it in oil - unfortunately the olive oil *is* higher in cals.
  • dannylives