Does anyone actually want help?



  • Send a private message id be glad to help
    Was exercising like a maniac, got injured, then depressed. Need help developing fitness regime incorporating strength. F, 54 yrs. I jog, and swim but really know nothing about strengthening exercises. Have access to multiple types of fitness equipment.
  • Most of the time it seems like people dont really want to hear it? they dont want truths or accuracy. They want...sympathy.

    Can anyone shed some light? or am i just being cynical

    I think until someone is willing and ready to not give themselves excuses, go public with their fitness goals, accept criticism, listen to the advice of others who have been successful, and to work hard and go through the discomfort of giving up old vices.... they might just be looking for a venting board.

    But, everyone has to start somewhere right? Maybe a person needs to get situated and sort out their 'new' lifestyle... Going from a diet of fast food, no exercise, pop, and chips to a life of tracking every morsel on MFP and actually going to the gym is gonna' be a huge shock. And hard. And frustrating. Maybe it'll take an individual trying to "lose 20lbs" as their goal (and not seeing any results for six months) before they realize they NEED to listen to what others are telling them.

    Everyone has to start somewhere... But I think those that are really ready and determined to reach their goals appreciate the tips that are given, and the advice that is counselled to them (even if it's hard to hear!)
  • :)

    Most of the time it seems like people dont really want to hear it? they dont want truths or accuracy. They want...sympathy.

    Can anyone shed some light? or am i just being cynical

    I think until someone is willing and ready to not give themselves excuses, go public with their fitness goals, accept criticism, listen to the advice of others who have been successful, and to work hard and go through the discomfort of giving up old vices.... they might just be looking for a venting board.

    But, everyone has to start somewhere right? Maybe a person needs to get situated and sort out their 'new' lifestyle... Going from a diet of fast food, no exercise, pop, and chips to a life of tracking every morsel on MFP and actually going to the gym is gonna' be a huge shock. And hard. And frustrating. Maybe it'll take an individual trying to "lose 20lbs" as their goal (and not seeing any results for six months) before they realize they NEED to listen to what others are telling them.

    Everyone has to start somewhere... But I think those that are really ready and determined to reach their goals appreciate the tips that are given, and the advice that is counselled to them (even if it's hard to hear!)
  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    I think everyone needs to find their own way...what works for them.

    Advice is always that...the person on the receiving end ultimately must make the choice whether to take the advice or not. Its their choice, not yours, and you can't get annoyed when they don't take it.

    They just need to find their own way. Maybe your way doesn't work for them. Maybe it doesn't work for them right now, but maybe it will work for them later. Maybe they just have to think about it.

    For me, this is a journey. It is a learning experience. I read the suggestions, but I know what has been working for me. I may read something that makes sense to me, based on past experience and what I've already learned, and I will add it to my tool box of weightloss tools. I've also read alot that doesn't make sense to me, based on past experience and what I've already learned, but it may work for others...who am I to judge?

    All you can do is make suggestions. If they help one person,'ve' done a marvelous thing.
    KUDOS to YOU for wanting to help!

  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    We want OUR LEVEL of truth meaning if a beginner like me is reading the boards we are discerning whether or not the advice is practical for us. I know my strengths and weaknesses and if I see advice that fits me then yeah I will adhere. But if I see someone saying lift weights 3 days a week ... P90X 2 days...log calories and weigh your food!!!....Then of course you just lost me. Now everything they said is TRUTH and will work but hey that plan personally does not work for me. Just me 2 cents.

    so you are saying logging calories and weighing food loses you??? I don't understand...

    I was confused by this too... If someone says lift weights 3 days a week, and workout (cardio) 2 days a week, and count calories, you are lost? What lost you? And when you say that plan doesn't work for you, then what plan does? Not working out or counting calories? Hmm....

    Why would you assume that because a person says that plan doesn't work for them that they don't want to do anything at all? Your response is exactly what I was talking about in my post. You're attacking this poster on a personal level by assuming they aren't dedicated, and you don't even know what she's confused about yet.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    If I only trained, mentored and coached people with the same goals as me I would be broke on my butt and have to close the doors to my gym. That's a silly mentality. I learn things from all sorts of people!!!

    lol I knew there would be at least one of you. No i don't need to vent. My goal is to attract others who feel the same and decide if the few moments of spare time I have are worth trying to help. It's what I love to do: figured this would be a cool place to do it. But with this account and my former one, it never seemed anyone wanted "help". And of course I "want" to know. Why else would I post?
    It's a learning curve. People have preconceived ideas about health, fitness and diet. I did too when I started. Sometimes we all just think we know better. Eventually people give up or realize that some of the things they probably did not want to hear were and are the things that will work :)

    ^^^^ This. ^^^

    So, this is going to be really ugly, but OP, what are YOU hoping will happen with this post?

    Do you actually WANT to know why we come here?

    Are you just venting?

    Do you think that somehow complaining about newbies is going to change these forums?

    Everyone starts somewhere. Either choose to be patient or don't visit the forums. You're not going to change them.

    "At least one of you"?

    I ask you a question and you're assuming things about me? That's not exactly helpful, is it?

    Actually, I have read many conflicting opinions in these forums about what works and what doesn't and I've gleaned what has worked for me.
    I've learned to consider the source (poster) and how their goals are similar or dissimilar to mine. Also, I consider their lifestyle to determine whether or not their advice applies to me.

    I have faith that many people who are sincere about their goals will eventually do as I have done.

    I hope you took time to read my answer.

    So I answer honestly, and you tell me I'm silly.


    I hope you get all the sympathy that you're hoping for from this thread.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    We want OUR LEVEL of truth meaning if a beginner like me is reading the boards we are discerning whether or not the advice is practical for us. I know my strengths and weaknesses and if I see advice that fits me then yeah I will adhere. But if I see someone saying lift weights 3 days a week ... P90X 2 days...log calories and weigh your food!!!....Then of course you just lost me. Now everything they said is TRUTH and will work but hey that plan personally does not work for me. Just me 2 cents.

    Where did you get lost? When people say they've done EVERYTHING and can't lose weight, that's when people say log calories, weigh food, strength train, etc.. Often times, they haven't "done everything" they can to lose weight.
  • I think we have at least one cool troll here!
    A lot of these posts are submitted by trolls, bored and looking to get people worked up. I have to say though, some of them are pretty amusing at times.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Most of the time it seems like people dont really want to hear it? they dont want truths or accuracy. They want...sympathy.

    Can anyone shed some light? or am i just being cynical

    I think until someone is willing and ready to not give themselves excuses, go public with their fitness goals, accept criticism, listen to the advice of others who have been successful, and to work hard and go through the discomfort of giving up old vices.... they might just be looking for a venting board.

    But, everyone has to start somewhere right? Maybe a person needs to get situated and sort out their 'new' lifestyle... Going from a diet of fast food, no exercise, pop, and chips to a life of tracking every morsel on MFP and actually going to the gym is gonna' be a huge shock. And hard. And frustrating. Maybe it'll take an individual trying to "lose 20lbs" as their goal (and not seeing any results for six months) before they realize they NEED to listen to what others are telling them.

    Everyone has to start somewhere... But I think those that are really ready and determined to reach their goals appreciate the tips that are given, and the advice that is counselled to them (even if it's hard to hear!)

    Yes. It really is a journey for most of us. We start out here sure about what we need to do, it doesn't work as planned. We get advice that seems too hard or not disciplined enough. We try some of it. It works better than we thought. Then we realize that it's all very easy once we got out of our own way.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    We want OUR LEVEL of truth meaning if a beginner like me is reading the boards we are discerning whether or not the advice is practical for us. I know my strengths and weaknesses and if I see advice that fits me then yeah I will adhere. But if I see someone saying lift weights 3 days a week ... P90X 2 days...log calories and weigh your food!!!....Then of course you just lost me. Now everything they said is TRUTH and will work but hey that plan personally does not work for me. Just me 2 cents.

    Where did you get lost? When people say they've done EVERYTHING and can't lose weight, that's when people say log calories, weigh food, strength train, etc.. Often times, they haven't "done everything" they can to lose weight.

    I think what she's saying is that this is all very specific and the specifics won't work for her. She's too new to see the general guidelines this advice is based on.
  • Most of the time it seems like people dont really want to hear it? they dont want truths or accuracy. They want...sympathy.

    Can anyone shed some light? or am i just being cynical

    I think until someone is willing and ready to not give themselves excuses, go public with their fitness goals, accept criticism, listen to the advice of others who have been successful, and to work hard and go through the discomfort of giving up old vices.... they might just be looking for a venting board.

