206 today...ugh

Found this tool, and am hoping by tracking and exercising I can lose the 60 pounds in one year's time. That is doable isn't it? I have tried just about everything but realize it is so much emotional than counting calories. I am a binge eater, and have worked very hard this year learning skills to deal with it in group therapy. It is enough to keep me at this weight, so am obviously still overeating "healthy" foods and not getting enough exercise..still. I welcome suggestions, success stories, etc.


  • goingwithgrace
    goingwithgrace Posts: 109 Member
    Completely doable! I'm on the drop 60 too. I lost around 8 pounds prior to MFP and 17 since coming on here. I've been super busy and thanks to MFP I've been able to maintain. Getting back on the workouts so I expect to keep moving down the scale now.

    Good luck and enjoy the journey. :)
  • mommacool
    mommacool Posts: 138 Member
    Yes totally doable. I started at 223 in january and have lost 28 so far. Last couple months have been slower due to joint problems with exercising. Add me! I am 49 and have a ways to go. I'd be happy to support you on MFP!! :) Laura
  • 2BabyMama
    2BabyMama Posts: 65
    We're in about the same boat.....I just started today and I weighed in a 210 and I'd like to get down to 160, I'm 5'8 with an athletic build so I think that's a great weight for me. Best of luck to us both!
  • JennieMaeK
    JennieMaeK Posts: 474 Member
    60 lbs is completely doable in a year. That's a little more than 1 pound a week, which is a very healthy way to do it.

    My best advice is be completely honest with yourself regarding your food diary. Track everything, you're only fooling yourself otherwise and it will help you to see trends and make it easier to see where you need to make changes.

    Good luck to you. Feel free to add me as a friend if you are looking for additional support.
  • kimark1
    kimark1 Posts: 84 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I am really just getting started on this myself and the best tool so far has been the food diary. Before, I really didn't think I was eating that unhealthy or even overeating but once I started keeping track I was shocked at the reality of it. I actually went back two full days before my official start date and put in all that food and realized that I wasn't on target at all for weight loss. This has motivated me to start exercising so I can eat more!! ;) There are some amazing stories and tons of people who are so supportive and I am sure as you search on here some more you will find many who are battling the same exact issues that you are currently dealing with and that makes you feel not alone in your journey! Good luck!!
  • Janelle_Teaches
    I think it is completly doable!!! :) there are 52 weeks in a year..so a little over a pound a week and you are there!! :) You can do it!!!! :)
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    It's up to you. Depends on many factors. Maybe the primary factor is do you really want to put in the effort.
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Very do-able! I started at 209, and am working my way down to 150. I would like to do this in a year, but it may take me a little longer. I'm OK with that, since I am trying to make some real changes in my life by eating a bit healthier, and by incorporating exercise this time. I'm almost to the halfway point!

    Add me as a friend, if you'd like. And Good Luck!
  • crazylyma
    crazylyma Posts: 9
    Of course you can do it! And you can do it faster than a year! Make sure you excersise....that vitamins and eat a low calorie, low fat...YET FILLING meals. Me...I love hotdogs. I found 97%fat free Hebrew National hotdogs....2 for lunch... maybe 2 for dinner...whatever floats my boat. Lean Cuisine Market meal are great as well. Be active. I started Curves May 1st and lost 11lb already. I have set my weight loss high... Im impatient...Im like most...I want it now....and you know what... Ill have it now...and healthy at that. Good luck!
  • brittanydittman
    You can do it!! I lost around 70 in a year!! that was a few years back tho :) Feel free to add me as a friend. Id be happy to lend some advice or support when i can!