Feeling like giving up.

RacheBell Posts: 111
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I exercised 4 days last week, and I gained almost 2 pounds. I've been doing really well with my calorie intake and upping my exercise, and I just haven't lost. I feel like crying. :sad:

And my boyfriend is about to kill me because I'm so down on myself lately.


  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    Don't give up!!!
    If you've been kicking up your exercise, chances are you have gained muscle and lost fat. The best way to tell is with a tape measure....measure yourself and learn to go by those numbers instead of the scale numbers.
    You are really doing great!:bigsmile:

    Jan AKA PoeRaven
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • 25anniversary2011
    25anniversary2011 Posts: 123 Member
    Don't give up. Stick to it. It WILL happen for you. Remember we didn't gain weight overnight, so we can't expect to loose it overnight either. Don't give up! :noway:
  • It is not unheard of to gain weight with diet and exercise, this is due to the body gaining muscle and loosing fat. 1 lb of muscle is like 5 times smaller in volume that 1 lb of fat. best example is go to the store and look at a 1 lb steak and then 1 lb of lard you will see the size difference.

    Good luck and keep going.
  • sweetbn
    sweetbn Posts: 318
    Muscle retains water - mine does this after an especially hard week... but you will see the results!! Don't give up!!

    PS Sometimes weight loss seems to take a week to come through. You can do it!!!!
  • gailwyn
    gailwyn Posts: 15
    I completely know how you feel! The same thing happened to me this week. I know how frustrating and tempting it is to give up. Its easy to be motivated when you're seeing results and much harder when progress isn't really evident. I'm trying to think of this as an opportunity to prove myself, to show how I am really committed to my goals. Right now I'm living by the mantra "sometimes good things have to fall apart so better things can fall into place". Keep up your good work and stick to it! :) We're all here to support you too!
  • shellee9tj
    shellee9tj Posts: 221 Member
    Are you eating back your exercise calories? Afte doing an intense workout I usually gain a temporary 2-3lbs which comes off and then some in a few days, due to the fact that the body protects the muscles by retaining water after a vigorous workout. Don't give up, if you are doing what you are supossed to you will eventually get the results you are after!
  • haileyco
    haileyco Posts: 68
    I have been there.....keep trucking along. Most likely you are retaining water. Often when there is a jump in your exercise routine, your body holds on to water. Be sure you are drinking tons of water.....at least 8 glasses a day and then another liter or 2 if you are exercising. keep it up, it will pay off. :smile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hang in there. I am in the same boat. I worked out 6 days last week and gained 2 pounds. From what I have read is your muscles retain water like some of the others have said and will hold onto that water. It's pretty common. Should drop off in a week or try. If you don't eat your exercise calories trying eating some of those. If you are really pushing your body hard it might need more fuel. Good luck! Don't give up!
  • futfurd
    futfurd Posts: 33 Member
    Our bodies are really stubborn sometimes. They don't just stop on a dime. They get used to the way things are going and they resist change in curious ways. You just have to show that thing there's a new sheriff in town. If you make this odd new thing the status quo your body will fall in line.
  • RacheBell
    RacheBell Posts: 111
    Thanks for the advice/encouragement guys! I really appreciate it. That's why I love this site so much.

    I'll weigh myself again Thursday. Hopefully I lose SOMETHING. Anything!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Don't give up girlie! When you exercise, your muscles retain water. It is unlikely that your body is gaining muscle if you are watching what you eat and are exercising the way you are. Retaining water is most likely the culprit. However, if you are not eating all your calories including your exercise calories, you are putting your body into starvation mode. Keep doing what you are doing and the scale WILL go down!!
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    How frequently are you weighing yourself? I found myself getting a bit obsessive and had to back off a bit because I would get angry and depressed if I put on too much from weigh-in to weigh-in. So I had my roommate hide my scale and she would only give it to me every so often. (P.S. She's a really good "hider," I couldn't find the darn thing anywhere.) Perhaps try scheduling your dates with the scale a little less frequently, such as every week or every 10 days. It's only a mental trick, but anything helps!
  • futfurd
    futfurd Posts: 33 Member
    Another thing! weigh the same time when you way. Body weight can fluctuate 2 or 3 pounds during the day. So if you weigh in the morning when you get up, always weigh at that time.
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