

  • I was worried about loosing my boobs but I've just shrunk around the band. Gone from a 34D to a 30DD! Lovely but getting bras is a nightmare I have discovered! Tried one on today that added a cup size! Now I am a UK 10 with 30DD boobs, pretty good proportions I reckon, add a cup size and I looked ridiculous! Was the only…
  • Thanks guys. I don't eat a huge amount of diet stuff but I think I will start adding in full fat yogurt and nuts to lunches. I usually have dried fruit and oatcakes for lunch but I can easily add nuts. Any other ideas are very welcome :)
  • I've beat it, that and anorexia/ bulimia!!! It's tough, it took me 2 years of therapy, meds and lots of support but I did it (I have lots of other MH issues as well so thinks took a bit longer with me) A trip to the gp is a great starting place xx
  • Bio oil. I've not used it for stretch marks but it's worked wonders on my scars
  • I usually add coffee, tea, juice etc in my diary. I log water and herbal tea's in water.
  • They do hun, on the starbucks uk website under nutritional info they have a list of all the drinks and food. It's a bit of a pain to find but you could have a look, see what are the 'healthier' options and choose from whatever they have. A costa skinny flat white is 70 cals apparently, I usually opt for this but their…
  • I suffered from binge eating disorder, this sounds exactly like I used to be. Put all 'binge' type foods out of reach (even if you have to climb to get them it gives you a bit of time to think yourself out of it) or don't buy them. Make a list of the foods you normally binge on, list the calories next to them and stick it…
  • If you really knew me you'd know that what I want most of all is to be 'normal' and not have my life and decisions ruled by past abuse and MH issues. You'd know that for all the grown up things I do I'm still really that 14 year old that can't get herself out of a horrendous situation. You'd also know that sometimes I wake…
  • Wow, your wife sounds exactly the same as me! My husband also cooks and just adds meat to his meals. I can't say if being veggie is easy or not coz I don't remember ever eating meat (I know I did when I was little) I also agree about Quorn, adds bulk to meals and is so low fat too, some of my non veggie friends who are…
  • Great reply hun :)
  • Seems that things are getting a bit heated and it's totally understandable. I currently suffer with non purging bulimia after recovering from anorexia and binge eating disorder. I use the site as a way of controlling my eating, I need a great deal of control otherwise I get very anxious. ED's seem to be a very contentious…
  • I think if you go fairly slowly you should be ok. You could also use a firming body cream, dunno if you're in uk or us but in uk Palmers do a great coco butter body cream for pregnancy and weight loss. I use it and it's lovely :)
  • I have a friend who is anorexic, she is currently working hard to gain weight. When she finds it hard to eat solids she has soup or smoothies. You can really put your calories in if you blend a whole bunch of fruit with some yogurt (or if you're really low on cals then ice cream) or make a home mead soup and blend. If it's…
  • Funny seeing this post as I was just talking to my friend, she found out she was gluten intolerant by doing the eating by blood type thing. I thought it sounded weird but by the sound of it it's worked really well for her
  • Keep an eye on it hun, it is def a sign of disordered eating and the start of a not so healthy relationship with food. Trust me, it's a slippery slope xxx
  • Thats so true about the complete button, I got a telling off yesterday coz I came in with an unhealthy reduction in calories. I felt really proud of myself, not good. I had a slice of toast to tip me into the 'ok' amount to be under.
  • I'm surprised by some of the reactions here. I think if you have a history of eating disorders then these kinds of things are something you DO need to keep an eye on. I think people have very different ideas about what obsessive means, but obsessive when you have an ED is not simply a case of worrying a bit about what…
  • I've heard of it. I thought it referred to people who were totally obsessed with like raw food etc. Depends how obsessive you are getting about it. I've also suffered various ED's since teenage-hood, I was told by my shrink that as I've suffered ED's I will probably always be obsessive about food but that as long as I was…