

  • haha thanks for responding to my posts, one ever does i feel like no one has the same problems that i do! it's okay, i realize i'm probably a minority in this group, not needing to lose more than 5 pounds or so but i guess we all have our struggles.
  • ever since i've been young, my dad has pounded into our heads the importance of breakfast. So, i always eat some sort of fruit, veggies if i have eggs, a carb and a protein, water, milk, PB..... then i feel guilty for eating so many calories just for breakfast. I do great when I have just an apple or a protein shake.…
  • try looking up Hal Higdon's Novice 5k training program!
  • I write for my university's newspaper...thought you guys might enjoy this article: M.L. Editorial Columnist What if I told you that I was using a miracle drug that can remedy obesity, depression, drug addiction, smoker’s lung, sleep troubles and many other impediments affecting your daily life? What if I told you that this…
  • I write for my university's newspaper...thought you guys might enjoy this article: M.L. Editorial Columnist What if I told you that I was using a miracle drug that can remedy obesity, depression, drug addiction, smoker’s lung, sleep troubles and many other impediments affecting your daily life? What if I told you that this…
  • college student here too!
  • i would also recommend Hal Higdon's novice 5k training program. it has more cross training and rest than cool running i believe. let me know if you have any other questions--i work at a running store and run many races! good luck! M
    in 5K Comment by mlck2323 July 2008
  • I'm in college too, and love organic but can't always afford it. I buy regular apples, spinach, etc., but organic frozen veggie burgers, tofu, cereal, bread and plain almonds. I eat TONS of canned tuna, oatmeal, egg beaters, frozen fruit/veggies and protein powder. hope this helps!
  • ....should we increase to 12...?
  • don't let him blame me......
  • hey, is anyone here training for either of these this fall?
  • running is one of the quickest, and most efficient way to burn calories. so if you are interested in putting the time in to get into the sport then go for it!! I work at a running store and fell in love with running a few years ago. I am training for a fall marathon now. What the two previous posts said are right on! find…
  • carb! but still so good for yoU!
  • great way to think--i love reading posts about positive thinking. I like that you don't let others rule you, you will always be out there on the roads and I bet the reason your friends want to walk with you is because you know what you want and nothing is going to stop you from reaching your goal! keep it up. M
  • run 2.11 miles!
  • agreed! we love mfp but as someone said before, it IS addicting and hard to get off your mind-- we need to enjoy life too!
    in beer Comment by mlck2323 July 2008
  • thanks!!! ps. this original post was a drunk one. but thanks for the responses!
    in beer Comment by mlck2323 July 2008
  • do you guys really never go out and have a few? do you save the calories for it or what? its not good to not eat before drinking... maybe its because i'm in college but really....i can't just not eat in order to drink beer.
    in beer Comment by mlck2323 July 2008
  • keep it up! --planks are one of the best core workouts! I do a 25 minute ab workout every other day that includes four sets of one minute front planks and four 30 second planks on each side.
  • so does anyone else do front and side planks?
  • okay deal. This may not sound like much, but the last pounds are the hardest! July 4: 134 August 1: 131
  • thanks that did make me think. and feel better about my pb habits..
  • keep it up! every morning AND night!!!
  • Way to go running the firs 13! I would recommend trying a steady walk-run regimen. Start by running for three minutes, walking for two. Do that for 25-30 minutes instead, and in two weeks or so, add a minute to the run part (4 and 2). After a couple weeks of that, try 4 run, 1 walk. Work your way up to ten and one and in…
  • they are right--a treadmill not only propels you a little bit forward, but also does not account for wind resistance. It is recommended that you run 70% of your runs outside for greater benefits... plus, running outside allows you to explore your areas in ways you never get to in a car. You can be more spiritual outside…
  • In response to the pushup post earlier... I propose everyone who is interested to do ten pushups before they go to sleep and ten in the morning. Every morning, every night. If this means two sets of five, five sets of two, or even ten sets of one, get it done. In one week, you will have done 140 more pushups than before.…