Wow I'm okay with that haha Thank you!!
amanda seyfried! Pretty eyes :)
I noticed! I always thought it was because like we store fat to stay warm lmao no I'm kidding, but I always wondered why too...
I already said this on reddit, but you are truly an inspiration!
That's great that you are losing weight! I also love how motivated and positive you are, keep it up, you can do it :)
Welcome! I just wanted to day that you do not look 200lbs whatsoever, you look a lot less :) Good luck on your weightloss!
Hi! Welcome, I'm new here as well! So far I find this website to be the most helpful, organized and have amazing people!
I read in another thread that a girl suggested to eat a protein bar, I may do that as well, I find myself not eating enough too! Edit: I'd look into this a little more though, the avacodo's and almonds sound like a better choice!
Thanks everyone for the support! I feel better already :happy: I think being on here will keep me motivated, thanks again :)
Congratulations on losing 38 lbs! I need to lose 27lbs! Good luck on the rest of your weightloss :)
Hi there! I agree with the other poster, drinking a full glass of water before any meal makes you feel fuller. It's been only 5 days, so the further you go on the easier it'll get! Congratulations on losing 2 pounds in 5 days (amazing!)!
Hello :) If you feel like your eating to much, I agree with the other poster, you should eat a protein bar. I stared today, and I also feel like I've eaten more than usual!