How can I lose my belly fat?

After 2 years I have already lost 40 lbs total. It has been a LONG LONG accomplishment but I did it! I only have 2 lbs to go to reach my goal weight of 120 lbs. One problem though, I still have some belly fat and it just won't go away!!! I am satisfied with everything else but my stubborn stomach. How can I lose it by also being able to maintain my weight? Or am I suppose to lose more? I just don't want to get too skinny anymore. The lowest I'd want to be is 115 lbs but I am happy with 120 already. What can I do?


  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    After 2 years I have already lost 40 lbs total. It has been a LONG LONG accomplishment but I did it! I only have 2 lbs to go to reach my goal weight of 120 lbs. One problem though, I still have some belly fat and it just won't go away!!! I am satisfied with everything else but my stubborn stomach. How can I lose it by also being able to maintain my weight? Or am I suppose to lose more? I just don't want to get too skinny anymore. The lowest I'd want to be is 115 lbs but I am happy with 120 already. What can I do?
    The only way to maintain your weight and lose fat is to add muscle to your frame. Adjust your cals to maintenance and begin to lift heavy. This will keep your weight basically static. What you are looking for is body recomposition and it takes time but it is possible.
  • jaina08
    jaina08 Posts: 561 Member
    After 2 years I have already lost 40 lbs total. It has been a LONG LONG accomplishment but I did it! I only have 2 lbs to go to reach my goal weight of 120 lbs. One problem though, I still have some belly fat and it just won't go away!!! I am satisfied with everything else but my stubborn stomach. How can I lose it by also being able to maintain my weight? Or am I suppose to lose more? I just don't want to get too skinny anymore. The lowest I'd want to be is 115 lbs but I am happy with 120 already. What can I do?
    The only way to maintain your weight and lose fat is to add muscle to your frame. Adjust your cals to maintenance and begin to lift heavy. This will keep your weight basically static. What you are looking for is body recomposition and it takes time but it is possible.

    I'm thinking about buying the book "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" since I don't even really know how to use weights. I take this body pump class twice a week at my gym where we use barbells but the weights we use aren't even heavy. I do cardio 6 days a week also. Am I suppose to only lift weights every other day?
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    After 2 years I have already lost 40 lbs total. It has been a LONG LONG accomplishment but I did it! I only have 2 lbs to go to reach my goal weight of 120 lbs. One problem though, I still have some belly fat and it just won't go away!!! I am satisfied with everything else but my stubborn stomach. How can I lose it by also being able to maintain my weight? Or am I suppose to lose more? I just don't want to get too skinny anymore. The lowest I'd want to be is 115 lbs but I am happy with 120 already. What can I do?
    The only way to maintain your weight and lose fat is to add muscle to your frame. Adjust your cals to maintenance and begin to lift heavy. This will keep your weight basically static. What you are looking for is body recomposition and it takes time but it is possible.

    I'm thinking about buying the book "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" since I don't even really know how to use weights. I take this body pump class twice a week at my gym where we use barbells but the weights we use aren't even heavy. I do cardio 6 days a week also. Am I suppose to only lift weights every other day?
    Each muscle you use needs a day to rest and recover after you stress it. Depending on how you break up your workouts you can do 3xweekly up to 6xweekly. It is suggested to have at least one full rest day a week. New rules is a great place to start ans so is strong lifts 5x5. Both have a group you can join here that is supportive and full of people with lots of experience and willing to help.
  • jaina08
    jaina08 Posts: 561 Member
    After 2 years I have already lost 40 lbs total. It has been a LONG LONG accomplishment but I did it! I only have 2 lbs to go to reach my goal weight of 120 lbs. One problem though, I still have some belly fat and it just won't go away!!! I am satisfied with everything else but my stubborn stomach. How can I lose it by also being able to maintain my weight? Or am I suppose to lose more? I just don't want to get too skinny anymore. The lowest I'd want to be is 115 lbs but I am happy with 120 already. What can I do?
    The only way to maintain your weight and lose fat is to add muscle to your frame. Adjust your cals to maintenance and begin to lift heavy. This will keep your weight basically static. What you are looking for is body recomposition and it takes time but it is possible.

    I'm thinking about buying the book "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" since I don't even really know how to use weights. I take this body pump class twice a week at my gym where we use barbells but the weights we use aren't even heavy. I do cardio 6 days a week also. Am I suppose to only lift weights every other day?
    Each muscle you use needs a day to rest and recover after you stress it. Depending on how you break up your workouts you can do 3xweekly up to 6xweekly. It is suggested to have at least one full rest day a week. New rules is a great place to start ans so is strong lifts 5x5. Both have a group you can join here that is supportive and full of people with lots of experience and willing to help.

