flossyruby1 Member


  • Is it ok to jump in a week late? I recently rejoined MFP and this would be a timely challenge to participate in, especially entering into holiday season. I don't have any boundaries surrounding alcohol just yet. But I haven't gotten off to a great start. Last night was an AF night and I slept so well! I'm planning on…
  • @A_Dabauer I toyed with counting macros over the holiday and liked it bc I was getting a bit more protein. I found that eating more protein at night made me not as ravenous the next morning. I was vegan for about 6 years and ultimately stopped bc I just didn’t feel good. I’m thinking it was bc my protein was so low. I’m…
  • Sorry for the delay in responding. Thank you for the re-welcome. My fast on Tuesday was a bust. I’m just not able to push through when my hunger tears it’s ugly head early in the morning. But that’s the beauty of fasting...flexibility. Making another attempt today. Question: has anyone attempted to do a fasting mimicking…
  • Good morning, all! Happy Sunday! It’s been awhile. Def not new to fasting (5:2 is/was my jam), but took a long break from it and have paid a price. I’ve been haphazardly back at it, but yesterday I tried on 5 pairs of jeans in my closet before settling on one that only made me feel like partially stuffed sausage. I lost…
  • 11/14: 149; yaaasssss...finally!!! Below 150!! Heading into thanksgiving stretch totally motivated!
  • https://pin.it/pvuxnchzxe5q5h
  • @meghan509 I would be happy to. I can try to DM you a link, but it may not make any sense bc it is related to WW. If you are a member, then it will make perfect sense. Let me know if you still want it. I weighed in at WW on Tuesday at 152. This morning I’m at 149.3. Actually...while the basis of the article may not make…
  • 11/7: 150.0; Down 1.6 from last weigh-in. Woohoo!! Looking to continue the downward treend
  • Hi everybody! I’m so sorry for the absence...I feel like I came back in a flurry only to “leave” again! Tbh, I’ve been Uber-focused on my new job. I’m loving working for WW and have recommitted to working that program. I found an interesting read on Pinterest (super scientific, I know), but it’s been a game changer. I’m…
  • Hey, my peeps! WiFi service in this hotel has been spotty, so it’s been hard to get online. I was hoping to have posted my stats before leaving, but I’ll just wait until I get back. So far, I haven’t really done too poorly while traveling. I would have normally used it as an excuse to just do what I want. But as I am hear…
  • Hey, everyone!! Sounds like you are all off to a good week! I’m excited to say that I leave for Dallas today for job training. I feel like a binaries businesswoman LOL. Tbh, I’ve been struggling a bit. I had 1.5 FD last week, which did not produce any results. I went to a WW workshop yesterday and was not surprised to lee…
  • @jknight001 Thank you for the reminder that many small substitutions throughout the day can make a huge impact!! Tonight, I made enchiladas for my kids and didn’t use nearly as much cheese as the recipe called. I used to be more conscientious about things like that, but I’d gotten out of the habit!
  • You are one busy girl @KateNkognito!!! I’ve been feeling the time crunch with everyone’s schedule, too. I’m trying to spend time on the weekends planning our meals and pre-prepping where appropriate. But when I get home from work, it doesn’t always pan out. Happy Birthday, BTW. 40 is a milestone for sure. I like myself…
  • Good morning, all!! I had a pretty FD yesterday that quickly deteriorated once I got home. I HATE that bc it’s such a waste. Today I’m “accidentally” fasting, which means I was late getting out the door, so I couldn’t make anything to eat. I’m not sure I’ll be eating lunch...I’ll decide when I get home. My week of…
  • Oops...forgot to mention-@meghan509, great job pre-planning!! That’s been my strategy this week. Hoping it pays off. @mamainthekitchen It’s always good to hear from you!!
  • Just checking in today. Had my first textbook FD on Monday...it’s been a while since I’ve done that. I was hoping to see the scale dip below 150, but it was not meant to be. I’m subbing tomorrow, so I’ll be busy dealing with kids. It will make a good FD. I do best without a lot of idle time. I suspect my body’s refusal to…
  • Weekly stats thread is up. When I weight in next week, I’ll copy my original info and add to it so you see a “running total”. Some members post the lbs lost, some do their weight, some add brief snippets about how they did, others just either say yeah or express their frustration. Whatever works for you!!! Let me know if…
  • @Meghan509 Awesome!! I’d be happy to get that going!! I’ll start it tomorrow and you know...it doesn’t matter what the check-in day is! So I’ll start the thread when I check in tomorrow!!
  • I know anything posted today should go on the next weekly thread, but I need to state that I’m fasting today. On Saturday, I printed all of my recipes for the week, spent an hour entering them into MFP (OMG...some of my recipes had calories counted and man, were they off...and not to my advantage), and planned out my week.…
  • Yes!! So it would be a separate thread from the weekly check-in. Personally, I feel like the weekly check-ins are a great place to expand ones thoughts. The weigh-in thread is more of a snapshot of progress. The thread I’ve seen has some people giving little snippets as to success (or un-success), but nothing too wordy.
  • Oops...Wednesday’s seem like to good choice because it gives one a couple of days after the weekend. But any day works. Friday’s??
  • Ah, Mama, you were spot on...Whole Foods plant based!! Good guess!! I don’t know, but maybe choosing the same day every week? The way I’ve seen others do it is they post their starting weight, current weight, goal weight and from there, they check in. So an example would be... SW: 182 CW: 152 GW: 140 10/5: 152 First time…
  • YAY!! @mamainthekitchen...back on tour!!! You can totally do this!! I’m with you, girl! You’re my first NyFitnessPal buddy...I’ve got your back <3 <3 <3 Just an idea...but, I lurk in a WFPB forum where everyone posts their weekly weigh ins. Most lost their starting weight, their goal weight, and any “benchmark” weights…
  • You too @Meghan509!!
  • I’m in agreement with you @jknight001. I’ve been doing 5:2 for several years and it can get tedious, esp when you’re so hungry even the cat looks delicious. My plan is to fast today. Im going to go for a run and possibly list weights, so one of my cats may very well go missing. But hey...sometimes this stuff happens :D At…
  • Thank you @jknight001. I’m not one to sugar coat stuff. I’ve learned there is no right way to grieve and I’ve come to accept my reactions as normal, regardless of how they manifest. I’m super pumped to get back to a fasting routine. Monday’s and Thursday’s are my typical days bc Friday’s are usually a day when we go out.…
  • Judging from last weeks posts, it appears a lot of old-timers have taken an absence and are returning. I’ll add myself to the mix. I successfully lost around 40 lbs doing 5:2 quite religiously. Some of you may recall I was also very busy with ballet. Well fast forward, over springtime, I put on about 12 lbs of grief weight…
  • Hi friends! I’ve been away for a while, sort of floundering, TBH. Even fasting has proven to be a challenge. Dance classes are on hold for a variety of reasons and, at the urging of Mama, I’ve been lifting weights. Pretty consistent, really. The downside is that I believe it’s making me really hungry first thing in the…
  • GEOFF!!! So good to 'see' you! I'm so sorry...2 cardioversions and now a PM? Bummer. But the PM will help regulate your heart rate and will (hopefully) make you feel normal. Atrial flutter can cause you to feel weird, although many people are asymptomatic. But if you are symptomatic, the PM will help. It's a fairly minor…
  • You know, Kate, I might recommend you see a physician first before pursuing getting lab work done. First, I'm not sure it can be done with doctors orders. Second, there may be items on an order that you either can't/don't include because you aren't sure. And third, once you have the results, you may be left with challenges…