It's for me & no one else.

I have always eaten, this or this time or whenever i felt like it. I had no rules for myself. However when I graduated from High School my body changed. I would eat fast food, late night and all of the time. I gained a good 20 pounds (let me add, I am already curvy). I realized it was because in high school I was active, dancing, walking etc. I got pregnant during college, my start weight was 145. I then before I gave birth I weighed about 197 or so. I felt fine, I never looked in the mirror and said 'Oh i need to lose weight'. Once i gave birth, it went downhill. The first thing that made me realize that I was too thick for my heigh and build was looking at photos of myself. I was like what the heck made me wear that it does not complement me AT ALL. I stopped wearing tight clothes, but I still kept eating. My friend told me about ALCACHOFA ampolletas. It's a Mexican drink (30 drinks, 30 days) that supresses your cravings. I gave it a shot, & to be truthful I lost 20 pounds in one month. How? I stopped eating/drinking: pasta, soda, bread. I worked out a little bit here and there. My body was transformed, I felt so awesome... & then I was like well I'm skinny so now I can eat whatever I want. BAD idea. I gained it alllllll back, and some. I went shopping at my old work one day, and my former co worker said 'You gained it back' I was in shock. i didn't even know. I still thought i was skinnier, but I was wrong. That was last year around this time. I realized, I want to feel happy about my weight, i want to enjoy shopping for clothes and I want to look at myself in photos and say Oh yeah I looked good that night ;) I started My Fitness Pal only 2 weeks ago or so... I decided I need to count my calories I need to limit myself... so far, SO GOOD. I'm 5'1 and started at 145 pounds. I should have about 1800 cal to maintain my weight. However I have to reduce it by 500 cal to LOSE. So I am now at 1200 cal a day ONLY. I spread out my meals... and I snack in between. I feel better, and I have actually lost 4 pounds (with cardio included, only 20 min a day) WE CAN DO IT!!


  • NabzStar
    NabzStar Posts: 13
    That's great that you are losing weight! I also love how motivated and positive you are, keep it up, you can do it :)
  • rosiedoes
    rosiedoes Posts: 84 Member
    Hey, I'm on 1200cals per day and it's working pretty well for me. With the extra I earn through just walking home from work, I've found that I'm never any hungrier than I would be when I was able to eat what I liked without thinking about it. In fact, I'm usually slightly under my allowance of calories by the end of the day.

    Similarly to you, growing up I ate what I wanted and when I became a real adult, I just carried on, even though my body didn't need as much because it had stopped growing. You're definitely not the only person who has slipped like that.

    You can totally do this - you're already making a great start - and once you're there, this website has an option for 'maintaining current weight' so you can keep in touch with everyone here and still keep one eye on what you're doing with your ordinary diet. :)
  • vializzlurrker
    thank you i really appreciate that!