

  • thats what im worried about. i noticed that my fitbit dashboard said 16 very active minutes BEFORE i logged my time on the elliptical in MFP, and now it says 36 very active minutes in fitbit, so its looking like it double counted them. i just dont want to double count the calories burned because im logging my activity…
  • you can add me!!! im trying to lose 100+ lbs as well. i lost 5lbs in the first 2 weeks but our schedule has been so hectic lately that i havent been eating as well as i should be and i havent been able to exercise. im currently at 290, but i would love to get down to ~150.
  • welcome!!! i also just started a few weeks ago. a friend pointed me towards this site. this is also my first time with counting calories as well. i always resisted going the calorie counting path because i thought it was so much hassle, but this site makes it so easy and im actually succeeding now. you can do this!!! its…
  • while i dont have much in the way of advice, i just wanted to let you know you arent alone. im a big-time night snacker. my husband works midnights and i have a daughter in elementary school who is usually in bed by 8.30 so we usually have dinner by around 5ish so that my daughter isnt eating right before bed as its a…
  • same here. but i still lost over the last few days. since i started calorie counting and logging everything a couple weeks ago, im much more aware of what im eating and portion sizes. ive always been a big eater and i always felt like the portion sizes were more like child-sized portions than realistic portions but ive…
  • i eat it plain. i love cottage cheese. i know some people eat it with a little bit of fruit. crushed or chunk pineapple (in its own juices if you get the canned variety) is really good with cottage cheese.
  • i dont usually eat back my exercise calories. i try to stick to my calorie goal for the day without the exercise. the calories i burn from exercise are extra in case i want to give myself a treat.
  • i find it helpful to allow myself a cheat day now and then as long as i dont go overboard. it helps keep me going knowing that im not depriving myself of ALL of the "good stuff". and there are days when ive been especially good and have extra cals left over that i allow myself a treat as long as im within my calorie…
  • wow, i only get 1640 cals per day. and i have a hard time staying under that some days. although there are days (like yesterday for example) where i was really busy and didnt eat much and after dinner i still had 600 cals left over. mfp yells at me if i have more than 440 left over (it tells me i need to consume a minimum…
  • count me in! ive actually got about 140lbs to lose (nearly half my body weight) to be at a "healthy" weight
  • i just roll with the punches and if i go over one day, i either try to find time that day to do some good cardio to balance it out and if i cant, i work extra hard the rest of the week. i had one of those weekends this weekend-wasnt home for 4 straight days for meals so i had little control over what was made and how it…
  • i have been known to use diced tomatoes or halved cherry/grape tomatoes, mushrooms (fresh sliced button mushrooms are really good but canned/jarred mushrooms work just as well), cheese, bell pepper, onions, chopped fresh baby spinach, chopped cooked bacon or REAL bacon bits (not imitation!)
  • tbh-it gets tedious trying to log everything. but i find when i dont do it, i fall off the wagon so to speak. when i log, im much more aware of what im eating and my portion sizes. in all of the times ive tried to lose weight, this is the first time ive ever tried logging (thanks to my friend summer who gave me the link to…
  • I am insulin resistant as well. Ive noticed that the more I deny myself something that I really want, the more I crave it and the more likely I am to have a moment of weakness and give in to my craving. Pasta is also my downfall (I swear I was Italian in another life as I could literally LIVE on pasta). The best thing you…