    But, everyone has to start somewhere right? Maybe a person needs to get situated and sort out their 'new' lifestyle... Going from a diet of fast food, no exercise, pop, and chips to a life of tracking every morsel on MFP and actually going to the gym is gonna' be a huge shock. And hard. And frustrating. Maybe it'll take an individual trying to "lose 20lbs" as their goal (and not seeing any results for six months) before they realize they NEED to listen to what others are telling them.

    Everyone has to start somewhere... But I think those that are really ready and determined to reach their goals appreciate the tips that are given, and the advice that is counselled to them (even if it's hard to hear!)

    Yes. It really is a journey for most of us. We start out here sure about what we need to do, it doesn't work as planned. We get advice that seems too hard or not disciplined enough. We try some of it. It works better than we thought. Then we realize that it's all very easy once we got out of our own way.

    I agree. Just need to keep working hard, and realizing that it's not going to be easy... but sure as hell is going to be worth it! :)
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Most of the time it seems like people dont really want to hear it? they dont want truths or accuracy. They want...sympathy.

    Can anyone shed some light? or am i just being cynical

    I think until someone is willing and ready to not give themselves excuses, go public with their fitness goals, accept criticism, listen to the advice of others who have been successful, and to work hard and go through the discomfort of giving up old vices.... they might just be looking for a venting board.

    But, everyone has to start somewhere right? Maybe a person needs to get situated and sort out their 'new' lifestyle... Going from a diet of fast food, no exercise, pop, and chips to a life of tracking every morsel on MFP and actually going to the gym is gonna' be a huge shock. And hard. And frustrating. Maybe it'll take an individual trying to "lose 20lbs" as their goal (and not seeing any results for six months) before they realize they NEED to listen to what others are telling them.

    Everyone has to start somewhere... But I think those that are really ready and determined to reach their goals appreciate the tips that are given, and the advice that is counselled to them (even if it's hard to hear!)

    Yes. It really is a journey for most of us. We start out here sure about what we need to do, it doesn't work as planned. We get advice that seems too hard or not disciplined enough. We try some of it. It works better than we thought. Then we realize that it's all very easy once we got out of our own way.

    This person knows her stuff.
  • mammamaurer
    mammamaurer Posts: 418 Member
  • 2aycocks
    2aycocks Posts: 415 Member
    Most people just want an easy quick fix. Haven't we ALL been guilty of that at some time?? Like right before we finally admitted this will take WORK? And that you must stay with it longer than a week??!

    Once people pass that point, they are ready to hear whatever. I know I am! My weight loss is slow, but I kept it all off during the holidays, so I'm pumped. Ready to hear anything that will help me!! Bring it on!! I'm tough!! :bigsmile:
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I think a lot of people on here talk a bigger game than they play to make a point.

    There is so much focus on the minutiae of diets in mainstream media and 99% of the people who come here would see better results by cutting what they are currently eating by 1/4 than by trying to completely changing everything they do.

    A lot of people give up on what they can do because they can't do everything they "should" do. When you are beginning and it's hard, it's so easy to stop logging over an extra cookie. Once you see that a cookie is a choice and a carrot is a choice and they both have their place in the world, the whole concept of failure just evaporates and you become supercharged.
    You know very well that this concept is being abused across the board. Even athletes save their "macros" for a pop tart pig out feast at the end of the day. You make not "gain weight" doing this but your pancreas won't be too happy after while.

    I know it's an easy way for people to start to get it. I was speaking of my own personal application.
    Yeah, well. The My Fitness Pal site is build around the IIFYM premise. That's why it attracts a lot of people that this works for (and that's a lot of people). Different sports have different requirements - I'm a runner, so I love my carbs.
    Great question. If your referring to my mentioning of "macros" in my first post I don't want to mislead. I follow a certain split for my sport. I do not agree with or follow the "iifym" theory that everyone believes is the new hotness.
    My quick response to those looking to lose body fat is keeping stable blood sugar while eating frequent small meals is a great place to start. Avoiding even fruit sugars will help decrease random insulin spikes throughout the day.
    You would be surprised to know how much you can eat calorically when you are eating the right things
    Well here's a question that plagues me. I hear about macros and I am curious what is most important; trying to reach goal weight; keeping calories under or reaching your maximum macros? I did just start lifting weights again and I am trying to eat as much protein as possible. I also try to keep my carbs lower than what I am allowed. I have been losing steadily but want to make sure this trend continues. Am I worrying too much about keeping calories low? I'll open my diary of you want to look at my last few days. Thanks
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Most of the time it seems like people dont really want to hear it? they dont want truths or accuracy. They want...sympathy.

