thyroid/bloodwork/can't lose weight

About a year ago i was sent to the endocrinologist and i had 2,000$ worth of blood work done. I could not lose weight no matter what i did. Well, all the blood work came back fine. I'm still in the same boat. I cannot lose weight/inches no matter what i do. I've even been told i was lying because if i was doing all i said i was doing i'd surely be losing! Is there another way that my thyroid can be checked other than blood work? I do kettleworx and Turbo Fire. I work out an hour at the gym 5-6 days a week. (an hour of cardio) I eat clean. I've been working so hard and eating clean since March 18th. Any suggestions on what i should do ?


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Do you track all of your food? Do you weigh and measure it?
  • larsensue
    larsensue Posts: 461 Member
    Same problem here! I swim, walk, lift weights, bike to work everyday (weather permitting) and NOTHING!!! had all the blood work done and everything is fine. my DR said welcome to the over 40 club, you may just have to get used to it..... not what I wanted to hear and I will not accept that as the end of it. Something else has to be going on other than age.... I will continue to work at it. if you need a friend in the same boat feel free to add me....
  • FrOgLoVeR40
    Lora...yes i measure all the time and weigh my food sometimes. I've been doing it so long (and i was on weight watchers). I use this site to keep track of my food and exercise. hen i think well maybe it's not my age. I'm 40....41 in a month
  • Niki0885
    Niki0885 Posts: 19 Member
    I have hypothyroid and for the most part it is finally under control after about a year and a half. My doctor had to continue to modify my medication but they say once it is regulated you will begin to see changes. On top of bloodwork by doctor has done a periodic thyroid ultrasound to check my thyroid function (maybe that is an option for you) i would also have your doctor check your other levels such as B12 because my doctor noticed my B12 levels were really low and she gave me medication to stabilize it. In the end you can always get a second opinion if you feel the doctor is not listening to you, for years i was undiagnosed had hair loss and other symptoms but it went undetected until i found my new doctor. There is hope!!! :)
  • FretheMJsmokingcannibal
    When do you typically go out to exercise? Originally, I did exercise in the afternoon but that was when I did track last year and I burnt a TON of calories because it was 2-2 (1/2) hours of running and sprinting. A lot more calories out than in so I could afford

    I couldn't do track this year because I had to focus on my grades so I gained a lot of weight back even though I burnt more than I took in because the next morning I'd eat back yesterday's net calories.

    So the time of day is also a big factor.

    As for your metabolism, try checking your how much you sleep. Sleep helps with metabolism.

    Also have you gotten any diagnosis from your doctor yet? It sounds like you have hypothyroidism. If he has, has he suggested levothyroxine. It's a pill that people like myself who suffer from it take to make up for what cannot be produced. If you need any help or questions about hypothyroidism, talk to your doctor and there are many people here, including myself who you can message.
  • wanderinggypsy
    Maybe you have a food allergy? I would suggest a 3-week elimination cleanse and see what happens then. If you start to lose weight/feel better, it's likely you have a food allergy of some sort.

    I just recently found out I have a wheat allergy (after years of struggling with weight loss), and I've lost 15 lbs since April 27th!
  • FrOgLoVeR40
    i'm writing all of this down....that way i can take it to my dr. when i go.
    I'm on a few meds ....the dr said those couldn't be the reason. Lisinopril (blood pressure) , trivora (birth control) , linzess (ibs) , and i take a probiotic. Also the dr has taken me off the last week of my BC pills...therefore i have no period. It's called menstrual suppression. I've always wondered if that could be the cause. Of course my gyno says no,
  • FrOgLoVeR40
    marie.... I will do my turbofire during the day. Between noon and 2. Then i go to the gym late evening..maybe 8pm. I get plenty of sleep. 8-10 hours a night. The dr said that i was fine----i did not have pcos BUT she did want to prescribe me Metformin. I didn't accept it because i had nothing wrong with me.
  • FrOgLoVeR40
    wandering....i've often wondered about that. I'll look some info up online and read more about it.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    you could have your metabolic rate tested at a sport science centre / gym / uni / whatever.

    Thyroid problems can reduce metabolic rate, that's the only way if affects weight loss as far as I know - you need to eat a lot less to match it.

    If all the manic exercising doesn't deliver try 2 weeks of low calorie eating, assuming you have a fair bit to lose.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Maybe if you opened your food diary people could help out a bit more. It's hard to say what might be going on with any sort of certainty if you don't let people see your diary.

    Lots of you take measurements of different body parts regularly? Sometimes you won't see much (or any) scale movement, but your measurements will be decreasing.

    You could have some sort of hormonal issues, it could be your medications, it could be all sorts of stuff. But it seems like the place to start would be with your food intake and logging. You say you measure all your food and weigh sometimes. You should really be weighing everything, all the time...particularly since you're having trouble losing weight right now.

