Madder than a Hornet

So... a little about me. I have a family history of high cholesterol but an inability to take statins due to the side effects. I battle high blood pressure and am pre-diabetic. I also have a very low functioning thyroid that my primary care physician has refused to treat but since I also suffer from anxiety and depression my psychiatrist is treating to see if it help my level of functioning by raising it up to more average levels. I went in for my annual 6 month blood work on Monday (yeah, bad timing probably right after Easter) and was happy to see that my A1C levels were good at less than 6. My fasting was in the 90's so happy with that and my thyroid test is showing an improvement so happy with that. BUT my cholesterol numbers have risen since the last time I was tested. What gets me most is that the nurse initially just proclaimed that my numbers are all normal. And when I pushed she gave me the actual numbers and said that the doctor would like me to eat better, give up all junk food and exercise more, and lose weight. Um duh! They know I've lost 20 pounds. They know that in order to keep my blood sugar numbers down I am obviously eating pretty healthily. They also know that people with low thyroid levels have a very difficult time losing weight. But that seems to be the answer they give to every thing.
Am I wrong in being ticked off here?
I am trying and I have had a very difficult time and this just makes me feel like everything I've done means nothing because I can't balance everything and make every number come out right. I confess, I had a pity party and ate everything bad for me yesterday, anything with sugar and especially with fat and cholesterol but I am back on track this morning. But still irritated at the way I'm being treated... am I being overly sensitive? Is there an education thing here? Or is it just the attitude of nurses and doctors that exercise and losing weight is the cure-all for everything? I feel like nothing is good enough...


  • mochaphobic
    mochaphobic Posts: 92 Member
    No one can relate, huh?
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    I would look for another Dr. If you aren't happy with yours, you can easily switch. I had to do that many years ago and have been happy ever since. :)
    Congratulations on the weight you have lost too! That's great! :)
  • Pandoragirl
    I understand your frustration, but please, next time, don't punish yourself when you are angry by overeating. If you can get away from food and out of the house and take a long walk and calm yourself down the anger will subside and you won't hate yourself more for overeating. I think those health care professionals see so many people that they don't take the time to consider individual cases. I also think they don't realize how difficult it can be to lose weight even if one is eating and exercising and doing all the right things. Next time, I hope you will realize this person is on auto-pilot and probably says the same instructions to everyone. ( slender is that nurse and that doctor? Should they be taking their own advice, perhaps?)
  • BrionyTallis
    BrionyTallis Posts: 90 Member
    I do want to reply but will have to do so later ... off to work now ... you and I share a lot of common ground.
  • mochaphobic
    mochaphobic Posts: 92 Member
    Next time, I hope you will realize this person is on auto-pilot and probably says the same instructions to everyone. ( slender is that nurse and that doctor? Should they be taking their own advice, perhaps?)

    I had to laugh at this. The dr 's PA is fairly slim but my dr has gained at least 20 pounds over the past couple of years, maybe more. :D (The nurse that called me I've not met before but most of his staff is overweight, many by more than me so maybe you are right and they get into the routine of saying things... didn't think of that. )