    Can anyone shed some light? or am i just being cynical

    I think until someone is willing and ready to not give themselves excuses, go public with their fitness goals, accept criticism, listen to the advice of others who have been successful, and to work hard and go through the discomfort of giving up old vices.... they might just be looking for a venting board.

    But, everyone has to start somewhere right? Maybe a person needs to get situated and sort out their 'new' lifestyle... Going from a diet of fast food, no exercise, pop, and chips to a life of tracking every morsel on MFP and actually going to the gym is gonna' be a huge shock. And hard. And frustrating. Maybe it'll take an individual trying to "lose 20lbs" as their goal (and not seeing any results for six months) before they realize they NEED to listen to what others are telling them.

    Everyone has to start somewhere... But I think those that are really ready and determined to reach their goals appreciate the tips that are given, and the advice that is counselled to them (even if it's hard to hear!)

    Yes. It really is a journey for most of us. We start out here sure about what we need to do, it doesn't work as planned. We get advice that seems too hard or not disciplined enough. We try some of it. It works better than we thought. Then we realize that it's all very easy once we got out of our own way.

    This person knows her stuff.

    Are you kidding? :blushing:
  • I do REALLY! I am a 59 year old stroke survivor trying to lose 10 pounds over the winter I am 5'2" 135 lbs and can not afford to gain any winter weight. My biggest problem is I do not eat enough I think I'm doing good until I track then the truth comes out so I get discouraged and stop tracking for a while. my exercise is very limited as to what I can do. My therapist said my muscles give out (fatigue) before I can reach fat burning level. I am a cookie hollic. I tried the garcinia cambogia pills and gave up cookies for a week and nothing! I thought I would have at least lost 1 pound. When I did track on a regular basis and was usually at or 200 calories under goal I still lost nada. What gives maybe I'm eating the wrong calories I don't know

    Thanks for any help you can give
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Most of the time it seems like people dont really want to hear it? they dont want truths or accuracy. They want...sympathy.

    Can anyone shed some light? or am i just being cynical

    I think until someone is willing and ready to not give themselves excuses, go public with their fitness goals, accept criticism, listen to the advice of others who have been successful, and to work hard and go through the discomfort of giving up old vices.... they might just be looking for a venting board.

    But, everyone has to start somewhere right? Maybe a person needs to get situated and sort out their 'new' lifestyle... Going from a diet of fast food, no exercise, pop, and chips to a life of tracking every morsel on MFP and actually going to the gym is gonna' be a huge shock. And hard. And frustrating. Maybe it'll take an individual trying to "lose 20lbs" as their goal (and not seeing any results for six months) before they realize they NEED to listen to what others are telling them.

    Everyone has to start somewhere... But I think those that are really ready and determined to reach their goals appreciate the tips that are given, and the advice that is counselled to them (even if it's hard to hear!)

    Yes. It really is a journey for most of us. We start out here sure about what we need to do, it doesn't work as planned. We get advice that seems too hard or not disciplined enough. We try some of it. It works better than we thought. Then we realize that it's all very easy once we got out of our own way.

    This person knows her stuff.

    I agree with this, and I think it is very easy once you get it all down. I think the issue is that not everyone gets it down at the same rate or in the same way. It can be very overwhelming, and when you say that something's not going to work for you and then 10 people jump down your throat and start asking why are you here, do you really want to lose weight, why are you making excuses, if you really wanted this you'd make it happen, you must just want to sit around, do nothing, and take a magic pill….it's kind of difficult to get the point where you have it all together. Sometimes it is people getting in their own way, and other times it's just people needing support and help trying to figure out a way to make it happen.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I dont need you effing help.

    I will ask all the detox and raspberry ketone questions i want. I dont want answers, i just want people to agree with me.

  • I'm a Type 2 diabetic with elevated cholesterol with a goal of getting to 130 lbs. by July by any means necessary. I currently weigh 202.8 lbs. I need and want help. It feels like I can't eat anything I want to.