Couch to 5k...start today?

aash28 Posts: 85 Member
Anyone up for starting the couch to 5k today? I downloaded the teal and sage colored app (website: I like this app the best because there is a voice command that tells you when to alternate from running to walking and vice versa. In addition, you can use your own music within the program! I'm not a runner, but a couple of teachers that I work with absolutely swear that they love running now! The workouts are only 30-40 min., 3 times a week (workouts are suggested to be on non-consecutive days), and for 9 weeks; seems pretty easy to commit to! I thought it'd be fun to start together and then maybe post a weekly weigh in. : )


  • Chiquita_Banana
    i used that program n im addicted to running =D have fun n good luck!
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    I had actually decided to start this today so good timing! I work out 4 x a week so I'll be doing it on the first 3 days and then strength training on the 4th day. I'm totally up for more people doing the same thing as me though I don't have a cell phone so I can't download that app as useful as it sounds since it tells you when to switch so I just watch the clock lol
  • Refisblind
    Refisblind Posts: 77 Member
    On week 5 now. It has been a great program so far. You guys have fun
  • dontstopnow
    dontstopnow Posts: 152
    I just downloaded the app a little bit ago, too! Im starting today :D
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Have a great time! I'm on week 6 of the C210k (same idea, but it's a 13 week program shooting for a 10k - but the runs are shorter, the walking is longer - but it's a 60 minute workout each time).

    I LOVE it! Never thought *I* could be a runner. But I am. :happy:
  • mrssavvysteve
    mrssavvysteve Posts: 239 Member
    I am (re)starting C25k today!!!

    Let's do this!

    Feel free to add me so we can hold each other accountable and motivate each other! :)
  • QUETA2212
    QUETA2212 Posts: 81 Member
    I'd like to start today as well I see other groups but they are much further along so i dont wanna start in the middle! Im so excited!
  • valerie32256
    This sounds like a great program, I think I will try this while I am waiting for my other exercise DVD's to come in and still continue when they do :)
  • cjjohnson1
    cjjohnson1 Posts: 15 Member
    Does the App have it's own music?? I have an android, but don't use the Mp3 feature. I have an I touch and a nano? sounds like I could download it to the I touch?? or the android??? I would really like to try it.
  • phillytle
    phillytle Posts: 26 Member
    I was planning on starting this today. Sadly, I will be doing it the old fashioned way - no app or anything. I'm still trying to figure out the most efficient way to do it with an old school stop watch.
  • phillytle
    phillytle Posts: 26 Member
    Quick question: How do you log the first week in this program? Since you are walking for well over half the time, do you log it by total minutes walked and total minutes jogged? What do you guys do?
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    Quick question: How do you log the first week in this program? Since you are walking for well over half the time, do you log it by total minutes walked and total minutes jogged? What do you guys do?

    Thats a good question I have no clue to the answer though! I'm also doing this threw timer watching only its going to be on the treadmill at the gym.
  • cobylea
    cobylea Posts: 194 Member
    I'm re-starting the C25K today as well. I downloaded an app about a month ago, I dont think it's the exact same but the program is the same and has the voice as well. Let's do this!!!
  • sjfourniea
    sjfourniea Posts: 5
    I just heard about this and I would love to join in. I enjoy walking and such but, I never really ran unless I needed to for my job or kids. I like to sprint but, never long dis. So, I would enjoy having a few friends for this as well. Hope all goes well and have a great day!

    Steph (Maple Grove, Mn)
  • aash28
    aash28 Posts: 85 Member
    I know; I couldn't find an organized group that was just I started my own! I'm not sure if the couch to 5k app that I'm using (the green and blue one) has music already, but you can add the music from your ipod (I have the ipod touch 4G) within the program (so convenient). For anyone who can't get the app, here's the workout for the first week:

    5 min. warm-up
    60 sec. jog then 90 sec. walk (repeat for a total of 20 min.)
    5 min. cool-down

    Do this workout 3 times this week (ideally on non-consecutive days)

    I'd like to weigh in with weight loss on Fridays (trying to be optimistic but should a slip-up occur- for me- it's generally during the weekend). I'm new to organizing, and even posting, so if anyone has suggestions for the formalities of adding weigh-ins, please share!

    Good luck everyone...I think this should be fun! : )
  • cobylea
    cobylea Posts: 194 Member
    Quick question: How do you log the first week in this program? Since you are walking for well over half the time, do you log it by total minutes walked and total minutes jogged? What do you guys do?

    I asked the same question about a week ago. The majority of the response was to log the walking and jogging separately into MFP
  • Justamom410
    Justamom410 Posts: 90 Member
    I would love to start this today...I just joined MyFitnessPal and truly need the motivation of a group support system. I have an android I'm going to see if I can find the app right now!
  • phillytle
    phillytle Posts: 26 Member
    Quick question: How do you log the first week in this program? Since you are walking for well over half the time, do you log it by total minutes walked and total minutes jogged? What do you guys do?

    I asked the same question about a week ago. The majority of the response was to log the walking and jogging separately into MFP

    That makes sense.
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    I know; I couldn't find an organized group that was just I started my own! I'm not sure if the couch to 5k app that I'm using (the green and blue one) has music already, but you can add the music from your ipod (I have the ipod touch 4G) within the program (so convenient). For anyone who can't get the app, here's the workout for the first week:

    5 min. warm-up
    60 sec. jog then 90 sec. walk (repeat for a total of 20 min.)
    5 min. cool-down

    Do this workout 3 times this week (ideally on non-consecutive days)

    I'd like to weigh in with weight loss on Fridays (trying to be optimistic but should a slip-up occur- for me- it's generally during the weekend). I'm new to organizing, and even posting, so if anyone has suggestions for the formalities of adding weigh-ins, please share!

    Good luck everyone...I think this should be fun! : )

    Works for me since Friday is my weigh in day anyway :) Maybe someone can start a spreadsheet for the members and weights? (Not it! Me and spreadsheets aren't friends)
  • kbrob14
    kbrob14 Posts: 106 Member
    I'm in! I actually printed the program this weekend and am going to do it on my treadmill! Wish they had an app for the blackberry! Best of luck to all!