

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    k, last thing, washed bullwinkle. i am happy that i was able to do ALL on my list! well except burning 1k. one thing that wasn't on my list that i would have liked to have gotten done was to get my hair cut, but the chances of a same day appointment anywhere are kinda slim. i wish i had something to drink and i don't mean water or tea.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member

    Floyd with his new do, now ready for the chicks
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member

    Bullwinkle, my 'ol lady after her bath, the cougar is ready!
  • PatsyFitzpatrick
    PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member
    Barbie thanks for keeping this board going.

    June goals watch the US Women's National Soccer Team win the World Cup. Watch the Tampa Bay Lightening win the Stanley Cup.

    Ok what I can control. Gym 5 days a week. 5K a day keeps Diabetes away. Weights 3x a week.
    Control my appetite and have lots of fun in the sun. Pool or beach?

    My DH is type 2 and this has rocked our world. Rus has gone from 370lbs to 274lbs in the last year or so. The most important factor to getting the weight off is how sick one becomes with diabetes. Please ladies do not let it take your eyes,your feet your heart or you away from the ones you love. I thank God for affordable gyms close to home and the choice to be healthy.

    Change your thoughts and change your life.

    Lutz Fl
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Pip Good deal Pip, I will look on there....in Oregon you say? Well our woods are uuber strong and can lift and carry anything... (ok that sounded odd)!! We are definatly one of the major tree/wood resources in the country.
    In the Port of Astoria, there are HUGE piles of trees awaiting shipment. The loggers do replant, but there are parts of the forests in the coast here, that are pretty bare, until the trees grow and make it look normal again. We have a bark processing plant, (guess the bark getting shipped by truck and ships to other plants that use it. So our road has two major vehicles on it: log trucks, and RV's (because the KOA camp site it just up the street).

    Todays TOPS meeting went really well! My idea of weighing in, putting your name in a drawing and winning the fruit basket was a success! It was frustrating to me to weigh in, lose 2 lbs but then get bummed because I wasn't the best loser. Hopefully it will level the "playing field" and get members to realize that its not a competition but acknowledging a loss is a loss, no matter the number. (oh and I lost for the 3rd week in a row of 1.50 lbs.) That made me happy! I got to ring the bell, and have peeps clap, and put my name on this numbers board. When that gets all filled up with peoples names, the envelope is opened that is on the back. Whoevers name is on that number square gets a free month of dues, (all of $3 but the number isn't important)
    Enjoy the day all!
    Becca by the Beach that is such a LOSER...ha.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Ok, I am NEVER taking that tiny sociopath (DGS) anywhere ever again. I took them bowling this afternoon. They had just finished lunch. I sat them down and said we are going to bowl two games each, and everybody will get one drink, but there will be no snacks, so don't even ask. Fine, they all said. Well, we were about in frame 3 of the second game when he started in. Grandma, I want popcorn. Grandma, I'm hungry. Grandma, I want popcorn. He must have asked fifty times for popcorn and every time I said no. So I sat him down, held his sweaty little hands, looked him in the eye, and said, Ian, it makes me feel bad every time you ask me for popcorn and I can't buy it for you. I explained that I didn't have enough money for bowling, drinks AND popcorn. (he said, yes you do, I saw it in your purse.) I said, you don't want me to feel bad, do you? He just shrugged. About 30 seconds later, he asked for popcorn. My lesson from this is never try to reason with a six year old. But I promise you, if grandpa had been there he would have gotten popcorn.

    Meg, you are definitely hotter than me in any sense! I've never been hot in my life.

    Pip, Poop, I still love your dogs! Bull winkle looks like a sweetheart! Did Floyd get a summer cut?

    Gotta go cut myself some watermelon. I finally got a good one this time.

    Have a great evening.


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    annr - clarification on the wooden bike, the bike was built in oregon, the trees were grown in the U.S. i wanna say maple and walnut? part of them came from the Appalachian mountains.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's jokes of the day:


    A tail gunner was being court-martialed. “What did you hear in your headset?” demanded a superior officer.

    “Well,” replied the airman. “I heard my squadron leader holler, ‘Enemy planes at 5 o’clock!”

