

  • Thanks to each of you for the reassurance and help! I needed that!
  • I think she means a pound of fat and a pound of muscle DO with the same - a pound!
  • Would anyone like to share how many calories a day they are aiming for? I'm 5'3" too and my calorie goal is 1200.
  • level 1 shred is on youtube. sorry i don't have the link but it's the full workout.
  • I'd love to know how many calories you are eating each day since I'm 5'3" and can't figure out how many I should be eating.
  • that"s okay...I appreciate your input and we all have to find what works for us. You're doing great at 44 lbs. lost!
  • A while back I heard this rule of thumb for what one should weigh, and remember, this is just a is: 100 lbs for the first five feet of height, and 5 lbs for each inch over five feet, PLUS or minus 10%. So a 5'3" person would be 115-137. I am 5'3" and at one time I did weight 115, but I also looked good at…
  • I understand your frustration, but please, next time, don't punish yourself when you are angry by overeating. If you can get away from food and out of the house and take a long walk and calm yourself down the anger will subside and you won't hate yourself more for overeating. I think those health care professionals see so…
  • Thanks, everyone, for your input. Because of my age and height, I think I will try for 1200 calories but I think it will be very difficult for me to eat that much. Had to laugh at Nf3 guy who jumped to the conclusion I was eating too many carbs and sweets- so not true and I think he is projecting himself onto others. I…
  • Is there a formula, based on the above rates, for how many calories I should eat? 1200? My basic metabolic rate is only slightly over 1200 so how many calories a day is healthy for me?
  • I am taking your advice to eat more calories, but how many? I went to fitness frog yesterday and figured out these numbers: RMR- 1240 ( because of my age 67 and height 5'3") BMR- 1256 Kilocalories burned per day -1,724 when I exercise 60' six times week. How many calories a day should I eat if I am burning about 430 cal…
  • Thanks to everyone for your input. I really appreciate it. It's difficult to not compare myself to my weight-loss partner because we are a team in our employer's "Biggest Loser" contest and she really wants to win this thing. So I feel like I'm not helping her much with my very slow, one pound a week, loss, but I agree, we…
  • Thank you to each of you..I really appreciate your input. To answer a few questions, my weight loss partner is on the Oz diet and wants to lose 60 pounds - she has lost 22 already in six weeks. Soon she will be lower than my starting weight. I appreciate all the advice you have given me - I really do. Thank you!
  • Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I am exercising for more than an hour a day and burning 420-490 calories each day on the elliptical to prevent my metabolism from slowing down. If I ate 1200 calories a day, I would not lose, I would gain weight. In fact, about two weeks ago I did eat more calories for about…
  • Congrats! I know it wasn't easy so you really deserve a big pat on the back!