awomaninsane Member


  • Late to the party as usual, but on September 11th I will have been married for 20 years and on the same day it will be my eldest daughters 18th birthday. That will be a day of much partying!
  • My rescue terrier: And this is Freddie- we pick him up tomorrow, sooooo excited!
  • I'll see you that goat and up you a 14" pizza! If you've lasted a week you can last another one- of course you can! It's all in the will power and you have plenty of that, just have to dust it off and put it to good use. Good luck!
  • The beautiful Tyne Valley in Northumberland.
  • I'm with @TavistockToad . I bank calories I don't eat through the week and use them at the weekend. I know some people will recoil in horror at this but I love treats so am really strict through the week and then eat pizza and drink cider at the weekend. At the end of the week I have eaten no more calories than I should…
  • On my first few trips to the gym and spin class i averted my eyes and made no eye contact at all with anyone in case i saw them watching me or pointing/giggling etc. After a week when i braved looking up and at people i realised that no-one and i mean no-one was looking at or watching me and i was sooooo relieved. Why…
  • What ever you do, do not give up. When i started on my journey the scales did not change for about 6 weeks but then the weight came off weekly. I know how frustrating it is when you work hard and don't see instant same day results, but keep at it and you soon will see them. Also, for me, depending on what time of the month…
  • This happens to me. My tummy is full but my head craves a biscuit or a packet of crisps. Very occassionally i give in but mostly i have a strong word with myself along the lines of 'you've already eaten dinner tonight, you do not need this. You will not have it, no, no, no. Have a cup of tea instead.' And then i'm dead…
  • “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”
  • Take the bikini's back and exchange for a smaller size. You'll look fab!
  • In the mirror fully dressed i think i look ok, trim with no muffin top. In the mirror naked i spot the flabby belly hanging down further than i'd like it! However, in the eye of the camera i am like 'whoop'! My avatar is me last week and i am proud of that. The camera never lies and i am happy to hear that currently!
  • I've seen a copy of this diet at work. It was given to a colleague by one of family who had also been given it by a surgeon. This diet was given to an obese person who urgently needed to lose weight quickly before heart surgery.
  • This is funny! I remember lying on the bed zipping up my jeans and then not being able to sit up in them cos they were too tight. Keep at it, you'll soon be using those fat jeans as a sleeping bag!
  • I can't tell you how jealous i am to read how lovely and big all your boobs sound! I've never really had any boobs, even when i was pregnant they only went up to a B cup. Since losing my extra bit of weight i am a 34B but most of that is the padding!
  • Hands for me. They can be as fit as you like but if their hands have long fingernails or dirty fingernails... instant turn off.
  • I LOVE spinning. I've been doing it about 2.5 years now, 3 times a week and i have lost 2.5 stone since then. My legs are now definitely my best feature with well defined muscles... just need to work on the tummy area now! It was so hot in the class last night i looked like i'd just got out the shower when we finished.…
  • From my youngest (who is 12 and she said this very recently), that when she grew up she wanted to be a lovely mammy like me. Melted my heart it did!
  • Perhaps if you did log your meals at the weekend, especially the ones that got out of hand, and you could actually see the amount of calories you've consumed it might make you think twice about it doing it next time? I know for me that has certainly helped as i've thought 400 calories for some wasabi coated peanuts??…
  • It's probably because she is her 'best friend' that she's looking for some advice on how to deal with this and that is what forums like this can help with, offering differing ideas and ways to help. OP, she sounds very jealous and maybe she's worried you'll look for new skinny friends once you reach your target? Obviously…
  • No, you don't suck at motivational speeches, what you said made perfect sense. There is nothing and no-one forcing any of us to over eat. Those that have taken exception to your original post need to seriously have a word with themselves. I've noticed that on so many of these threads that some people will argue with anyone…
  • You just need to set your alarm clock much earlier and do not hit snooze! I get up at 5.30am every morning to take the dog for a walk, make the packed lunches, do the dishes/jobs that need doing before leaving for work. Once you decide on the time you need to get up it will soon become normal for you!
  • Totally agree. When i first started doing exercise a couple of years ago i went to a spinning class. I literally fell off the bike at the end of the 45 minutes and had such a banging headache for the rest of the day and night. I still felt dreadful the next day. I would say it took a good couple of weeks of 2 classes a…
  • Like you i wanted to address my bikini line for my holidays and as I use an epilator on my under arms and legs i thought why not try it 'down there'. Ooof. It brought tears to my eyes, but i do a little bit every day and i'm getting there. I think the advantage of using an epilator over waxing is that every time a hair…
  • I know how you feel. I've had 3 separate people (1 of them my husband) tell me that if i lose any more weight i'l look gaunt and that being too skinny as you get older is not a good look. I took these comments as a complement as it meant that it was noticeable that i'd shed a few pounds. I don't think i will look gaunt, i…
  • I think both you and hubby have played a part in this; your hubby for buying the junk and you for serving up too big a portion size. You both need to work together now in addressing how to move forward as you are at a point where you have no choice now other than to sort this out or your sons are going to get really ill. I…
  • I'm with jwhited71, everything in moderation. If i go on a diet and make myself cut out certain foods/drinks it doesn't work, the cravings just take over! Now i have pretty much what i want just a lot less of it.
  • Haha, yes i've had many, many moments like that with both of mine! How many times have your kids said they are going to phone Childline for being so mean to them... lost count how many times mine have!
  • Hahaha, cheers liiike man!
  • The opinion of those that mean sonething to me matters a lot. Having said that my husband did not tell me i had put on too much weight until recently after i lost it all. Then he told me he was worried about me before because i looked 8 months pregnant! The opinion of people on here, i'm not sure about that yet, no-body…
  • Every weekend is over calories for me! I try to make up for that by being good through the week and it seems to be working so far.