Horrible day

Oh goodness did I have a horrible horrible day today! I ate at my parents place for lunch and supper and whenever I do that I always eat way too much unhealthy food. They buy a lot of junk food and quick meals. Going to their place is always my downfall and my weakness. I ate waaay over my limit of 1200 calories. I really need to get more strict with this! Also, I think I'm starting an exercise schedule this Friday. Hopefully I can stick to that. Wish me luck!


  • Janelle_Teaches
    Good luck!!! Remember, there will be days when we 'blow it'..the thing to remember..it was just a day/meal!!! You can get back on the bandwagon!!! :)
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    We all have our bad days. Just get right back on track & work it. Best of luck to you!
  • degaxx
    degaxx Posts: 1
    Hi Taylor! I, too, have the same problem when eating at my parents house! How is it that the people who taught us to eat right are the ones who can foil our plans! I have learned that this situation requires serious portion control and going for the least of the evils. It is so easy to overdo it though in this comforting environment. Good luck with this and let us know if you come up with any strategies!
  • crazylyma
    crazylyma Posts: 9
    Its ok....dont worry. But since you know in advance that they eat unhealthy...well...not what you need....take your own. I went to a friends house for a BBQ and knowing I would not beable to enjoy the steak...ok I would enjoy it for the moment...but later would feel bad....I took my own lean cuisine with me. While they ate the steak i ate mine. It sounds bad...yes...but if they are understanding about what your tryng to do they will not be offended...they will admire you.