

  • Its ok. Just look forward to the next day.
  • Its ok....dont worry. But since you know in advance that they eat unhealthy...well...not what you need....take your own. I went to a friends house for a BBQ and knowing I would not beable to enjoy the steak...ok I would enjoy it for the moment...but later would feel bad....I took my own lean cuisine with me. While they ate…
  • Hey....nice to meet you. I think i can give you some positive pointers. I like to share. would love to help...and Im just a phone call away. .Kristine
  • Of course you can do it! And you can do it faster than a year! Make sure you excersise....that vitamins and eat a low calorie, low fat...YET FILLING meals. Me...I love hotdogs. I found 97%fat free Hebrew National hotdogs....2 for lunch... maybe 2 for dinner...whatever floats my boat. Lean Cuisine Market meal are great as…
  • From experience I can tell you that if you dont watch it you will gain weight. Let me tell you...In 2005 I was 245lbs.....and thru diet...being active and drinking was not in the picture....I was able to lose 100lbs by 2007. It was like it was effortless. In Jan 2009 I lost my job and my boyfriend and turned to booze for…
  • Wow ...quitting smoking and trying to lose weight...a big battle. Mty problem is kind of the same but not. I need to quit smoking...need to lose weight...and need to quit drinking. The drinking is putting on weight that I cant control. I dont drink all the time but I eat and smoke all the time. I can quit one...and I chose…
  • Hi...Im Kristine....Kris for short. I have been on the weight loss roller coaster too many times to count. The last time I thought I had made it but a year later i gained 100!!! Its my 2nd day on here....1st day of working out yest. at Curves...(wow...what a workout)....I wish everyone luck!!!
    in Hi! Comment by crazylyma April 2011
  • Hi...just started....would love a friend.