

  • I do REALLY! I am a 59 year old stroke survivor trying to lose 10 pounds over the winter I am 5'2" 135 lbs and can not afford to gain any winter weight. My biggest problem is I do not eat enough I think I'm doing good until I track then the truth comes out so I get discouraged and stop tracking for a while. my exercise is…
  • Yes I track everything and when I'm short I get this message about eating to little will halt the loss.. I always hear eat less move more. So why am I suppose to eat more when I move mor?e I do not add my walking to my tracking because I think if I move more I shouldn't eat more it defeats the purpose of moving. And before…
  • Hi my name is Mel I just wanted to share with you something my trainer said to me once "no suger no pasta no bread no pop" in that week I lost 4 pounds. Have not been able to do since I asked about sugar in fruit he said I could eat any kind of berry but not the others. I am in the same boat not being able to loose weight…
  • For me unfortunatlly it is cookies. When I was little My Grandma ALWAYS had fresh baked cookies cooling everytime we went there. So for me it brings back memories. But I have learned to not eat 5 a day anymore some days I have none. Melody
  • When I need extra calories I add either watermelon or an EAS advant edge carb control protien shake it is 110 cal 2g carbs 17 g protein I was also having trouble geting my calories and after I raised my calorie goal to 1300 and added the shake when needed I lost 6 pounds before the change in 3 weeks lost nothing ,when I…
  • I keep the twinning Unwind at work and I think it works it is herbal I alsp like the bigelo earl gray you can get it in a decaff and it is very stress relieving try it you'll like it. Good luck Mel
    in Herbal Teas Comment by melsheep May 2011
  • Hi I'm having trouble getting my 1200 calories what can I eat to up my calories without junk food? I take several snacks to work such as almonds very dark chocolate special K cracker chips watermelon, then get busy and forget to eat. Thanks Mel
  • I switched to the Special cracker chips 30 chips 110 calories I usually don't eat them all. Mel
  • Hi I feel your pain, I am a 56 year old stroke survivor trying to get back to pre stroke I joined this after hearing the success of several patients in the medical office I work in,11 pounds in 3 weeks etc. I keep complaining to my physical therapist who is also a body builder his comment is I do not have the ability to…
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