crbruner Member


  • And I totally meant lose not loose haha oops
  • I found some really good Egg beaters southwest style that is really good in a low carb whole wheat tortilla with some salsa and cheese. I have been buying veggie based cheese that is dairy free, there are a lot of great dairy alternatives out there. And if I can find them in my somewhat rural community I'd expect most…
  • I've been wearing two sports bra's for excersice and sports since I was in my teens, even under my swim suit when I was on the swim team in high school. It's never really made a difference in brand for me. They all are tight, but better a tight bra than feeling like your beating your self to death lol. I will say I have a…
  • It makes me more conscientiousness of what I'm eating through out the day when I allow others to view my diary.
  • See if theer is anyone in your city or town that does a spray tan by hand. I go to a place called no fry zone, and get sprayed ocasionally. It's great and no orangy tint like some of the booths. My daughter is 19 months now and most of my stretch marks on my hips and belly have faded but the ones on my legs are still…
  • Hungry Girls Chicken Strips are great. You can find them on her website. She coats them in crushed fiber one cereal and faux fries them, my picky 18 month old loved them and so did I.
  • Where is everyone buying the PB2 I would love to try it but do not want to order such a large amout.
  • Amy's Organic is my latest addiction. They are all organic meals that are great and do not taste like frozen food! They have a light and fit line that is low cal too, but even the regular line is pretty decent on calories. I love these because they are not processed and taste like I jsut You can find them at Target,…