Couch to 5k...start today?



  • NZhogiebear
    W3D3 done yesterday!! feels great might do an extra day over the weekend and start week 4 on Monday! feeling nervous for next week going from 9 min of running to 16 is scary!!! but i never thought that i could of run for 3 min straight so i suppose i never know unless i try :D:D

    Everyone is doing so well, keep it up !!!!

    On other news, i have just brought new scales this week and sadly they are weighing me in 3kg (6.6lb) heavier ;..( shock to the system and put me on a downer for the week, but my goal is to break even this month, wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    I ended up doing both W2D2&3 today! I was surprised that I could make it threw the entire hour and still be walking around the store afterwards! Go me! Gonna try to do W3 and W4 next week so I can be caught up with you guys :)
  • kate2004rock
    kate2004rock Posts: 223 Member
    Week 3 Day 3 today -- and I have to start Week 4 tomorrow -- will be out of town (for an interview...wish me luck!) monday and tuesday!

    Week four is the first week making me nervous -- five minutes! But I will be excited to see my total distance go up. Here in week 3 I am finishing 30 minutes (with my extra 2:00 run from 23:00 to 25:00) at about 2.2 miles.
  • aash28
    aash28 Posts: 85 Member
    Hello, all! I am indeed still here and still participating! I just moved into a new home and for anyone who can relate: how exhausting! I still do not have internet access, but I'm hoping to have it at the new home this week. With my phone, I can access the site, post a status, add to the food diary, and read my messages, but I cannot reply to other members' statuses or comments or the discussion board; talk about frustrating! I'm visiting my parents now, said a quick hello, and then beelined for their computer. I'm updating last week's spreadsheet as we speak (which I also can't do through my phone). I'll be here through Monday so I can steal their computer to update this week's spreadsheet and have it e-mailed to you then.
    Thanks for being understanding. I'm here and reading what you're writing, but I just can't respond with my phone! Keep up the great work and check your inbox in a few!
    Ash : )
  • 481471
    481471 Posts: 95
    Yay, week 3 done, now just the dread of week 4 approaching...

    Was a bit miffed with my BB app, I didnt see the price to pay, and was ready in the garden about to start W3D1, click "start" and then it was like "you have to pay", but I was in a hurry so I just used the stop watch to do W3D1. Id already chcked ahead so i wish the app warned you BEFORE you press start lol!! Never mind, paid for it and was ready for W3D2 then.

    Cant believe im on Week4 next week, never thought i could do running!!! :D AND i have actually lost some weight this week instead of gaining lol!!
  • horseryder77
    horseryder77 Posts: 224 Member
    Week 3 done! Went running on trails today cause I'm at my parents house with my dogs. Except my poor dog couldn't keep up with me! Made me feel kind of good about my fitness level though :)
    Except, running through trails, I had to stop half way through the first 3 minute run cause it was all uphill and I felt like I might collapse haha.
    Considering starting week 4 tomorrow.. or I might just repeat a day of week 3.. we'll see how it's scary!!
  • dontstopnow
    dontstopnow Posts: 152
    i got behind but managed to finish up one day of week 2 AND get week 3 done this week :D super proud about that. for week three i jogged at treadmill speed 4.5 the first day, 4.7 the second and then 4.8 the third. that's been working pretty well so far so i think i'll just keep to that for week four. then for walking i go back and fourth between speeds 3.5 and 3.7. i'll admit, though, seeing that 5 minutes for next week makes me a little nervous, but, once i get to doing it, it probably won't be so bad. or at least i hope so, haha. after all i did feel the same way about seeing the 3 minutes for this week and i trooped right through them.. even if i was pretty winded by the second one.

    hopefully i won't get behind again next week but i'm going out of town for school orientation monday-friday. our hotel does have a fitness center and i have full intentions of making good use of it in my free time. though i do have big plans to devote a good portion of my free time to the beach while i'm down south as well. anyway! i'll stop rambling now. hope everybody is having a really good weekend!! (:
  • kate2004rock
    kate2004rock Posts: 223 Member
    Finished week 3 yesterday! I feel really good...I've now got my running speed up to 5.7-5.8 while walking at 3.5. Will start week 4 today!

    And I lost 1lb this week (was so glad not to be stuck for another week)!!

    I'm so proud of our group---everyone is stickign with it---we're 33% there!
  • kate2004rock
    kate2004rock Posts: 223 Member
    W4D1 done. 5 minute intervals were definitely a challenge, because the 3 minutes were still a challenge at the end of last week. I am confident that they'll be much easier at the end of the week!
  • hanna1210
    hanna1210 Posts: 286 Member
    Congrats everyone!! You all seem to be working really hard and should be proud of yourselves!

