Peaceandwater Member


  • Mediterranean No-Lettuce Salad: 1. Chop up cucumbers, tomatoes, scallions, peppers, fresh herbs like basil or cilantro, garlic. 2. Mix with balsamic vinegar, a little olive oil, salt, pepper, lemon juice 3. Add some feta or fresh mozzarella and maybe some good olives if you're into that. Add, subtract, or substitute…
  • Open diary here with a goal of 1400 calories. I would love to see what others are eating, especially if I can get more ideas for easy recipes using whole foods (non-processed). I love cheese but dairy (and sugar) make my skin break out so I'm trying to reduce that. I haven't been consistent lately but I'm starting a 30 day…
  • I had to declare my weight in front of my guy when we got fishing licenses (apparently they need to know how much you weigh to let you go fishing). I quickly subtracted 15 pounds from the real number, which is the weight I "look". Well, at least I think I look 15 pounds lighter than I am... ;-)
  • In Winter.....You wear jeans and cotton socks under your ski pants, which are all tucked into your ski or snowboard boots, which are not laced correctly. You have a Go-Pro on your helmet and like, 10 or 12 lift tickets flapping from your zipper. You talk on your cell phone during the chair lift ride. In the Fall....You are…
  • Fairly low-calorie but nutritious and delicious: (230 calories, 23 grams of protein) 1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk 3/4 cup frozen mixed berries 1 scoop chocolate protein powder (Plant Fusion) 1/4 cup of water. Sometimes I add 1 tablespoon of PB 2 (powdered peanut butter) for awesomeness (23 calories and 3 grams of…
  • I'm so excited for you to get your dog in September! They really do motivate you to get moving even when you don't feel like it, it's raining, etc.
  • I have a 5 year old Rottie mix and we do a 20 minute walk every morning (includes some uphill and downhill) at a trail near my house. She is lucky that she can be off-leash there and run around. Then when I get home from work it is usually time for fetch which is great exercise for her but not much for me.... But on the…
  • I am 31 and I am realizing that I like myself so much more than in my 20s. I am smarter, wiser, more patient, more confident, and more satisfied with my life. Welcome to the club! Feel free to friend me and we can help motivate each other.
  • Not sure if you have a blender, but I like to make a quick smoothie and drink it on my way to work. I use 1 cup of vanilla unsweetened almond milk (soy milk, cow milk, coconut water, use whatever), with a bunch of mixed frozen berries. If I know I'll need more energy, I'll add a scoop of protein shake mix or some nut…
  • There are different styles of yoga but I think they all help towards weight loss in different ways. Yoga is very much a strengthening exercise, especially when you are holding poses and balancing. I find that there are some yoga instructors that move the pace along quickly and I end up feeling like I did cardio when the…
  • A few years ago I printed out a plan called "Couch to 5K" which spelled out a plan for non-runners to complete a 5K in a couple of months. I never finished it, I think because I didn't have any plan to run a 5K. Now that I'm all signed up and paid for, I think I'll have some motivation.
  • I exercise first and eat after. This is mainly because I can only do certain things (running, yoga...) on an empty stomach. If I try to run (or other high intensity cardio such as Zumba) even an hour or two after I eat I get really intense side cramps. I can only run first thing in the morning before I eat breakfast or…
  • Hi Everyone, I live in Cambridge, VT and just started on MFP a week ago. I'm kind of obsessed with tracking my food and exercise right now so we'll see how long that lasts :-) If you live in Vermont, please add me as a friend. I would love to hear how other people around the state are getting fit!
  • I try my best to make sure that the ONLY sugar I am consuming is from 1 or 2 pieces of whole, fresh fruit per day (mainly within breakfast like a smoothie) or the sugar that is found in many veggies like carrots, beets etc. Usually, eating sugary foods causes me to crave more but with fresh fruit I have not noticed this. I…
  • Hi there! I am also looking for people to connect with to stay motivated. I have been on and off the fitness bandwagon so many times but I have learned a lot in the past two years and now I'm ready for some new approaches. Please add me!
  • That really stinks that you feel like you can't be honest with your friends and family about your goals. Hopefully you will find support here with us! I totally understand your part about bigger relatives getting pissed at you for wanting to slim down. I have been in the same situations because many of my friends and…