

  • It's not hard to get proper nutrition with 1200 calories a day. Under 1000 is asking for trouble but considering at 30lbs overweight I burn 2200 a day, that means I have 1000 calorie deficit. You have to burn 3500 calories to loose a pound. At that rate you're losing about 1.5 pounds a week. Sample 1200 calorie menu. Hard…
  • Well, I'm not far into *this* journey but I've made it more than once and one thing I've really beat into myself through mistake after mistake is the choices I make today will decide the life I have tomorrow. Stop living in the moment.
  • I am not a Vegan but my father in law is eating a vegan diet while in end stage cancer, it slows the growth of tumors, supposedly. Anywho, he had some radiation to prevent growth of one particular brain tumor giving him migraines and destroying his vision in the left eye (otherwise he's against traditional chemo and…
  • No, not anorexia. I am the opposite of that thinking. You deprive yourself food to be thin and I would emotionally stuff myself with food and tell myself I didn't care what I looked like, no one gave a crap anyway. All varying types of self hating. I am trying to learn how to care about my body and be proud of what it can…
  • I've been running outside, is that an option for you? The terrain will be different, as well the inclines and your stride. You could also try an elliptical machine if you're in a gym, those are supposed to kick some serious calories. How about a spin class?
  • It's true, I feel fabulous and accomplished (more so than I've ever tried before) so that should be it's own reward but I really would love to SEE the progress in my body. Perhaps I should be measuring my waist instead. Anywho, thanks for the words of encouragement ladies!!!
  • One alternative to sweeteners is fruit. Add some lemon, frozen raspberries, blueberries or strawberries to your water. Drink it while the fruit is still fresh and frozen. It helps. Iced tea sweetened with honey is another option, iced tea is water based. I like crystal light peach iced tea "on the go" packs for when I'm…
  • I just ate a low cal pudding cup and still have like, 350 calories left for the day! I *heart* pudding :heart: Off to bed :yawn:
  • Hi there! I love your screen name lol. Good luck in your training, I also just started here. I am trying to teach myself how to run. I walked over 3 miles today and ran not quite 1/3 of that distance, but it's a start!
  • Thanks for the advice ladies! Its so encouraging to see all your tickers. I would love to look at my profile one day and see "34lbs lost" as that would be within my target weight range! Good for ALL of you :smile: