Couch to 5k...start today?



  • nurseaim
    nurseaim Posts: 146
    What I have learned from the C25K (Couch to 5K) program so far...

    1) Do not let your weight keep you from running! I'm a big boy -- 260 lbs, and I finished my first 5K race (39:39) a week ago, and am running my 2nd in a week (aiming for 36 min). C25K has been wonderful. It allows you to ease into running, and you can always do it at your own pace.

    2) Schedule a race right now. Find one that's 9 weeks out. Even if you aren't done with the program by then, run/walk it anyway. My first race was so much fun. Running with other people was a great motivator.

    3) Do not run on consecutive days. As good as you might feel, as confident as you may become, let your legs rest. Not resting can lead to fatigue, injury and decreased performance. Trust me.

    4) Take it at your own pace. Don't worry about speed -- just build up your endurance. Speed will come later. If you aren't ready for the next week's run, repeat the current week. No big deal. At the same time, though...

    5) Don't psyche yourself out when the big runs come. You can do it! I stopped looking at the schedule and just downloaded the podcasts. I wouldn't know what was coming each day until I turned it on and the gal told me. Loved it that way.

    6) I loved the NHS Choices podcasts ( on my mp3 player. The gal has a great British accent -- and that would be sufficient for me to enjoy listening -- but she also provides tips and encouragement, along with the walk/run cues.

    7) Run outside. Even in the rain. It's so much better than running on a treadmill. Enjoy the sounds and sights.

    I never would have considered myself a runner, but I do now (slow as I may be). It's been fantastic, and a huge confidence boost.

    Thank-you for this information. It's ALWALYS helpful for me to read what others have done. Great ADVICE!!!
  • 481471
    481471 Posts: 95
    I did my week 1 day 1 yesterday. Amazing how out of shape i am, but oddly looking forward to tomorrows (every other day im doing it). Never thought I would look forward to running ... lets just hope the novelty doesnt wear off!!

    How do I make sure im on the official list?
    Need to make sure i am as that i am positive will keep me on track.
  • dontstopnow
    dontstopnow Posts: 152
    Alright, guys, here's my attempt at organization.
    I've created an e-mail account solely for our c25k group. The address is: . This is where you can send your progress to me so that I can put it into a spreadsheet. I will then e-mail the spreadsheet to "dontstopnow" who will turn it into a screen print and then post it to this forum (which can hopefully inspire more people to join us). If you're interested, as soon as you can (so that I can start the spreadsheet and we can get a headcount for how many people we need to hold accountable for c25k throughout this week), please send me the following:

    Your username (either use yours on here or makeup a new one on the chance you want to stay more anonymous).
    Your starting weight before beginning c25k (so we can see how much progress we make at the end of this journey- but if you don't want to share this, please don't feel obligated. I'm going to use my weigh in from last Friday).

    Then, by this Sunday, please e-mail/message me on here the following:

    How many days of c25k did you complete this week:
    Total weight loss/gain for this week: (try to observe a week's progress. For example, I like to weigh in on Fridays, but if you prefer Sundays, just count your weight difference from Sunday's weigh in to the next Sunday's)

    Any other suggestions? Keep 'em coming. Good luck this week, guys, and happy running! : ) Remember, it's

    for the people asking if they are on the official list: as long as you have done this, i'm pretty sure you'll be added :D
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    I did W1D2 today. I tried jogging it and only got through 3 intervals before my knees started giving out on me, so I walked the rest and did an additional 35 minutes of brisk walking to help make up for it. I figure, even if I'm walking and not running, I'm working hard and doing more than I did before!

    @Aash: LOL I get that A LOT. I used to be tiny up top and I truly miss it now. Having to buy L and XL shirts simply because of my girls is a pain in the rump! I can't wait for them to go down so I can get cute shirts again without looking like I'm gonna pop out of them

    As for new bras, it'll have to wait until we've got income coming in. Right now there is next to no income, and lots of things that cost money :-S I cannot WAIT to graduate and have hubby get back to working again! He misses it!

    Way to go!
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    Day 2 is done. Took me 32 minutes again. According to my gadgets I went a tiny bit faster and a tiny bit more distance but burned 11 less calories. I also didn't smoke at all before I went. That's 11 hours without a cigarette, including sleep time. That made it a lot easier. Not ready to quit smoking yet, but smoking and C25k refuse to get along with each other in my body.
  • cobylea
    cobylea Posts: 194 Member
    Day 2 is done. Took me 32 minutes again. According to my gadgets I went a tiny bit faster and a tiny bit more distance but burned 11 less calories. I also didn't smoke at all before I went. That's 11 hours without a cigarette, including sleep time. That made it a lot easier. Not ready to quit smoking yet, but smoking and C25k refuse to get along with each other in my body.

    I quit smoking 17 days ago. My turning point was when I first decided to do the C25K a couple of weeks ago and after day one I was pretty sure I was going to cough up a lung! :noway: I can finally say that even though it's been only 17 days I have so much more air in my lungs and it feels great! :)
  • horseryder77
    horseryder77 Posts: 224 Member
    Ahahaha so funny story.

    Today was day 3 of week 1 for me. Except I'm considering doing week 2 starting Saturday..
    Anyways.. it's been raining here ALL day. And around 5ish, it stopped. So I looked at the weather channel, and online, and found it's not supposed to rain for another hour or two.. so I went out to do my day 3.
    RIGHT when my app said "you're half way done!" the sky OPENED UP and just POURED on me. It was comical how soaked I got. It helped me move quicker though! I only got 8/9 of the runs done though, cause I didn't exactly want to keep going haha. I supplemented it with running up and down the stairs of my apartment twice. Hopefully that counts. (I live on the 3rd floor, but there aren't many stairs).