    ETA: I just saw your comment regarding Metformin...why did the doctor want to prescribe it if there isn't anything wrong with you?
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    Are you gaining weight? I have been hyypothyroid for several years and when I was diagnosed I not only couldn't lose weight I was gaining weight. I followed WW religously for a week and gained three pounds. If you are not gaining you may still have a slow thyroid. What was your TSH?
  • Bekahmardis
    Bekahmardis Posts: 602 Member
    Open your diary to help us take a look at what may be happening. It's really hard to tell without seeing that. Sometimes people don't lose because they actually aren't eating *enough* with all the exercise.....
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Everyone always wants to blame the thyroid for weightloss issues..It could be any number of issues. However what was checked for your thyroid blood draw? If it was just TSH, that does no good. Total T3, Free T3, Total T4, Free T4 all need to be looked at, and if autoimmune disease is a question, thyroid antibodies need to be checked as well. I have years of experience (close to 11 now) with dealing with hashi's (autoimmune hypothyroid) and know all about struggles with losing weight.

    I highly doubt it has anything to do with the menstrual suppression either since I have the Mirena IUD and haven't had a period since July of 2010.
  • ldhfcrew
    ldhfcrew Posts: 14
    I am hypothyroid and fought my doctor for over a year. I knew I felt awful and that my thyroid was off, but he kept doing the bloodwork and it kept coming back in the normal range. I had had enough and requested to be seen by another endocrinologist. The new endo told me that some thyroid patients have normal levels but function better on the lower end. So he tweaked my dosage just a little and I had incredible changes. On top of having my dosage changed, I also began Yoli's Better Body System. Between the two, I have been able to lose almost 30 pounds that I'd put on over the course of 1 1/2-2 years. I now have tons of energy and feel great - human!! Good luck!! I was in your shoes and know what it feels like to think you're not being heard! If you are interested in the Yoli System, I can get you more information as well.
  • kw85296
    kw85296 Posts: 265 Member
    Try some B12 or D3. Both of those have also been linked with difficulty in losing weight. Both my husband and my mother have been told they are D3 difficient. They are finding with our lifestyles we are not getting enough of this vitamin. It is worth a try. I would start with 2000 IU as this is what both were told to take. You could also check with your Dr. to see if this was checked with your bloodwork and if the levels were low.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    How much do you eat? Even eating clean can be too much - or too little...
    I'm in my 40's was doing P90X six days a week and eating 1500 calories - nothing lost...After (and before P90X) I ran 3x per week, did heavy weights 3x per week on 1400/1500 cals...Still nothing....
    Took a break, started walking 10000 steps during the day, cut down on running to 2 times a week and lift heavy 3times a week - and am eating beween 1700 and 1900 cals a day - more on weekends (at least one day per weekend around maintenance (2400) and the other daey around 2000...
    And I lost 5 lbs in the last month - for the first time in more than a year....
    It can be done - maybe cut down on the cardio.....
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    i'm writing all of this down....that way i can take it to my dr. when i go.
    I'm on a few meds ....the dr said those couldn't be the reason. Lisinopril (blood pressure) , trivora (birth control) , linzess (ibs) , and i take a probiotic. Also the dr has taken me off the last week of my BC pills...therefore i have no period. It's called menstrual suppression. I've always wondered if that could be the cause. Of course my gyno says no,

    Top line of "Side Effects" tab on WebMD for Trivora:
    Nausea, vomiting, headache, bloating, breast tenderness, swelling of the ankles/feet (fluid retention), or weight change may occur.

    Trivora is a hormonal birth control. Hormones are a huge factor in women's weight...

    Two of the listed side effects of Lisinopril (according to ) - depression (which can result in emotional eating, leading to weight gain) and "rapid weight gain".

    I highly recommend a second opinion, and like someone else mentioned, an elimination diet. You might want to check out the Whole 30 program ( ) and see if doing it makes any difference for you.
  • FrOgLoVeR40
    I don't know why the endocrinologist wanted to give me metformin. Maybe to shut me up and help me lose? I don't need anything for my appetite. It's just fine. If i don't have pcoc i didn't see the need for it. I do measure and take pics. Its been 3 months....i really don't see a difference in the pics and i lost 4 inches the first month and none after that. No, i'm not gaining. I'm maintaining. If i ate what i wanted and didn't exercise i could gain 10 pounds in a month. I've done it. I don't know what my TSH is....i have lost all my papers since it's been over a year. I need to call my dr. and get copies from her.
    I'm new to MFP.........i'll go look and see how to make my diary public
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    This sounds exactly like what I went through. When I was younger I could lose weight by just skipping a meal but not anymore! I had multiple symptoms of a thyroid issue but all my blood work came back normal. I then went to a Weight Loss Medical Office and had my metabolism tested, started seeing a Dietician and doing some cardio. I gained two pounds the first month, hahaha. Then I got more serious, diligently logging and weighing my food and sticking to my calories every day. I lost a little weight. Then, I hired a personal trainer and started weight lifting, BINGO! My weight loss become consistent and what I've lost has stayed off. It's taken me a long time and I've had to have a LOT of patience but it worked. I haven't lost anything in about 3 months but my diet isn't perfect so I only have myself to blame. Also, like someone else mentioned.....welcome to 40!! hahahah