    I thought I would put it out there that I'm going to have to lay off of C25K for at least a week. I've always had bad knees and this last week has just been awful on them and my feet are killing me. I think I'm going to do some cycling and strength exercises, just no running, and then maybe start over with W2 or W3. I'll stay on here and watch your progress and offer whatever encouragement I can.

    Keep it going!!
  • horseryder77
    horseryder77 Posts: 224 Member
    W4 D1 is done! actually, the 3 minute intervals weren't bad.. and I only had to stop after about 4 1/2 minutes each time.. for about 30-40 seconds then I picked up the run again. This is crazy.. i can't believe I can pretty much run now!
    Well.. for three minutes haha.
    I feel like it's a lot easier to breathe now too! Only thing that's feeling a bit of wear and tear is my knees.. so I might have to invest in a brace.

    Good job everyone! Don't be too afraid of week 4, you can do it!!!
  • Lavmann
    Lavmann Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks for being understanding. I'm here and reading what you're writing, but I just can't respond with my phone! Keep up the great work and check your inbox in a few!
    Ash : )

    Glad to hear that you are ok...was wondering where you had gone!
  • Ping_A1C2U
    Ping_A1C2U Posts: 91
    Week 3 finished, on to week 4, i think. Fingers crossed. =)
  • smitchell37
    smitchell37 Posts: 121 Member
    I did w4d1 on sat I am still alive. This one has been the hardest for me so far
  • TheMrsBee
    TheMrsBee Posts: 226 Member
    I finished W3D3 on friday and was going to so W4D1 tonight (monday) but i have to get home and LOADS of ironing! (sucks!) so it will have to wait till tomorrow :-( i might be able to get out tonight after ironing and cleaning my house but i was shattered after just cleaning my kitchen yesterday! lol

    Good job to everyone! you are all doing fabulous! Also my left knee is killing me, i was told to do strength exercises and and stretching to strecth out the hamstings and quads, as this is very painful and i cannot keep my leg straight and ben forward, i think i will concentrate on that more too!
  • jmacaroni
    jmacaroni Posts: 243 Member
    I finished week 3, but i had to take a week break due to pain throughout my legs whenever I ran. I'm hoping a week break has helped and that I can start running again. I'm going to try week 3 again tonight, so I'll see how it goes. I might have to take another break though if my legs still hurt.
  • dontstopnow
    dontstopnow Posts: 152
    week 4 day 1 kicked my butt this morning!! I jogged the first 2 runs fine (even if i had to push myself through the five minute one) but then I had to walk most of the second half. :[ i did have a nsv of sorts though.. finished a mile in 14:12. I know that's not very speedy by any means but I'm pretty sure that's my personal best so far. i also ended up finishing a second mile right before 30 minutes was up. here's to hoping i can get through all the jogs on wednesday!!

    keep up the great work everyone, you're all doing wonderful (:
  • cobylea
    cobylea Posts: 194 Member
    week 4 day 1 kicked my butt this morning!! I jogged the first 2 runs fine (even if i had to push myself through the five minute one) but then I had to walk most of the second half. :[ i did have a nsv of sorts though.. finished a mile in 14:12. I know that's not very speedy by any means but I'm pretty sure that's my personal best so far. i also ended up finishing a second mile right before 30 minutes was up. here's to hoping i can get through all the jogs on wednesday!!

    keep up the great work everyone, you're all doing wonderful (:

    that's awesome!! I'm getting back on the wagon and starting week 2 AGAIN tonight :) too many breaks so may as well start over.
  • 481471
    481471 Posts: 95
    I did w4d1 at stupid o clock this morning cos the puppy kept me awake all night and I was like "hmmm, what can i do? only an hour till i have to get up for work?"

    surprisingly easy than expected with the 3 minutes, and even managed to keep going for all the next 5 and 3 minute runs!! We have all come so far! I dont know if you were like me, but boy did i struggle on that w1d1 with just the 60 seconds running lol!!!

    i wasnt so great on the final 5 minutes, stopping at about 4 mins, but took a walk for 60 secs and then did another 3 mins on the run to make up for it. Challenge is to make all runs non stop this week!!
  • aash28
    aash28 Posts: 85 Member
    Hello, everyone! I've sent the updated spreadsheet for every week so far. I'm getting ready to leave my parents' home, so once again, I will only have limited access to MFP via my phone. Remember, I can read what you're writing, but I cannot reply! : ) Keep it up; this will all be so worth it in the end!