    “What action did you take?’ persisted another officer.

    “Why, sir,” replied the gunner, “I just sat back and waited. It was only 4:30.”


    A preacher was standing at the pulpit giving his Sunday sermon when a note was passed to him.

    The only word written on the sheet was IDIOT.

    Looking up at the congregation, the preacher smiled and said:

    I have heard of men who write letters and forget to sign their names but this is the first time I will see a man sign his name and forget to write the letters.

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    oooh Appalachian wood gotcha.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    whippet - yeah, floyd got a "summer cut" never did that to any of my golden.. he looks pretty snappy..
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Thursday here.
    I had 3 Trojans CLEANED but now cannot post my food, I need to for Tom's Big Burn Can anyone HELP
    Only did JJ Cardio Kick-boxing WAS going to walk but too cold and stayed in
    Need to do JJ's Bikini Boot-cam II and Circuit B soon.
    Hairdresser at 2pm
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Lesley – I knew even as a tired person that you were in Tasmania, what I did not know was the time difference! :)

    One of the kids cooking camps I am doing this summer is candy – 4 half days of making candy with young teens. So I have been trying some new recipes as I really did not have enough tried and true. So found a recipe for peanut butter fudge.. sounded good, different from my chocolate fudge – so I gave it a try and instead of fudge I got peanut brittle! But the problem was I had put it in a 9x9 pan, ended up heating the pan in the microwave and digging out hunks of candy dumped the hunks on parchment to cool and am giving it away – the hair dresser, 2 neighbors, and tomorrow a friend will get the balance. I have found another one to try – but does anyone have a peanut butter fudge recipe they love? I will have 3 groups of kids, and it is fun to have them each make the same thing but different variations, we taste discuss and share.. So I have chocolate, looking for peanut butter, and need a 3rd kind… maybe maple? Or…. Who is our chocolate dipper? Sondre? A suggestion?

    Kim from N. California

    Hi Kim,

    I do have a good peanut butter fudge recipe from my daughters teacher. The kids absolutely loved it!

    2 Sticks Margarine
    3 C Sugar
    5 oz Can Evaporated Milk

    Mix ingredients in saucepan. Bring to boil, continue to cook, stirring constantly, for 5 minutes. Remove from heat.

    7 oz Jar Marshmallow Cream
    2/3 C Peanut Butter

    Stir until incorporated. Pour into buttered 9x13 pan and cool

    I think maple sounds delicious! Let me know how it turns out.

    Sondre, SF, PA

  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Lesley, not sure why you can't post your food, since you can post to the community. Is there another computer you could use temporarily? Or perhaps try a different browser? (Common browsers: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox for Windows machines). Maybe it was just a quick glitch, I run into that sometimes, if I wait a few minutes and try again it will sometimes work.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I'm marking my spot. :flowerforyou:
  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member
    terri_mom wrote: »
    Happy Monday ! ! !

    Sondre – Thanks for sharing that difficult story with the happy ending. Happy to hold the soapbox.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee

    I appreciate your support! Thanks Terri :)

    Sondre, SF,PA
  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    smiley-happy026.gifSondre, you asked about my exercise. I walk a lot---in the last five years I've gradually increased the length of time I walk my dogs each day. I attend three line dance classes a week and teach one of them. I read a great book, "Strong Women Stay Young" that gave me the necessary information to begin an at-home weight training program. We have an exercise bike in the living room and I ride it while watching TV...it's a recumbent bike, so I can knit and ride at the same time. I meet my friends for a walk rather than a meal. I seek every opportunity to be active.

    smiley-love025.gifWhen I was at the dance workshop I opened my snack bag and found a sweet love note from my darling husband. When I got to the hotel and unpacked my suitcase, I found another sweet note. This morning he put the phone on "speaker" so I could talk to the dogs. Like many of you, I had to be married for awhile to a &%$#&$# before I met the wonderful man I'm married to now.

    <3 Barbie from warm and beautiful NW Washington

    Hi Barbie,

    Thank you for sharing. Basically, I need a good swift kick in the rear. I just don't want to exercise. I prefer doing something that has an outcome other than helping me become fit. For example, I love to work in my yard. There is so much that needs done and I feel great seeing the improvements. The thing about that is, if it is raining I am not exercising. I have a wonderful black lab/golden retriever who loves to walk. She spends most of her time with my son out in the woods. By the looks of things, I am making excuses. I will do something.....soon!