    But running in the rain isn't bad! You don't feel the sweat as much and if the sky releases the cracken of storms on you, then you can get a good laugh out of it as well.
    The punch line is that it stopped raining as soon as I got out of the shower. Pahaha...

    Hope everyone else is doing well! I'm enjoying this program! Did get a cramp right above my Achilles tendon today. *shrug* Gooodd luuucckkkkkk
  • NZhogiebear
    NZhogiebear Posts: 84
    Hope i am not to late to join, have sent email :D

    Finished W1 D2 yesterday, and so far i am really enjoying it, so great that so many people are starting at the same time, helps to keep you motivated. I am doing this on the treadmill most of the time (to many young children at home haha) and will try to get out on the weekend for on road training.

    Haha @horseryder77 you poor thing, so glad you see the funny side, mother nature sure likes having fun with people some days :D

    GOOD LUCK guys!!!!!
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    Ahahaha so funny story.

    Today was day 3 of week 1 for me. Except I'm considering doing week 2 starting Saturday..
    Anyways.. it's been raining here ALL day. And around 5ish, it stopped. So I looked at the weather channel, and online, and found it's not supposed to rain for another hour or two.. so I went out to do my day 3.
    RIGHT when my app said "you're half way done!" the sky OPENED UP and just POURED on me. It was comical how soaked I got. It helped me move quicker though! I only got 8/9 of the runs done though, cause I didn't exactly want to keep going haha. I supplemented it with running up and down the stairs of my apartment twice. Hopefully that counts. (I live on the 3rd floor, but there aren't many stairs).

    But running in the rain isn't bad! You don't feel the sweat as much and if the sky releases the cracken of storms on you, then you can get a good laugh out of it as well.
    The punch line is that it stopped raining as soon as I got out of the shower. Pahaha...

    Hope everyone else is doing well! I'm enjoying this program! Did get a cramp right above my Achilles tendon today. *shrug* Gooodd luuucckkkkkk

    LOL I live in Oregon and looked outside today, it was pouring and I was like "well.... I guess a free shower never hurt anyone!" By the time I got home I was SOAKED. My fleece jacket weighed like 4 lbs and my skin was ice cold. Felt nice to just GO though. Even if I can't run it, I sure as heck and speed walk my way to a 5k and that will be more than I did before :-)
  • aash28
    aash28 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm so proud of everyone; we're doing great! Keep the positivity a'comin. Also, I will send an e-mail to everyone that I have added to the list by tomorrow evening. No fear, I will not (not now and not ever- I'll only be adding weight % changes...Biggest Loser style) include your weight.
    Keep on keepin' on,
  • jennro7781
    jennro7781 Posts: 208
    Ughhhh. It is nasty and rainy outside.... and my fibro hates me. I might attempt day two, but I don't know if its worth it to go balls to the walls and risk making myself miserable.

    We'll see how I'm feeling in a bit. Right now I just wanna crawl under a rock.

    I have Fibro too. I hope you're feeling better but I'm SOO proud of you for pushing through day 2!! :)
  • jennro7781
    jennro7781 Posts: 208
    Today was a BEAUTIFUL day outside and I finished day 2! I am SO proud of everyone!! Awesome work everybody!! Enjoy your rest day tomorrow!
  • cobylea
    cobylea Posts: 194 Member
    Finished day 2 today!! I'm enjoying it sooo much....let's hope my enthusiasm stays like that :) Have a good night everyone...or I guess maybe, day or afternoon...where ever you are!
  • Losingitin2011
    Losingitin2011 Posts: 572 Member
    I am going to be going to a pirate get-together this weekend Friday-Sunday, so I won't be getting my day 3 workout in, but I'll weigh myself when we get home and send it off anyway. Probably will be higher, since I fully intend to let loose and have fun. :-)
  • Lavmann
    Lavmann Posts: 54 Member
    Looking forward day 2 before Zumba tonite.
  • phillytle
    phillytle Posts: 26 Member
    W1D2 done. It was harder than Day 1 for me, but that's probably because I'm fighting off an chest cold. Still, I did it and I did not cut any corners. I had some help from my 8 year old son who went with me. I can't "cheat" when I have those little eyes watching me. :)
  • aash28
    aash28 Posts: 85 Member
    Everyone is doing such a great job on his/her journey; keep it up because we're all proud of you!

    I've sent an e-mail to each person that e-mailed me his/her information (username and pre-c25k weight). I've added 21 usernames to the spreadsheet and I've sent the e-mail to 21 people (so hopefully everything is correct and I haven't missed anyone). If by chance I did, please e-mail me your iformation once again (and I apologize for my mistake). Also, if you'd like to join us today, please also send me your information.


    22 people total (including me)- that is so,so, so wonderful! : )
  • forgiven4life
    forgiven4life Posts: 451
    Day 2 completed yesterday. I am a little sore today, but I feel great! I really think by the end of this I might just enjoy running! Wouldn't that be something?

    Just out of curiosity, what speeds is everyone who is using a treadmill running/walking at? I know everyone will be different and we should go at the speed we feel comfortable at, but I would kind of like to see where I fall with the average. I am currently walking around 3.2-3.4 and jogging at 4.5-4.7. What about you?
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    Can't wait to do W1D2 later today! We are all doing such a good job and it totally makes me so much more motivated!
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    I'm going from 3.0 walking to 4.0 jogging