

  • I've been having the same thing happen to me too. Its really disheartening and makes it really tempting to quit. But keep on keepin on and I'm sure it will move eventually.
  • I think it really helps me a lot too! I don't always do it, but I do a great deal of the time. I like doing it the day before, and then I can get all the things ready for my lunch to take with me to work. It saves me time to have it all ready ahead of time and its nice to not have to rack my brains for what i want to eat…
  • Haha hahahahaha! I totally know what you mean! I can't seem to get my water drank in the early part of the day and end up having to get up in the middle of the night to pee. I went from drinking virtually no water to trying to drink 8 cups a day. What a weird change! Its taking my body a while to adjust.
  • I completely know how you feel! The same thing happened to me this week. I know how frustrating and tempting it is to give up. Its easy to be motivated when you're seeing results and much harder when progress isn't really evident. I'm trying to think of this as an opportunity to prove myself, to show how I am really…
  • I too have had a tendency to eat "everything in sight" when I'm bored/sad/angry or any other strong emotion. In the past I've found myself justifying eating whatever I want by telling myself I deserve it because of whatever I'm going through emotionally. Since joining this site I've done what everyone has suggested you do…
  • I posted something similar a week or so ago, because I always go over on my protein. I came to find out that too much protein can be hard on your kidneys so you should be certain to drink LOTS of water to help protect them. (Lots, to me being the recommended 8 glasses a day).
    in Protein Comment by gailwyn February 2010
  • I posted something similar a week or so ago, because I always go over on my protein. I came to find out that too much protein can be hard on your kidneys so you should be certain to drink LOTS of water to help protect them. (Lots, to me being the recommended 8 glasses a day).
    in Protein Comment by gailwyn February 2010
  • This site IS an answer to a lot of people's prayers. I love how positive everybody on here is and how encouraging they all are as well. I heard one person say on here recently that "dieting isn't for the faint-hearted" and its totally true. It is so much easier to bear and stick with it if you know there are others in the…
  • As others have said, I think it really just depends on you. I allow myself a cheat day every week, and I keep it flexible so that I can have it on days when I'm going out for someone's birthday or something like that. One week my cheat day might be Saturday, the next it might be Tuesday. It really helps me during the week,…
  • Keep your chin up! Have you tried looking at your local library to see if they have any work-out videos there? A lot of them do, which would be a cheap way to find some new exercise routines.
  • Thanks for all the suggestions. :)
  • I'm a big fan of cottage cheese and fruit for breakfast, which is a good source of protein and a little natural (ish) sugar. Sometimes if I'm in a hurry I do light string cheese instead of the cottage cheese, which I can eat while in the car.