    It sounds as if you have a wonderful husband! Congrats!! They are hard to come by.

    Sondre, SF, PA

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    lonemaple wrote: »
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Lesley – I knew even as a tired person that you were in Tasmania, what I did not know was the time difference! :)

    One of the kids cooking camps I am doing this summer is candy – 4 half days of making candy with young teens. So I have been trying some new recipes as I really did not have enough tried and true. So found a recipe for peanut butter fudge.. sounded good, different from my chocolate fudge – so I gave it a try and instead of fudge I got peanut brittle! But the problem was I had put it in a 9x9 pan, ended up heating the pan in the microwave and digging out hunks of candy dumped the hunks on parchment to cool and am giving it away – the hair dresser, 2 neighbors, and tomorrow a friend will get the balance. I have found another one to try – but does anyone have a peanut butter fudge recipe they love? I will have 3 groups of kids, and it is fun to have them each make the same thing but different variations, we taste discuss and share.. So I have chocolate, looking for peanut butter, and need a 3rd kind… maybe maple? Or…. Who is our chocolate dipper? Sondre? A suggestion?

    Kim from N. California

    Hi Kim,

    I do have a good peanut butter fudge recipe from my daughters teacher. The kids absolutely loved it!

    2 Sticks Margarine
    3 C Sugar
    5 oz Can Evaporated Milk

    Mix ingredients in saucepan. Bring to boil, continue to cook, stirring constantly, for 5 minutes. Remove from heat.

    7 oz Jar Marshmallow Cream
    2/3 C Peanut Butter

    Stir until incorporated. Pour into buttered 9x13 pan and cool

    I think maple sounds delicious! Let me know how it turns out.

    Sondre, SF, PA

    wow, what's the calorie content in that i wonder lololol
  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member
    Ok, I am NEVER taking that tiny sociopath (DGS) anywhere ever again. I took them bowling this afternoon. They had just finished lunch. I sat them down and said we are going to bowl two games each, and everybody will get one drink, but there will be no snacks, so don't even ask. Fine, they all said. Well, we were about in frame 3 of the second game when he started in. Grandma, I want popcorn. Grandma, I'm hungry. Grandma, I want popcorn. He must have asked fifty times for popcorn and every time I said no. So I sat him down, held his sweaty little hands, looked him in the eye, and said, Ian, it makes me feel bad every time you ask me for popcorn and I can't buy it for you. I explained that I didn't have enough money for bowling, drinks AND popcorn. (he said, yes you do, I saw it in your purse.) I said, you don't want me to feel bad, do you? He just shrugged. About 30 seconds later, he asked for popcorn. My lesson from this is never try to reason with a six year old. But I promise you, if grandpa had been there he would have gotten popcorn.

    Meg, you are definitely hotter than me in any sense! I've never been hot in my life.

    Pip, Poop, I still love your dogs! Bull winkle looks like a sweetheart! Did Floyd get a summer cut?

    Gotta go cut myself some watermelon. I finally got a good one this time.

    Have a great evening.



    I admire your stick to it tiveness.....kids will persist in an attempt to wear us down. To be honest, I would have given in around the 15th time he asked.

    Sondre, SF, PA

  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Wow - 2 days in a row without a frozen computer! Counting my blessings. According to my Software engineer son I do not need to pay to have this one cleaned up. It is so old and low grade he says a new one is the way to go but he will help me get the virus protection and free Office. So we'll see. This old one works today so that's good!

    Pip - I can just smell those clean, shiny pooches. Nothing beats a clean doggie smell unless it is a baby's head!

    MNMargaret - Ha, ha, ha!

    Dee Dee - so glad you are here more now!

    Meg - so do you teach nursing all year long?

    Lesley - hugs to you and your daughter

    Okay - I really need help getting to the community on my phone. Anybody? Anybody?

    Love ya all
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Oh, forgot to say I am doing some dancing to the BeeGees on PBS right now! Memories!