

  • You can try a body fat scale (a bit pricey and totally different than a BMI scale which just estimates). It sends electrical impulses through your body (you can't feel it its harmless)...the impulses travel more quickly through muscle so it can tell your fat % by the amount of resistance its gets.
    in muscle gain Comment by nrm149 April 2011
  • I have the same problem you do so what I do to overcome it is have a bottle with every meal (16 oz = 2 cups) that knocks out atleast 6 cups for me (I force myself to finish each bottle). Then I try to make sure I have a bottle between breakfast and lunch (also helps me cut down on snacking).
  • I gotta agree with Mckay here...gotta provide your body with the nutrients its telling you it needs to help you get better. Now if you body was saying steak and cheeseburger you might have a problem lol....
    in Sick! Comment by nrm149 April 2011
  • Welcome to MFP!
    in Hey, guys! Comment by nrm149 April 2011
  • I've recently been working my way back to a healthy gym addiction in combination with martial arts and MFP (I'm new here) I've definitely been feeling good about myself.
  • After reading this I immediately did some research to confirm what you wrote. B-6 and B-12 doses are something I always over look when I'm looking at ingredients and you are absolutely right about the dangers of it. The RDA for this is only 1.3 mg and 2.4 mg!
  • Welcome! I know your gonna love it here.
    in New girl! Comment by nrm149 April 2011
  • I have a few friends who use muscle milk. Some say its a bit high on fat though. I'm not sure I haven't had the chance to check the label.
  • Congrats!!! This is definitely a testament to how sweat and hard work can unite and encourage people. They are going to love you more once they start seeing those results too hope your prepared lol.
  • Are you drinking enough water? Also you may need to take some supplements that will provide you with zinc, magnesium and potassium. All of that will help with soreness and muscle cramping.
  • Welcome to MFP
    in Hello... Comment by nrm149 April 2011
  • Welcome celery :)