    So I can do weights 6 days a week with a rest day?
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    After 2 years I have already lost 40 lbs total. It has been a LONG LONG accomplishment but I did it! I only have 2 lbs to go to reach my goal weight of 120 lbs. One problem though, I still have some belly fat and it just won't go away!!! I am satisfied with everything else but my stubborn stomach. How can I lose it by also being able to maintain my weight? Or am I suppose to lose more? I just don't want to get too skinny anymore. The lowest I'd want to be is 115 lbs but I am happy with 120 already. What can I do?
    The only way to maintain your weight and lose fat is to add muscle to your frame. Adjust your cals to maintenance and begin to lift heavy. This will keep your weight basically static. What you are looking for is body recomposition and it takes time but it is possible.

    I'm thinking about buying the book "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" since I don't even really know how to use weights. I take this body pump class twice a week at my gym where we use barbells but the weights we use aren't even heavy. I do cardio 6 days a week also. Am I suppose to only lift weights every other day?
    Each muscle you use needs a day to rest and recover after you stress it. Depending on how you break up your workouts you can do 3xweekly up to 6xweekly. It is suggested to have at least one full rest day a week. New rules is a great place to start ans so is strong lifts 5x5. Both have a group you can join here that is supportive and full of people with lots of experience and willing to help.

    So I can do weights 6 days a week with a rest day?
    It depends on how you break up your muscle groups,but yes. You may want to look up some 6 day split workouts and see how they look to you. You can also do 3x weekly with cardio or body pump on the off days.
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    You may want to check the group eat, train, progress. There is a lot of info there and if you want a more personalized response sidesteel has set up a way for that as well.
  • ldhfcrew
    ldhfcrew Posts: 14
    Have you tried running? I am small framed and struggled with the belly area. Once I started running, it seemed to melt off...I was never a runner, but started with the C25K app over a year ago and now am addicted to running..

    Good luck!!
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    Lifting 6 days a week can be pretty taxing. Most beginner programs will have you doing full-body workouts 3 days a week and suggest filling your other 3 workout days with light cardio. Get comfortable with the lifts and figure out how long it takes your body to recover - you don't want to burn out or get hurt.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    This may turn out to be crap, but I've been looking into these body wraps that helps with that last stubborn bit of belly fat. I'm at goal weight and honestly I think what I have left is more skin than belly fat. But I'm considering trying the wrap thing just in case.

    But it may turn out to be total crap. I'd pretty much try anything else before going there! LOL
  • kidtachyon
    kidtachyon Posts: 32 Member
    The wraps work for about 2 or 3 days max. Kind of like a spray on tan.
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    you can't spot reduce. Fat is Fat. Your body doesn't just drop fat in certain spots.

    In order to lose body fat, you have to change your diet.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    OP, it would have been much easier if you started strength training 2 years ago. As you lose weight you lose muscle along with fat, strength training would have helped preserve muscle you already had, so you would at your goal weight be a much lower BF% than if you did not strength train. It is much more difficult to build new muscle than to retain what you already have.

    It is good that you realized this now, and didn't just keep trying to lose weight, of you may have gotten well below you goal weight and still have more fat than you would like.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Calorie deficit and strength training, how else?
  • jaina08
    jaina08 Posts: 561 Member
    Calorie deficit and strength training, how else?

    I don't wanna sound stupid or anything but what does a calorie deficit exactly mean? I always see everyone saying this term but not really sure what that is..
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Calorie deficit and strength training, how else?

    I don't wanna sound stupid or anything but what does a calorie deficit exactly mean? I always see everyone saying this term but not really sure what that is..

    It means eating less calories than you burn. If you go to your goal tab and look at the top right, calories burned from normal daily activity, eat less than that and you are in a deficit.
  • jaina08
    jaina08 Posts: 561 Member
    Calorie deficit and strength training, how else?

    I don't wanna sound stupid or anything but what does a calorie deficit exactly mean? I always see everyone saying this term but not really sure what that is..

    It means eating less calories than you burn. If you go to your goal tab and look at the top right, calories burned from normal daily activity, eat less than that and you are in a deficit.

    Okay thanks for the help.
  • Bernadette60614
    Bernadette60614 Posts: 707 Member
    If you are interested in lifting, do check out They have a section called Transformations and you can see before/after photos, get someone's complete eating schedule/contents, and their training routine.
  • EnviousDan
    EnviousDan Posts: 107 Member
    you can't spot reduce. Fat is Fat. Your body doesn't just drop fat in certain spots.

    In order to lose body fat, you have to change your diet.

    QFT. You lose belly fat by losing fat. Calorie deficit/healthy eating/ exercise, etc. All the stuff you know works but don't want to do. There is no trick.
  • jaina08
    jaina08 Posts: 561 Member
    So once I reach 120 lbs and want to maintain it, how much calories and macros should I eat? I'm currently eating 1400 calories a day with 40% carbs, 40% protein and 20% fat.
  • jaina08
    jaina08 Posts: 561 Member
    So once I reach 120 lbs and want to maintain it, how much calories and macros should I eat? I'm currently eating 1400 calories a day with 40% carbs, 40% protein and 20% fat.

    Bump ^^^^^^