Soooo.... who else messed up a little this weekend... lol

GRRRRR.... not a good weekend at all. Managed to stay around goal calories, give or take a little, but none of it was CLEAN eating... lots of sodium... uuughhh

Who else indulged a little?

No problem guys! We will get back on track! That is what this site is for... support!

So for those of you that were not too happy with the scales this morning as a result of this weekend, just wanted to let you know I know how you feel... we all make mistakes, but what is important is to get back on track

A big THANK YOU for all the support and encouragement you all provide me with everyday! I wouldn't know what to do without your support! Happy Tuesday and everyone have a good start this week!! :flowerforyou:


  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    *GUILTY* But, still had fun...not gonna beat myself up over it too bad. Gonna work my butt off to get ready for the 4th of July weekend 'cause I'm probably gonna mess up then
  • Melacole23
    Melacole23 Posts: 15
    This weekend was horrible for me...not only was my Zumba school down because of a burst water pipe, but my eating was horrible!!!! I am taking prednisone for a couple of weeks and I swear it makes me want to eat constantly--and NOT good for me stuff. It's all good though---I am just happy I maintained and didn't gain a ton this weekend. Back on track today and logging my calories and a jog and stairs after work today! Good times. Every now again you just have to indulge! Thanks for posting--nice to know I am not alone :)
  • beginnerthinner
    Me... BIG STYLE! Lol one dinner party (and a bottle of wine all for little old me) and two barbecues and I feel terrible! Well I did till I burnt some off at the gym tonight! Nice to know someone else struggles with weekends too haha x
  • ImBabyBunny
    ImBabyBunny Posts: 75
    OH Gosh I love you! Lol I messed up this weekend too, I have had just about the worst week of my whole life :( I need to find my motivation. ...I seem to have misplaced it.
  • beachbumdoug
    beachbumdoug Posts: 171 Member
    Thanks for the nice post, I also messed up big time this weekend..Had a great time but now feeling bad about it.
    Will work extra hard this week to try and make it up..
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    luckily, i did same as much as i REALLY wanted to go out to a buffet, or chinese food, i resisted, and stuck to meals from home..
  • stacyw466
    stacyw466 Posts: 13
    I was def off track this weekend. It was the craziest I had in a long time. Friday was my wedding, Saturday & Sunday went to amusement parks n ate stuff I know I shouldn't have and then Monday was like a totally off day all together with me.

    So after eating everything I shouldn't have I also didn't exercise like I would normally do and today I pay for it via the scale. :(

    But it put my back in the right mind set and I'm off to continue with my goals. :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I did just the opposite. I ate healthy foods, but way too much. Calories over every day I think. But it was mostly from beer and wine more than food. But I'm not going to fret about it. I'll Zumba it back off this week.
  • medchick82
    medchick82 Posts: 5 Member
    Ditto! I only stayed under calories ONE day of my three day weekend, but like you said, we can all get back on track today. For that reason, I used my two hour break at school to actually hit the gym, and burned 222 calories in about 40 minutes!

    As for the weekend though, I ate everything in front of me I think. LOL - pizza, fajitas, chips & queso. It was like I had forgotten I need to squeeze into a wedding dress in a few weeks??? Oh well, back to the grind today!!

    Hope everyone else had a good weekend otherwise, and let's just put one foot in front of the other and get moving!

  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member


    I may have gone *ahem* a bit over on my calories this weekend, (mmmmm, BBQ)

    Oh well, today is a new day :smile:
  • ariesangel
    ariesangel Posts: 15
    same here. but i still lost over the last few days. since i started calorie counting and logging everything a couple weeks ago, im much more aware of what im eating and portion sizes. ive always been a big eater and i always felt like the portion sizes were more like child-sized portions than realistic portions but ive been sticking with it and im slowly getting to the point where i dont feel like im starving on "normal" portion sizes anymore. so its a bit easier to stay around my calorie limit now that i have a better concept of what portion sizes i SHOULD be eating. but im a firm believer that holidays should be "cheat days" lol. at least summer is starting so i have swimming to break up the exercise monotony. and my husband has been more supportive this time and when we do cookouts at his dads (my husband is the designated griller), he makes the extra effort to make sure that a couple of chicken breasts make their way onto the grill too and he makes sure to set one of the largest ones aside for me.
  • Angie80281
    Angie80281 Posts: 444 Member
    I did the same thing! I always have some kind of "bad" snack or treat at night, but this weekend I went crazy with it! I stayed close to my goal calories too, but was often high on sodium and fat. Lol, the two cheese hot dogs for dinner last night didn't help. But hey, it was a long weekend and we all need to indulge every once in a while. Here's to getting back on track!
  • alynnbennett
    alynnbennett Posts: 182
    Most def messed up this weekend! But HEY I had a great time and I'm back on track this Tuesday so I won't beat myself up over it! Moving on! Thanks for all the support!
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    Guilty. But I don't feel too guilty about it since I made some good choices overall. The only bad day was Saturday. We went to a Chinese buffet and everything was fried, hardly any veggies and almost everything was chicken. I only had one small plate and felt really bloated afterwards.
    Grilled chicken and Mediterranean cous cous sald I made on Sunday, more of the same on Monday, turkey Subway sub, so overall not too bad.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    My guess would be most people did. BUT NO WORRIES!!!

    I stay away from grains, legumes, sugars and flours. This weekend I ate: grains, legumes, sugars and flours.

    It started Friday night at the Outback Restaurant when they put their bread in front of me. It went downhill from there. By Monday my body wanted nothing but sugar!! So today was an intermittent fast since I had no interest in food. Will probably have some meat and fat for dinner and leave it at that (and take my supplements).
  • YvetteBabich
    My guess would be most people did. BUT NO WORRIES!!!

    I stay away from grains, legumes, sugars and flours. This weekend I ate: grains, legumes, sugars and flours.

    It started Friday night at the Outback Restaurant when they put their bread in front of me. It went downhill from there. By Monday my body wanted nothing but sugar!! So today was an intermittent fast since I had no interest in food. Will probably have some meat and fat for dinner and leave it at that (and take my supplements).

    This sounds like EXACTLY what I was going to post. I went crazy this weekend and all I wanted yesterday was sugar, but IF saved the day today and I'll be back to normal in no time :)