Previous yo-yo dieter looking for friends!

Hi guys!

I've been on a cycle of gaining and losing weight for about two years now, and it absolutely sucks. It' has definitely taken a toll on my physical and emotional health, and I've had to struggle through bouts of depression on top of it. I have never told my family or friends about my dieting because they're either naturally skinny and would laugh or they're bigger than me and would be pissed that I'm "not happy with myself" or "making them feel fat." I feel like a lack of support has made it very hard for me to reach my goals. I am looking to slim down and lose around twenty pounds.

Feel free to add me! I will accept all friend requests, I'm desperate for support and will definitely give it back!


  • Peaceandwater
    Peaceandwater Posts: 23 Member
    That really stinks that you feel like you can't be honest with your friends and family about your goals. Hopefully you will find support here with us! I totally understand your part about bigger relatives getting pissed at you for wanting to slim down. I have been in the same situations because many of my friends and family are overweight and feel like MY extra 15 pounds is "nothing".

    What if, instead of calling it "dieting", you told your family that you wanted to start eating really healthy? You could tell then that you just feel better when you are eating healthy foods and being active and that you would love for them to join you on some of these things. Or you could experiment with different vegetable recipes and invite people over to try it?