I am a year out and am still taking one called Bariatric fusion, they make a chewable, (it was recommended immediately after surgery) I couldn't handle it. I stopped taking it and got a little ill, Vitamin deficiency. They then said I could take the pill form 3x daily.
This is exactly what I wanted to say, but she said it so much better! I too have stalled after about 80 pounds, it's a little disheartening. And I know I can do better. So really, here's to the both of reaching physical and emotional goals.
call your surgeon in the morning, that doesn't sound right at all. I remember there was some discomfort 14 days out and I was pretty weak (I was in hosp for a week afterward). Do you have to do heparin shots in your abdomen? that could be the cause, it could have caused a minor bleed under the skin, but call your surgeon.
it does but it also shows what dressing right for our new bodies "even with extra skin", can look like
the other day I was laying on the floor in the kitchen trying to get a toy out from under the stove, for our Kitty. I thought I was going to die down there; omg it hurt so bad. I guess I used to have much more padding on my hip. Needless to say the cat enjoyed it immensely, I was her personal jungle gym for a little bit. I…
wow great work Angel and congratulations on the bp meds
as soon as you start the dialysis you should start to feel better, not so tired all the time. and omg I wish I had the balance to roller skate. I am hoping when I lose a bit more weight I will be more comfortable on my bike. I ride it, but I am not nearly as confident as I used to be.
well shoot the main reason to reply was to say congratulations first... the mind is the second thing to go, the first as the weight :D
my doc didn't set goals either but I did, mini ones I have hit two and am on my way to the third, there is one more after that
on the cycler? I tried the cycler for a week or so we found out I need to dwell at least 6 hours preferably 8, my numbers are great with two ... so far fingers crossed it stays that way
i do 2 manual exchanges starting at 7 pm with a change at 12 am and a drain in the am and empty all day wooo hooo for that, so I sleep for most of mine, Hemo and I did not get along, I had 1 day of feeling good for the whole week
your story is very similar to mine :D I have one more test to do before they put me on the list, the vein surgeon says I don't need the test, but the transplant team says I do before they put me on the list, go figure LOL. I have been on peritoneal dialysis for 4 years, I was on Hemo for 3 months following the vsg surgery,…
hope you feel better soon, good to know on the cold meds would have never thought of it. And although I don't get them often, but when I do, I am definitely going to medicate it. Thank you for the post.
I found one of the ways for me to get a bit of sweet in, that was also good for me was to mix 1/2 of a sugar free pudding mix into a large container of 0 fat greek yogurt and have fruit with it. The banana cream one and the cheesecake one are both winners, and whatever kind of fruit you have on hand.
When I first started this journey I bought a goal outfit, it was a couple sizes smaller, I still wear the pants, the shirt on the other hand looked like poop on me (peplum shirts are not my friend). I have had things taken in, but clearance items and coupons you can use on clearance items are great.
I have never been this "thin" in my life (in quotes because I am not really thin!)--- so it is kind of odd to see myself like this. I also find myself kind of disappointed with how unbelievably saggy everything is. OMG. What a mess! [/quote] I agree 100% I feel all jiggly
lol I know exactly how you feel, I was there 7 months ago. Just remember there is an end in sight.
Thank you, I feel like I was having a major blonde moment, lol. I know to look on the web for this stuff.
yay you did really well, omg pot lucks on pureed, I wouldn't have attempted it
I never noticed them until you pointed them out, thank goodness I don't like pizza hut, but now I am going to see them all the time. Thank you so very much, LOL.
I agree with garber6th, I didn't get to have "soft foods" for 3 months following the surgery, I was on pureed only.
:) you can do this it is well worth the effort
B) welcome to the new you, hope its a speedy recovery with no bumps in the road
I was told to puree beans and add some salsa to it, not too much though, turkey chili, <<the beans pureed and the turkey little tiny kernels of it. I ate a lot of beans during that stage. I could not handle pureeing the cottage cheese, it was disgusting. cream of ? soups and chicken flavored protein broth.
:D yay I am so glad that it went well
wow you look great
Benadryl anti itch gel works really well
I think all surgeons or WLC have their own protocol, mine doesn't care if I drink milk as long as its non or 1% fat but grains are non existent for the first year, potatoes once a week at most. I have had rice, 6 bites in the last 6 mos. that is not too shabby for a carbaholic. And like everyone said you should feel…
vit D also, my endocrinologist checked that for the hair loss
omg your boss just completely pissed me off. In regards to telling people, I'll tell anyone who will listen, hopefully I will get over this stage. It took me 4 mos to decide to do this, it was a long process of being wishy washy, and now you can't shut me up about it.