Binge eating

Hi everyone!

I'm new to this site and also to my recent plan to get in shape! I have lost weight in the past, but mostly while I was in the dorms or at a summer camp when meals were restricted to certain times and I never had my own supply of food that I could munch on. Basically I have trouble controlling myself, my cravings and my love to snack. I find myself saying "oh I'll just have one more" and then I almost black out and eat uncontrollably (I literally can barely remember what I ate later on) and then I feel extremely guilty, depressed and want to give up.
Is there anyone who can give me some advice on how to end this shameful habit? A mantra? anythinggg



  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I just think about my goal which is to have a sexy body. Eating in that moment will just bring me further from my goal. and i will feel guilty during after and the rest of the week. Try to stick to healthier options and drink lots of water to keep you from feeling hungry. Also will power, get some. If you workout you can eat more so keep an eye on you habits.
  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    If you live by yourself, don't buy the unhealthy snacks. If you don't live by yourself, buy your own healthy snacks and put them in baggies. Eat the whole baggie if you long as its healthy. Try muching on fresh veggies, mixed nuts, whole wheat crackers and a wedge of laughing cow cheese...many options, just preportion them out. And as someone else said...the more you exercise, the more you can eat.
  • ladyluck4210
    ladyluck4210 Posts: 107 Member
    I know what you mean. I've been one to snack when I watch tv, sit at my desk, or am just bored. I've been doing this site for about 10 days and I can honestly say that I have not once snacked. I've been tempted several times but whenever I have that urge I just get up and do something. I'm a photographer so I'll edit pictures, go for a drive or call someone on the phone or get onto this site and read peoples success stories. It seems to be working!!
  • kittytompsett
    I suffered from binge eating disorder, this sounds exactly like I used to be.

    Put all 'binge' type foods out of reach (even if you have to climb to get them it gives you a bit of time to think yourself out of it) or don't buy them.
    Make a list of the foods you normally binge on, list the calories next to them and stick it on the fridge.
    Write notes everywhere questioning why you are doing it.
    Write a list of distracting things you can do, work your way down the list every time you feel like bingeing.
    If you can't hold off then drink pints and pints of water, makes you feel uncomfortably full and stops the binge urge.
    If snacking is the difficult thing work out your 'trigger' foods, try to avoid them or put them into portion sizes so you can't over eat on them.

    Good luck hun xx
  • JPatrick617
    Honestly I think it's just about avoiding the trigger foods. I definitely have a binge eating problem- If I let myself buy junk food, for example, I WILL consume the entire package. If you really think you have a psychological food addiction you have to come to terms with the fact that moderation will not come easy for you so for a while enact some type of ban on junk food- knowing that you will eat entire packages. As you get into a better shape you will probably find self control a little easier to maintain all the work you've done. I have worked in chocolate for 8 years- I started off at 300 lbs when I was 16 and now I'm 180- never really exercised, but for a year I was travelling too much (six hours a day on foot) to have time to obtain or eat the junk and I lost the rest from another year I took off from working in the chocolate business. Now I'm back and struggling with the same issue.

    Key suggestions: Stay away from the junk aisle of the market (whatever your trigger is) and don't allow it in your home if you can until you break the compulsion. If you live with other people and can't control the food influx, then find something else- go for a walk, scream into your pillow, keep calm and ignore- whatever method gets you to move on. I always make myself sick with food and so every time I tell myself no matter what I eat it's only gonna make me feel sick and hurt my goals.

    All this talking has me in the mood for junk now ;-)
  • xacceb
    xacceb Posts: 3
    I also have a binge eating problem. For over a month I've stuck to my strict, healthy diet, then today I let myself down and had 3 homemade vegan cupcakes and a skinny cow ice cream (in the space of 20 minutes). It's worrying me a lot as not long ago I would binge and purge all the time, and I don't EVER want to do that again but I can feel myself wanting to :( My binge thankfully didn't take me over 1500 calories so knowing I won't gain any weight helps, but if it happens again then I know I might give in.

    Is there anyone here that wants to be friends on here and help each other?
  • stephgreene
    stephgreene Posts: 143
    I binge also.. it's like once I start eating a trigger food I literally just cannot stop eating it. Like, last night for example -- finished off almost an entire bag of cheddar and sour cream chips and 2 candy bars...

    Today, I'm just making an effort to not eat as much and tomorrow I'll go back to normal. The biggest part is trying not to hate myself for eating. It's really hard not to, but it's possible and I know you can do it! Just chalk it up to a bad day and get back on track the next day! Nobody's perfect! Also, nothing will taste as good as thin feels... or so they say :flowerforyou: