Lestan48 Member


  • I am in for July July resolutions: Train 6 days a week, choose DVDs wisely Walk dog every afternoon Drive and dog walk Sundays Eat healthy food MORE juicing Log every day for food Keep up logging to Tom every day and do weight/tape/BF% every week and post to Tom I slept REALLY poorly last night. Kept thinking about 1st…
  • Tuesday here in Tasmania and shopping day, need to take care as only $200 in grocery account bah! 7the day of juicing and today's is "Asthma Help", lemon juice, tomato and melon. Need to buy more fruit for juicing as going fine Only walking to0day, shopping and dog walk this afternoon Food = 1636 cals OK, tracking food,…
  • Monday here and food at 1799, smoothy of choice is "choc cinnamon rasp" after training Daughter rang last night to tell Stan sorry she missed his birthday. NOT surprised after all she has to take in. Yesterday we drove to Latrobe, walked along river, round pig Island, and back along river to car. 11980 steps for Sunday and…
  • Sunday here and Stan cooked Sunday Brunch, delicious as usual. Food = 1326. Did Jeannette's kick-box Dance-party before breakfast. Drive out and walk Blaize today. Got in 10393 steps yesterday. I cannot help daughter, her husband and sons are there for her Updated ticker:
  • Saturday and husband's 71st Birthday. Second one we married in 1976 and migrated to Australia and 1978 to get away from both our ex husband/wife. My daughter was 5 when we married and he brought hjer up as if her own. 4th day on Juice: "Top o' the mornin'" after training and "holiday Lemonade" after dog walk this afternoon…
  • Yesterday, Thursday I only did JJ's Bikini Beach-body II but gave up on BOB. Walked doggy and called in neighbour Susan's so Blaize could run/fight with her 2 dogs Vinnie and Ella. Ella showed her the RIVER and they swam, oh my was he wet but happy doggy. Got in 10275 steps. Had the "berry a'Peeling" juice in afternoon,…
  • Thursday here and prepped Jamie Oliver beef stew, will go in oven at 1pm to cook SLOW for dinner. Food = 1460. I decide on food at breakfast, prep and keep to it Training: JJ's beach-body II, BH kettle-bell cardio, walk dog Juice this afternoon is berry a'peeling for 212 cals. LOVE my NINJA juicer I was on STATINS for 4…
  • Wednesday here. Made Appleberry Lush for this afternoon, for arthritis. Need to remember to juice each item then add next oopsy. I use this website for great recipes: https://juicerecipes.com/recipes/summer-breeze-72 Stan has gone fishing at Stanley is raining Training today: JJ's Bikini beach-body 1, JM BR weights 2, walk…
  • Back from shops and bought a NINJA juicer. My old one was useless. Now looking at Juicing again with some great recipes
  • Tuesday here and shopping day, list almost written and pensions in bank. NEED to keep eating healthy. I stayed warm in bed this morning, NO training only walking today so keep food cals LOW. 10 hours wonderful warm sleep. Sunday night I was RESTLESS and 3 hours sleep but trained really well but ate well too. Need to do…
  • Monday here and just posted weigh/tape/BF% to Tom Venuto site, I lost some total weight, gained a little body fat but not too bad since I hardly trained last week. NEED to train HARD this week and eat healthy again My food cals are 1651 for the day. Training: JM's kick-boxing before breakfast, JJ's Cross Training and JM's…
  • We had a lovely drive to Ulverstone and then a dog walk on Button Beach. Then drove thoDone near Devonport for another walk with Blaize I am at12886 at 4.30pm Shepherd's pie in oven and vegies prepped Jeannette Jenkins' has another Bikini Boot-camp ii out, it is awesome. LOVE it Lesley in tassie
  • Sunday here and my scheduled Rest Re-feed and cardio only day. SO glad I can post FOOD again and spread sheet redone for Tom's site, geesh I did Jeannette's Kick-box party for cardio before breakfast, will go for drive and walk Blaize today Had Vitarium Hot chocolate before bed last night and slept at 93% efficiency, MUST…
  • I am back to training again and being allowed to post food etc. Daughter taught her boxing class this morning
  • Saturday here in Tassie Been persuaded to post how I am going lol Last week was HARD with daughter in hospital but she is home now, breast clinic, chemo and radiation to come. NO training last week, only walking. Back to training yesterday Today I have thoroughly cleaned house after Jillian's "Hard Bodies" walk dog after…
