GetWaisted Member


  • Impressive. What are your stats?
  • It seems like my body is agreeing w/ the numerous amount of ppl who keep telling me I've lost enough weight and need to just start toning and maintaining, but I'm not satisfied yet. I'm 4'11 and I'm btw 176-179 that's still considered obese...I've got to break the stall and keep it moving. Thx.
  • Eeeek...definitely not what I wanted to hear but that makes sense. I'm doing 1200 calories now, I'll try and cut down to 1000 calories. I've cut my carbs a little so hopefully calorie cutting works, I was struggling to get the 1200 in anyway...
  • I ended up saying eff-it this weekend and ate a sandwich w/ one slice of bread and I also had some of my kids crackers w/ cheese and go figure I dropped two lbs when I got on the scale this morning...craaaazy!! I haven't logged it b/c I'm not sure if it's real yet but I'm keeping my finger crossed that I won't gain it…
  • I think that's the only thing I haven't tried, it just seems like torture...well, I never really looked at what it entails but I have nightmares of going back to all liquids. Lol.
  • I could do better on my protein but I don't want to increase my calories much more and I think that may be key to breaking my stall once I get that figured out.
  • Thx for all the great advice. I gonna give everything a try! Lol. I'm desperate. I tried the Insanity dvd recently and I really liked it so I'm going to try and find a way to incorporate that workout into my routine. Not sure how I can up my protein w/ out upping my calories too much but I'll have to figure something…
  • I'm getting in my fluids an I'm exercising. I may need to step up my work outs a bit but I'm either in the gym or running/walking the track 4 days a week. I have spoke w/ my nutritionist and the only suggestions she gave were to up calories to 1200 and keep carbs at 50 or lower. I was hoping to maybe come across someone…
  • I've lost 80 but my mini goal is to lose 100 so that's 20 more lbs and then to get to goal I'll need to lose another 25lbs. SW:260 Cw: 177 GW: 140 I'm also 4'11.
  • When does the challenge start? What exactly is the challenge, I went to the group page but I'm still a bit confused... :/
  • Thx everyone you've all been really helpful. I ordered the unjury a few days ago and it came in today so I'll give that a try. I also picked up a 6pk of Premier. I'm about to get really strict w/ this protein regimen. I'll also try mixing that Unjury in my yogurt. The only advice I got from my surgeon's PA was try harder…
  • I just forced my self to eat a little bit of melted mozzarella. Just about two pinches. I'm sure that will be it for me for the day, back to my crystal light and water.
  • I'm so dreading the infamous 3 week stall. I'm two weeks post tomorrow so I know it's coming but I've been reading a lot about the stall that happens early on so hopefully I won't freak out (too bad)...
  • Very normal for day 3. I'm two weeks post tomorrow and the tiredness gets better bu I'm also exhausted by the end of the day and mornings are hard for me and I've always been a morning person so that's an adjustment. But then I went back to work on Day 6 and I have 4 kids to tackle also.
  • Technically I'm not cleared for refried beans until tomorrow but I think I'll have some's Cinco de Mayo!!...Is that a good excuse? Lol...maybe not but I spoke to my Nut and was given the OK to eat a little today. Yay!
  • 1. I had my surgery on Wednesday and was back to work on Monday. I also have a desk job. 2. I've tried adipex, it does work but of course when I stopped taking it the weight came back on even though when I got off I was still dieting. I know quite a few ppl who have taken adipex as a quick fix but I don't know anyone who…
  • I truly did appreciate the feedback that I received from you all. It was a slap in the face but I did realize it was all coming from a good place. I really don't think I would've told him if it were not for the advice I received here. He appreciated that I was upfront and honest also. So thanks again to everyone who took…
  • I was just sleeved yday and I call mines Sleevie Wonder lol
  • Thanks to everyone for their feedback. I did tell my surgeon ahead of the surgery that I wasn't 100% compliant w/ the diet and he told me it happens a lot and since I had been on liquids only for 5 days leading up to surgery that I would be done. He thanked me for being honest and we shared a little laugh over the messages…
  • Thanks to everyone for their feedback. I did tell my surgeon ahead of the surgery that I wasn't 100% compliant w/ the diet and he told me it happens a lot and since I had been on liquids only for 5 days leading up to surgery that I would be done. He thanked me for being honest and we shared a little laugh over the messages…
  • Good luck on your surgery tomorrow! Mines is tomorrow also :)
  • I had just about the same experience Tammy. Initial consult, Nut visit, Psych clearance and then I was submitted to insurance and they (BCBS) took about 7 days to approve me and now my surgery is scheduled for 04/23. Have you had your surgery already or are you still pre-op Tammy?
  • Good to know! I'm gonna make sure nothing but liquids for the next two days!
  • No, I didn't have any weight loss before then. I was not required to do the supervised diet like most insurances require.
  • Only 5lbs and I was supposed to be on the diet for 2 weeks. I'm stressing a little bit.
  • Thx for the reassurance! I'm trying to calm down and that helps me a little more. I think I'm more embarrassed than anything so I'm hoping I won't have to weigh in before surgery but I'm praying all goes well and I'm able to move forward. Thanks again.