Your best weight loss tip



  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    The best advice I've received is this: "Stop looking for tricks for weight loss. Stop second guessing the program. Obviously what you've tried didn't work - or you wouldn't be here." Honestly - simply eating well does SO much to get you headed in the right direction! Add a little exercise and you'll be amazed at how good you feel!
  • Motleybird
    Motleybird Posts: 119 Member
    Log it everyday even if you were 'bad,' and if you did go over, check the numbers. Did you go below the day before and your body is trying to make up for it? Are you still under your maintenance calories? If you went over maintenance too, then by how much? Don't freak out every time you see red. Put it in perspective and get back at it.
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Losing weight and feeling good is more obtainable if I work out or just get out and move! I lost 50 lbs before but I feel much better and look much better since I've done it with exercise.
  • mlove1307
    mlove1307 Posts: 151
    Losing 100 lbs and keeping it off (or even losing five pounds and keeping it off!!) isn't easy if you don't make at least SOME of your changes permanent.

    They aren't kidding when they say you have to make a "lifestyle" change.. :]

    The best thing I did while losing a majority of my weight was face my emotions and then make time to do "fun things".. Like meditating, learning to play guitar, going for slow walks (instead of fast paced just for exercise walks)..

    And last, challenge yourself. Human bodies are these amazing creations. We were made to move, not eat chips sitting on the couch. Get out there, get moving and good luck everyone! :]
  • Jujubeez330
    Well, I'm not far into *this* journey but I've made it more than once and one thing I've really beat into myself through mistake after mistake is the choices I make today will decide the life I have tomorrow. Stop living in the moment.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I have learned that I can't eat as much as my soon to be husband eats...
  • AnahitaCanDoIt
    I agree with everyone else's comments but I'd add a few things to it...


    -I need at least 30g of fibre a day to keep regular, feel good and lose the puffiness in my gut.
    -Protein is important. I need to eat over 90g of protein but more than that is better.
    -I needed Vitamin D3 and calcium
    -I need at least 4litres of water a day over the whole day


    -I can do cardio but I won't see the results in improvments in how much I can do straightaway.
    -Kettlebells work very well for me.
    -Working out 5x a week is a minimum. 45min 5x a week is what works for me. If I do 3x a week, I lose my momentum.
    -Weight training won't make me huge and bulky it'll help me to burn fat.


    -No one is going to do this for me. Excuse time is over! I'm 1/5 of the way there but the next 4/5 will get increasingly harder as I get lighter and lighter, I'll have to work harder and harder!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Best weight loss tip.... Secret of keeping weight off.

    Some one once told me that our fat sits in a bubble wrap like tissue in our bodies. The bubble wrap empties when we loose weight but does not go away. It fills back up when we put weight on. This is why we work hard to loose weight and find it piles back on so quickly and easily -because the body thinks we need the extra weight. This is why we all 'yo-yo' with our weight loss/gain.

    The secret to keeping weight off it to allow your body to stablise at it's new weight.
    The way to do this is by keeping at or under your target weigh for at least six months, once stabilised you'll find it much easier to keep control of.

    So once you arrive at your target weight... don't relax, keep at it and keep checking your weight and keep doing all the things you did to get there but this time keeping your weight where it is. Otherwise you'll quickly undo all your hard work.

    I have tested this some years ago before having my son and quitting smoking - and gaining again.
    It does work and after six months you really can be more relaxed and the weight doesn't pile back on so easily.

  • Lady_C_the_1st
    For me, it is not beating yourself up about the mistakes of yesterday, or last week. Learn from them and move on. If you put back on a lb, it is not the end of the world, just think about what you can do differently today, this week.

    Also be aware of information overload. Too much information can be extremely confusing, learn what works for your body, after all, everyone is different in the way we use energy and process food.
  • semperfiwife
    For me it's, after countless times in my life trying to lose the weight, that you have to do it for you. You have to want to be healthy for yourself, not to make other people happy or impress anyone else. The past month I have been doing it for me, the healthy way, and the weight is coming off and I am proud, thats a great feeling!
  • helliecopter
    helliecopter Posts: 19 Member
    You'll never regret doing some exercise! Even 10 minutes. It all counts. Get moving!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    Eat with your non dominate hand. (I am right handed so I try and eat with my left.) You have to "think" harder to eat so it will slow down how fast you eat.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Eat with your non dominate hand. (I am right handed so I try and eat with my left.) You have to "think" harder to eat so it will slow down how fast you eat.

    oooh, good one!

    thought I'd heard them all :laugh: :wink:
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    i've learned from my good friend, who is a nutritionist, that there is no such thing as a "bad" food, it only becomes bad when you eat beyond the actual serving size...:wink:
    Humm, how about Starbucks Venti (20 oz.) White Chocolate Mocha with 2% milk and whipped cream, with 580 calories and 15 grams of saturated fat ( worse than a McDonald's Quarter Pounder with Cheese). Or pork rinds. Yuck. :tongue:

    Ha. Anyway, I know what you mean. "Portion control" is a great weight loss tip!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Love and respect yourself enough to stick to the promises you make regarding your health and well-being.

    This is exactly what I believe also..."time to love myself"...enough to care about me first...getting in the exercise that makes me feel great.!!!!...enough to care about what I'm putting in my mouth...eating to repair the body, and keep it in top shape. Realizing that these habits will form themselves if I just take baby steps everyday...It WILL not happen over night but it will happen if I put the effort in everyday...we all have 10-15 minutes a day, start there and see where that takes you...for me it is usually an additional 10-15 minutes:bigsmile:
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    It's all about portion control. I've also learned to eat my food slowly and drink water or diet soda when I eat. I used to eat way too fast and way too much but never really enjoyed my food before.
  • Fuhgeddaboudit
    I'm def saving this email for a boost when I'm down :drinker:
  • supercool111
    Eat and drink what you like but just don't eat quite as much as you would like. It's all about energy balance.
    Also try not to eat the same foods all the time.
  • bathori
    bathori Posts: 33
    Drink tonnes of water and lift heavy things.
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    Drink tonnes of water and lift heavy things.
    Sigh. I'd not be lifting heavy things unless you are in the physical condition to be doing so. I back injury is not going to help your dieting.