

  • I've mixed a scoop of vanilla protein powder in with my greek yogurt to make it more filling. For shakes, I use the GNC Genetix-HD protein powder, but for the filling effect, I prefer the LeanShake 25...you could also blend a shake with spinach and berries to make it more filling.
  • I am hypothyroid as well and have been through the nightmare of figuring out the diet that is best for me. Every person is different and there are many factors that have to be considered when determining which program is best - genetics, body type, medical conditions, etc. When I was diagnosed as hypothyroid, it seemed…
  • I log in every day....
    in Anyone? Comment by ldhfcrew July 2013
  • Thanks for the replies....this gym doesn't have any full-time employees, but I still found it very weird and unsanitary. I belong to a gym that doesn't have a shower, which doesn't bother me because its 2 blocks from my house...but it at least has a bathroom. I think it is something that they have to change...plain and…
  • Any of you can add me as well...the more the merrier!!
  • Added you! And any one else who wants to add me is more than welcome to!! The more the merrier!!
  • I think everyone has their own personal preference, but I am a firm believer in the foam roller. I began using it in my recovery after a fall down the stairs almost 5 years ago and swear by it. It has saved us tons of $$ on massage and chiropractor visits!
  • Does the treadmill you are using have some sort of shock absorption? Our gym has several types of treadmills, one of which has shock absorption. Whenever I run on the others, I get hip pain like no other and it takes me several days to heal afterward. I have also found that using the foam roller before I run helps also. I…
  • Have you tried running? I am small framed and struggled with the belly area. Once I started running, it seemed to melt off...I was never a runner, but started with the C25K app over a year ago and now am addicted to running.. Good luck!!
  • I've been using it for over a year and have lost 28 pounds. I'm petite (5'2) and hit my heaviest (142) a year and a half ago. I am hypothyroid and had been working my tail off - nothing worked. Then a friend of a friend introduced me to it and I haven't turned back. I lost the weight I wanted to lose and some more...but I…
  • I am hypothyroid and fought my doctor for over a year. I knew I felt awful and that my thyroid was off, but he kept doing the bloodwork and it kept coming back in the normal range. I had had enough and requested to be seen by another endocrinologist. The new endo told me that some thyroid patients have normal levels but…