phillytle Member


  • I'll be doing W7D3 tomorrow. I have two giant blisters on the balls of my feet and they are making it very difficult to jog. Up to this point my shoes had seemed fine, but this week they have been no help at all. I guess I need to get new shoes if I want to keep doing this...
  • I agree with everyone that says that speed does not matter right now. I know I wasn't going very fast on W5D3 - the 20 minute run. But that didn't matter to me at all. My goal was to finish that run and to have run the entire time. I met that goal. I will worry about my speed when I can consistently knock out 30 minute…
  • I finished W5D3 yesterday afternoon. I run with my 8 year old son and there was plenty of high-fiving and fist-bumping after we finished the 20 minute run. I was smiling like an idiot.
  • Not at all. I was dreading W5D2 last night, but I did it and I felt great afterwards. And that is a total shock because I felt like crap after D1. Even with all of this rejoicing and excitement, I am still dreading D3. 8 minute runs? Sure. A 20 minute run? What. The. Heck???
  • W5D1 done. Day 2 tomorrow. D1 was fine. I did fine...but I am not convinced I can handle D3. I will do my best, but I know how I feel after 5 minutes of jogging and I can't imagine doing that 3 more times without a break. We'll see how it goes.
  • W4D2 done last night. It was much easier than D1. I'm hoping that D3 will be even easier. (Not that it was easy - just easier by comparison.)
  • "Don't die! Don't die! Don't die!"
  • W4D1 done. Barely. I finished it last night and I am still sore this morning. I hope it gets easier the next two days this week. I'm not sure I can do that again.
  • I am going to try W4, but I agree that it seems pretty daunting. Then again, W3 seemed pretty daunting to me when I was on W2 and I have been able to do it so far. Day 3 is tonight. Hopefully I can finish with no problems.
  • W3D2 done. I don't use an app or anything like that, so I have to keep track of my time with my stop watch. On my first 90 second jog, I actually jogged for closer to 2 and a 1/2 minutes without realizing it. Two weeks ago I would have passed out jogging for that long, and now I am doing it without even realizing it!…
  • I did W3D1 last night and it was tough. It was by far the most difficult run yet. I did the first 3 minute run ok but by the time I got to the last one I was breathing really hard. I made it though, so I am proud of that. I hope tomorrow's run is a little easier.
  • W2D3 tonight. I hope it's a little easier than D2 was, because that was pretty tough by the end of the last run.
  • I walk on my off days.
  • W2D2 done. This was the most difficult day so far for me. It was very hot outside and I was a bit sore when I started the run, which only got worse as I went along. Nevertheless, I was able to finish it without cutting any corners. I felt pretty great after I was done.
  • No, you are not the only one. I feel exactly the same way.
  • W2D1 done and I feel great. The last few minutes were pretty rough, but I pushed through.
  • I finished W1D3 on Friday. Day 3 was easier than Day 2. I am a little nervous about Week 2.
  • W1D2 done. It was harder than Day 1 for me, but that's probably because I'm fighting off an chest cold. Still, I did it and I did not cut any corners. I had some help from my 8 year old son who went with me. I can't "cheat" when I have those little eyes watching me. :)
  • I just sent you an email with my info. Last night, I did the first day routine. It went better than expected. The only 60 second run that gave me any trouble was the last one but I pushed through. It's exciting to think that in a couple of months I could be running 3 miles without resting or walking. That's awesome!
  • That makes sense.
  • Quick question: How do you log the first week in this program? Since you are walking for well over half the time, do you log it by total minutes walked and total minutes jogged? What do you guys do?
  • I was planning on starting this today. Sadly, I will be doing it the old fashioned way - no app or anything. I'm still trying to figure out the most efficient way to do it with an old school stop watch.
  • Perfect. This is exactly what I have been thinking. Very well said.
  • Thanks! Feel free to add me as well. I need all the help I can get.
  • I've never posted anything either. I've been on MFP for about a month and a 1/2 and I have lost almost 13 pounds. The friends I added were people that I already knew, but they decided that this site was not for them so I have been on my own for most of the time. You can add me if you want.
  • I'm interested in the answer to this as well.