Hello! New member here...Army Wife in KS:)

Hello! Just started on MFP, switching from another website to this, I have heard great things:) I am a proud mommy to two wonderful kiddos and a very proud Army wife! Highest weight was 235 almost two years ago and since then have gotten down to 165 and back up to 205 after quitting smoking. I am back down now to 192 and have been consistent with diet and excercise for the last month. I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and started Adderall, so waiting to see how that changes everything. Looking forward to the future!


  • Sprinkie09
    Sprinkie09 Posts: 40 Member
    HEYYY!! Im an AW in KS too!!! :D
  • crazylyma
    crazylyma Posts: 9
    Wow ...quitting smoking and trying to lose weight...a big battle. Mty problem is kind of the same but not. I need to quit smoking...need to lose weight...and need to quit drinking. The drinking is putting on weight that I cant control. I dont drink all the time but I eat and smoke all the time. I can quit one...and I chose eating...eating the wrong things. i joined curves...watch what I ate and lost 11 lbs the first month. Good luck to you!!!!
  • keljo720
    keljo720 Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome! I'm not an Army wife but an Air Force wife and we're stationed in South Dakota. I'm also fairly new to the site. There are lots of nice folks who offer loads of support and encouragement. Best of luck on your journey to a new you!
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Hi there!!! We have a special group for anyone in the military social circle (active, dependents & vets), please post there and feel free to friend any of us. We gotta stick together :D

  • modelina
    modelina Posts: 6
    Welcome to the site! I'm an Army wife too (but in Texas). This is a great site so I'm sure you will be successful. Good luck! :)
  • Angeloftheshore
    Angeloftheshore Posts: 227 Member
    Welcome! I am a Navy wife, just quit smoking myself and also trying to lose weight at the same time! Please feel free to add me, I am here daily!