starbucks, cafe nero and costa

Hello beautiful people I wonder if you can help me? :flowerforyou:

I'm taking my children into town tomorrow and a treat for us all is to go for a coffee and a cake (milkshake or apple juice for them).

My daughter in particular loves it, as it makes her feel very sophisticated and grown up. We used to go every few weeks in the holidays but, in this past year since I have been paying better attention to what I eat, we've only been once or twice.

This time I'd like to make a healthy choice. I usually try and do my best, but after finding that Starbucks carrot cake is over 400 cals a slice I want to be a bit surer this time.

1. So for coffee I'll use splenda anyway - would a skinny cappuccino be better than a skinny latte? Or an americano?

2. For cakes or danish pastry ('good' treat for me, I'll just let the kids choose within reason for themselves) none of the coffee houses in our City have a complete selection - but is there anything you know to be a 'good' choice?

3. Finally which is generally the best for healthy choices? Starbucks, Cafe Nero (arguably the best for coffee) or Costa (best cake selection generally).?

You're all so lovely - please help me! :smile:


  • adagolden
    adagolden Posts: 146 Member

    they list drinks under 200 calories and food under 350 calories or under 10g of fat

    I only know of Starbucks and I usually opt for a skinny frappaccino...good luck.
  • emsibun
    emsibun Posts: 208
    Thank you I wish they did that for the UK menu! That would be so helpful x
  • kittytompsett
    They do hun, on the starbucks uk website under nutritional info they have a list of all the drinks and food. It's a bit of a pain to find but you could have a look, see what are the 'healthier' options and choose from whatever they have.

    A costa skinny flat white is 70 cals apparently, I usually opt for this but their cakes are hugely high in cals. I prefer costa coffee or cafe nero but starbucks fraps are really low plus they do the skinny muffin options.

    Either way, enjoy your treat :)
  • Sparrow_Feet
    Sparrow_Feet Posts: 76 Member
    Go to and download the PDF's for drinks and food.

    It's quite an interesting read....the carrot cake is actually 560 calories per serving! Wowzers... No wonder it tastes soooo nice. I think you'd be better opting for a Granola Bar or a Skinny Muffin. As for drinks...and Americano will always be better than a Latte or Cappucino as it's mainly water, not milk.

    Hope that helps.

  • ellenangel
    ellenangel Posts: 106 Member
    I prefer costa coffee or cafe nero but starbucks fraps are really low plus they do the skinny muffin options.

    Ditto! Their Americano with a little hot steamed skim milk is delicious!

    Starbucks have the new petite range- think all options are around the 200 calorie mark.

    Biscotti are always a good choice and they have them at every coffee chain- usually packaged by the tills. They are usually big, definitely less than 200 cals and take forever to eat because they are so crunchy (made to dip in coffee until soft).