  • Thursday here. I had 3 Trojans CLEANED but now cannot post my food, I need to for Tom's Big Burn Can anyone HELP Only did JJ Cardio Kick-boxing WAS going to walk but too cold and stayed in Need to do JJ's Bikini Boot-cam II and Circuit B soon. Hairdresser at 2pm Lesley in Tasmania
  • My daughter Karen rang. She has to go back into hospital for 5 days on Monday, Removing more lymph nodes. They think they also need to remove her ovaries and put her on anti-oestrogen and for her to have chemo. She is strong and Phil will look after her Lesley in Tasmania
  • Wednesday here, training = JJ's Cardio kick-boxing and Stretch it out and walk dog. Yesterday my walk gave me 301 cals and only 4911 steps and food = 1511 (yes even with fish and chip lunch) My computer has been hacked and TROJANS but clean again now NEED to log food Lesley in Tasmania
  • Tuesday and could not post yesterday as we lost power until 2pm today. NO training yesterday as raining too hard and VERY windy and No power. Just walking today and rain again Lesley in Tasmania
  • Sunday evening and Shepherd's Pie made and ready for oven, vegies to get ready to steam. We drove into Bunie and then to Romaine Park and walked Blaize. First time we have walked there since Mildred died, Blaize LOVED it and wanted to chase the ducks LOL Lesley lives in Australia lol 10,000 steps DONE for day, need to look…
  • Well my day of REST and cleaning house yesterday was good and relaxed. Sunday here and just done Jeannette's Kick-box Party for cardio and 260 cals, MUCH enjoyed. Sunday is my designated rest and re-feed day. We are going for a drive and walk the dog Tomorrow I MUST get seriouse again Lesley in Tasmania
  • Saturday here and NO training today. I did not get to sleep until 3am this morning. I am going to thoroughly clean the house today and get as many steps in as I can. Food = 1780, so should be right. Saturday pizza for lunch. Fibre at 41 yahoo Woke to heavy rain so no dog walk I guess unless it stops more this afternoon OK…
  • Friday here and doing well Barbie great before and after photos NOT allowed to take photos until after Tom's Big Burn in middle of August, I am burning. Only got in 8612 steps yesterday, would have been more but husband started to drive past on way home so we hopped in car, rain. Today's cals = 1407, making Jamie Oliver's…
  • Thursday here and slept in until 9am. Then having a dream and Blaize jumps on my head, is COLD. Got up and had breakfast My Sports Nutruitionist advised me to PLAN my food for the day, use BeneFibre to Get fibre over 21 g (23 today), log the food and stick to it. ONLY have protein shake if heavy lifting, I work out at…
  • Wednesday and woke to heavy frost again but know it will burn off for walk with Blaize this afternoon. Only 3406 steps yesterday as shopping and trying to get Wii fixed, they are going to contact me by email grrr! Food today = 1716 Training: JJ's cardio kick-boxing (Done) JJ's Bikini boot-camp I and JM's kettle-bells soon,…
  • Tuesday morning and woke to REAL heavy frost, the garden is WHITE I tell you, but it is winter here in Tasmania. Stayed in warm bed until 8am and snuggled. Stan made tea at 6am. My Wii refuses to load will ring them this afternoon. Will have to re-think training. Since 18 May on Tom's Big Burn I have LOST 2 kgs OR 4.4…
  • Monday and 01 June here in Tassie, It is snowing but NOT sticking and is COLD. My Wii Gold's boxing will NOT load argh! Did my weigh/BF%/tape this morning and posted to Tom's BigBurn. In 2 weeks I have LOST 1% body fat and 2 Kgs total weight. I have LOST 4 inches off waist, 1 inch off abs, 1 inch off hips and 1 inch off…
  • Sunday and mt rest and Re-feed day, cals at 1532. Did Wii boxing and JM's BR Cardio 1 for cardio and going for drive with the doggy The BeneFibre is doing its job and total weigh gouing DOWN still. Official weigh/BF%/tape tomorrow for Tom';s Big Burn, have lost almost a kilo in a week Rained overnight and just overcast now…
  • Saturday morning and spoke to daughter Karen on the phone. She has had breakfast and Phil was with her. She had lump and some nodes removed yesterday and sounds OK. Waiting on surgeon as she may be able to go home tonight. She sounded fine. The Bene fibre is doing its job and losing total weight again. Lost 2 kg since…
  • Friday here and food logged at 1641 cals. Have done Wii Boxing and MUST do more training and walk Blaize this afternoon Rained HARD all day yesterday, dog refused to go out and went back to bed. I only did Wii Boxing and decided on a mini rest day and watched History TV, interesting doco on Treblinka so sad Stan decided…